How to use the rebulk.match._BaseMatches._base function in rebulk

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few rebulk examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def starting(self, start, predicate=None, index=None):
        Retrieves a set of Match objects that starts at given index.
        :param start: the starting index
        :type start: int
        :param predicate:
        :type predicate:
        :param index:
        :type index: int
        :return: set of matches
        :rtype: set[Match]
        return filter_index(_BaseMatches._base(self._start_dict[start]), predicate, index)
github Toilal / rebulk / rebulk / View on Github external
def named(self, name, predicate=None, index=None):
        Retrieves a set of Match objects that have the given name.
        :param name:
        :type name: str
        :param predicate:
        :type predicate:
        :param index:
        :type index: int
        :return: set of matches
        :rtype: set[Match]
        return filter_index(_BaseMatches._base(self._name_dict[name]), predicate, index)
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def ending(self, end, predicate=None, index=None):
        Retrieves a set of Match objects that ends at given index.
        :param end: the ending index
        :type end: int
        :param predicate:
        :type predicate:
        :return: set of matches
        :rtype: set[Match]
        return filter_index(_BaseMatches._base(self._end_dict[end]), predicate, index)
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def tagged(self, tag, predicate=None, index=None):
        Retrieves a set of Match objects that have the given tag defined.
        :param tag:
        :type tag: str
        :param predicate:
        :type predicate:
        :param index:
        :type index: int
        :return: set of matches
        :rtype: set[Match]
        return filter_index(_BaseMatches._base(self._tag_dict[tag]), predicate, index)
github Toilal / rebulk / rebulk / View on Github external
:param match:
        :type match:
        :param predicate:
        :type predicate:
        :param index:
        :type index: int
        current = match.start + 1
        while current <= self._max_end:
            next_matches = self.starting(current)
            if next_matches:
                return filter_index(next_matches, predicate, index)
            current += 1
        return filter_index(_BaseMatches._base(), predicate, index)
github Toilal / rebulk / rebulk / View on Github external
:type ignore:
        :param seps:
        :type seps:
        :param predicate:
        :type predicate:
        :param index:
        :type index:
        assert self.input_string if seps else True, "input_string must be defined when using seps parameter"
        if end is None:
            end = self.max_end
            end = min(self.max_end, end)
        ret = _BaseMatches._base()
        hole = False
        rindex = start

        loop_start = self._hole_start(start, ignore)

        for rindex in range(loop_start, end):
            current = []
            for at_index in self.at_index(rindex):
                if not ignore or not ignore(at_index):

            if seps and hole and self.input_string and self.input_string[rindex] in seps:
                hole = False
                ret[-1].end = rindex
                if not current and not hole:
github Toilal / rebulk / rebulk / View on Github external
def _index_dict(self):
        if self.__index_dict is None:
            self.__index_dict = defaultdict(_BaseMatches._base)
            for match in self._delegate:
                for index in range(*match.span):
                    _BaseMatches._base_add(self.__index_dict[index], match)

        return self.__index_dict
github Toilal / rebulk / rebulk / View on Github external
:param start: the starting index
        :type start: int
        :param end: the ending index
        :type end: int
        :param predicate:
        :type predicate:
        :param index:
        :type index: int
        :return: set of matches
        :rtype: set[Match]
        if end is None:
            end = self.max_end
            end = min(self.max_end, end)
        ret = _BaseMatches._base()
        for match in sorted(self):
            if match.start < end and match.end > start:
        return filter_index(ret, predicate, index)