How to use the rebound.simulation.Simulation function in rebound

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few rebound examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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Simulation Archive file with the `getSimulation` method.
        As the `mode` argument is set to `close`, the simulation
        will be integrated from the nearest snapshot to the request time.

        >>> sa = rebound.SimulationArchive("archive.bin")
        >>> sim = sa.getSimulation(t=1e6, mode="close")
        >>> print(sim.particles[1])
        >>> for sim in sa:
        >>>     print(sim.t, sim.particles[1].e)

        if mode not in ['snapshot', 'close', 'exact']:
            raise AttributeError("Unknown mode.")

        bi, bt = self._getSnapshotIndex(t)
        sim = Simulation()
        w = c_int(0)

        # Restore function pointers and any additional setup required by the user provided functions
        if self.setup:
            self.setup(sim, *self.setup_args)

        if mode=='snapshot':
            if (sim.integrator=="whfast" and sim.ri_whfast.safe_mode == 1) or (sim.integrator=="saba" and sim.ri_saba.safe_mode == 1):
                keep_unsynchronized = 0
            sim.ri_whfast.keep_unsynchronized = keep_unsynchronized
            sim.ri_saba.keep_unsynchronized = keep_unsynchronized
            return sim
            if mode=='exact':
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Particle._fields_ = [("x", c_double),
                ("y", c_double),
                ("z", c_double),
                ("vx", c_double),
                ("vy", c_double),
                ("vz", c_double),
                ("ax", c_double),
                ("ay", c_double),
                ("az", c_double),
                ("m", c_double),
                ("r", c_double),
                ("lastcollision", c_double),
                ("c", c_void_p),
                ("id", c_int),
                ("ap", c_void_p),
                ("_sim", POINTER(Simulation))]

COLRFF = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER_REB_SIM, reb_collision)

# Import at the end to avoid circular dependence
from . import horizons
from . import debug
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def copy(self):
        Returns a deep copy of a REBOUND simulation. You need to reset 
        any function pointers on the copy. 
        A rebound.Simulation object.
        w = c_int(0)
        sim = Simulation()
        for majorerror, value, message in BINARY_WARNINGS:
            if w.value & value:
                if majorerror:
                    raise RuntimeError(message)
                    # Just a warning
                    warnings.warn(message, RuntimeWarning)
        return sim
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snapshot = -1
        if len(args)>1:
            snapshot = args[1]
        if "snapshot" in kw:
            snapshot = kw["snapshot"]
        # Create simulation
        if filename==None:
            # Create a new simulation
            sim = super(Simulation,cls).__new__(cls)
            return sim
            # Recreate exisitng simulation 
            sa = SimulationArchive(filename,process_warnings=False)
            sim = super(Simulation,cls).__new__(cls)
            w = sa.warnings # warnings will be appended to previous warnings (as to not repeat them) 
            for majorerror, value, message in BINARY_WARNINGS:
                if w.value & value:
                    if majorerror:
                        raise RuntimeError(message)
                        # Just a warning
                        warnings.warn(message, RuntimeWarning)
            return sim
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("ri_sei", reb_simulation_integrator_sei), 
                ("ri_whfast", reb_simulation_integrator_whfast),
                ("ri_saba", reb_simulation_integrator_saba),
                ("ri_ias15", reb_simulation_integrator_ias15),
                ("ri_mercurius", reb_simulation_integrator_mercurius),
                ("ri_janus", reb_simulation_integrator_janus),
                ("ri_eos", reb_simulation_integrator_eos),
                ("_additional_forces", CFUNCTYPE(None,POINTER(Simulation))),
                ("_pre_timestep_modifications", CFUNCTYPE(None,POINTER(Simulation))),
                ("_post_timestep_modifications", CFUNCTYPE(None,POINTER(Simulation))),
                ("_heartbeat", CFUNCTYPE(None,POINTER(Simulation))),
                ("_display_heartbeat", CFUNCTYPE(None,POINTER(Simulation))),
                ("_coefficient_of_restitution", CFUNCTYPE(c_double,POINTER(Simulation), c_double)),
                ("_collision_resolve", CFUNCTYPE(c_int,POINTER(Simulation), reb_collision)),
                ("_free_particle_ap", CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(Particle))),
                ("_extras_cleanup", CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(Simulation))),
                ("extras", c_void_p),

Particle._fields_ = [("x", c_double),
                ("y", c_double),
                ("z", c_double),
                ("vx", c_double),
                ("vy", c_double),
                ("vz", c_double),
                ("ax", c_double),
                ("ay", c_double),
                ("az", c_double),
                ("m", c_double),
                ("r", c_double),
                ("lastcollision", c_double),
                ("c", c_void_p),
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from ctypes import Structure, c_double, POINTER, c_float, c_int, c_uint, c_uint32, c_int64, c_long, c_ulong, c_ulonglong, c_void_p, c_char_p, CFUNCTYPE, byref, create_string_buffer, addressof, pointer, cast
from .simulation import Simulation, BINARY_WARNINGS
from . import clibrebound 
import os
import sys
import math
import warnings


class SimulationArchive(Structure):
    SimulationArchive Class.

    The SimulationArchive is a binary file format which includes all
    settings, constants as well as particle positions and velocities.
    This makes it possible to reproduce a simulation exactly 
    (down to the last bit). The SimulationArchive allows you to add
    an arbitrary number of snapshots. Simulations can be reconstructed
    from these snapshots. Since version 2 of the SimulationArchive
    (Spring 2018), you can change anything inbetween snapshots,
    icluding settings like the integrator, the timestep, the number of
    particles. The file format is efficient in that only data
    that changed is stored in the SimulationArchive file. This is all
    done automatically. All the user has to do is call the function
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if PY3:
            int_types = int,
            int_types = int, long, 

        if isinstance(key, slice):
            raise AttributeError("Slicing not supported due to optimizations.")
        if not isinstance(key, int_types):
            raise AttributeError("Must access individual simulations with integer index.")
        if key < 0:
            key += len(self)
        if key>= len(self) or key<0:
            raise IndexError("Index out of range, number of snapshots stored in binary: %d."%len(self))
        w = c_int(0)
        sim = Simulation()
        clibrebound.reb_create_simulation_from_simulationarchive_with_messages(byref(sim), byref(self), c_long(key), byref(w))
        if self.setup:
            self.setup(sim, *self.setup_args)
        for majorerror, value, message in BINARY_WARNINGS:
            if w.value & value:
                if majorerror:
                    raise RuntimeError(message)
                    # Just a warning
                    warnings.warn(message, RuntimeWarning)
        return sim