How to use the quantities.Hz function in quantities

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few quantities examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github SpikeInterface / spikeextractors / tests / View on Github external
def _create_dataset(self):
        fs = 30000 * pq.Hz
        duration = N/fs

        # create neo spike trains
        times = np.arange(N)
        recordings = np.random.randn(M, N)
        positions = np.random.randn(M, 3)
        templates = np.random.randn(K, T)
        peaks = np.random.randn(K, M)
        sources = np.random.randn(K, N)
        spiketrains = []
github arnefmeyer / lnpy / lnpy / View on Github external
def __init__(self, transform, win_len=0.1 * pq.s,
                 samplerate=500 * pq.Hz, verbose=False, n_samples=np.Inf,
                 scaling='dB', dynamic_range=60., center=True,
                 normalize=True, timesteps=None,

        self.transform = transform
        self.win_len = win_len
        self.samplerate = samplerate
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.n_samples = n_samples
        self.scaling = scaling
        self.dynamic_range = dynamic_range = center
        self.normalize = normalize
        self.multi_spike_warning = multi_spike_warning
github NeuralEnsemble / python-neo / neo / io / View on Github external
def read_protocol(self):
        Read the protocol waveform of the file, if present;
        function works with ABF2 only. Protocols can be reconstructed
        from the ABF1 header.
        Returns: list of segments (one for every episode)
                 with list of analog signls (one for every DAC).
        sigs_by_segments, sig_names, sig_units = self.read_raw_protocol()
        segments = []
        for seg_index, sigs in enumerate(sigs_by_segments):
            seg = Segment(index=seg_index)
            t_start = self._t_starts[seg_index] * pq.s
            for c, sig in enumerate(sigs):
                ana_sig = AnalogSignal(sig, sampling_rate=self._sampling_rate * pq.Hz,
                                       t_start=t_start, name=sig_names[c], units=sig_units[c])

        return segments
github NeuralEnsemble / elephant / elephant / View on Github external
raise ValueError("Incompatible binning of spike train and LFP")
    right_edge = int(left_edge + spiketrain.num_bins)

    # duplicate spike trains
    spiketrain_array = np.zeros((1, len_signals))
    spiketrain_array[0, left_edge:right_edge] = spiketrain.to_array()
    spiketrains_array = np.repeat(spiketrain_array, repeats=num_signals, axis=0).transpose()

    # calculate coherence
    frequencies, sfc = scipy.signal.coherence(
        spiketrains_array, signal.magnitude,
        axis=0, **kwargs)

    return (pq.Quantity(sfc, units=pq.dimensionless),
            pq.Quantity(frequencies, units=pq.Hz))
github NeuralEnsemble / elephant / elephant / View on Github external
for spike in spikes_slice:
        index = int((spike - t_start))
        time_vector[index] += 1

    if cutoff < kernel.min_cutoff:
        cutoff = kernel.min_cutoff
        warnings.warn("The width of the kernel was adjusted to a minimally "
                      "allowed width.")

    t_arr = np.arange(-cutoff * kernel.sigma.rescale(units).magnitude,
                      cutoff * kernel.sigma.rescale(units).magnitude +
                      sampling_period.rescale(units).magnitude) * units

    r = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(time_vector,
                                 kernel(t_arr).rescale(pq.Hz).magnitude, 'full')
    if np.any(r < -1e-8):  # abs tolerance in np.isclose
        warnings.warn("Instantaneous firing rate approximation contains "
                      "negative values, possibly caused due to machine "
                      "precision errors.")

    if not trim:
        r = r[kernel.median_index(t_arr):-(kernel(t_arr).size -
    elif trim:
        r = r[2 * kernel.median_index(t_arr):-2 * (kernel(t_arr).size -
        t_start += kernel.median_index(t_arr) * spiketrain.units
        t_stop -= (kernel(t_arr).size -
                   kernel.median_index(t_arr)) * spiketrain.units

    rate = neo.AnalogSignal(signal=r.reshape(r.size, 1),
github NeuralEnsemble / python-neo / neo / io / View on Github external
self.shape = (nb_spike, )

        self.t_start = self._rawio.segment_t_start(block_index, seg_index) * pq.s
        self.t_stop = self._rawio.segment_t_stop(block_index, seg_index) * pq.s

        # both necessary attr and annotations
        annotations = {}
        for k in ('name', 'id'):
            annotations[k] = self._rawio.header['unit_channels'][unit_index][k]
        ann = self._rawio.raw_annotations['blocks'][block_index]['segments'][seg_index]['units'][unit_index]

        h = self._rawio.header['unit_channels'][unit_index]
        wf_sampling_rate = h['wf_sampling_rate']
        if not np.isnan(wf_sampling_rate) and wf_sampling_rate > 0:
            self.sampling_rate = wf_sampling_rate * pq.Hz
            self.left_sweep = (h['wf_left_sweep'] / self.sampling_rate).rescale('s')
            self._wf_units = ensure_signal_units(h['wf_units'])
            self.sampling_rate = None
            self.left_sweep = None

        BaseProxy.__init__(self, **annotations)
github NeuralEnsemble / python-neo / neo / io / View on Github external
def read_segment(self, 
                                        cascade = True,
                                        lazy = False,
                                        sampling_rate = 1.*pq.Hz,
                                        t_start = 0.*pq.s,
                                        unit = pq.V,
                                        nbchannel = 1,
                                        bytesoffset = 0,
                                        dtype = 'f4',
                                        rangemin = -10,
                                        rangemax = 10,
        Reading signal in a raw binary interleaved compact file.
            sampling_rate :  sample rate
            t_start : time of the first sample sample of each channel
github NeuralEnsemble / python-neo / neo / io / View on Github external
extensions = ['nse', 'ncs', 'nev', 'ntt']

    # mode can be 'file' or 'dir' or 'fake' or 'database'
    # the main case is 'file' but some reader are base on a directory or
    # a database this info is for GUI stuff also
    mode = 'dir'

    # hardcoded parameters from manual, which are not present in Neuralynx
    # data files
    # unit of timestamps in different files
    nev_time_unit = pq.microsecond
    ncs_time_unit = pq.microsecond
    nse_time_unit = pq.microsecond
    ntt_time_unit = pq.microsecond
    # unit of sampling rate in different files
    ncs_sr_unit = pq.Hz
    nse_sr_unit = pq.Hz
    ntt_sr_unit = pq.Hz

    def __init__(self, sessiondir=None, cachedir=None, use_cache='hash',
                 print_diagnostic=False, filename=None):
            sessiondir: the directory the files of the recording session are
                            collected. Default 'None'.
            print_diagnostic: indicates, whether information about the
            loading of
                            data is printed in terminal or not. Default 'False'.
            cachedir: the directory where metadata about the recording
            session is
                            read from and written to.
            use_cache: method used for cache identification. Possible values:
github NeuralEnsemble / elephant / elephant / View on Github external
def victor_purpura_dist(
        trains, q=1.0 * pq.Hz, kernel=None, sort=True, algorithm='fast'):
    Calculates the Victor-Purpura's (VP) distance. It is often denoted as

    It is defined as the minimal cost of transforming spike train `a` into
    spike train `b` by using the following operations:

        * Inserting or deleting a spike (cost 1.0).
        * Shifting a spike from :math:`t` to :math:`t'` (cost :math:`q
          \\cdot |t - t'|`).

    A detailed description can be found in
    *Victor, J. D., & Purpura, K. P. (1996). Nature and precision of
    temporal coding in visual cortex: a metric-space analysis. Journal of