How to use the function in quadpy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few quadpy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nschloe / quadpy / quadpy / enr / View on Github external
def stroud_secrest_3(n):
    nu = sqrt(n + 1)
    data = [(frac(1, 2 ** n), pm(n, nu))]
    points, weights = untangle(data)
    weights *= enr_volume(n)
    return EnrScheme("Stroud-Secrest III", n, weights, points, 3, citation)
github nschloe / quadpy / quadpy / s2 / View on Github external
def peirce_1956_1():
    sqrt29 = sqrt(29)
    r = sqrt(frac(3, 4))
    s, t = sqrt((27 - pm_ * 3 * sqrt29) / 104)

    B1 = frac(2, 27)
    # ERR Stroud incorrectly lists 4 instead of 41 here.
    B2, B3 = (551 + pm_ * 41 * sqrt29) / 6264

    data = [(B1, fsd(2, (r, 1))), (B2, pm(2, s)), (B3, pm(2, t))]

    points, weights = untangle(data)
    return S2Scheme("Peirce 1956-1", weights, points, 7, _source)
github nschloe / quadpy / quadpy / s3 / View on Github external
def mysovskih():
    sqrt17770 = sqrt(17770)
    r, s = sqrt((1715 - pm_ * 7 * sqrt17770) / 2817)
    t = sqrt(frac(7, 18))
    u = sqrt(frac(7, 27))

    B1, B2 = (2965 * sqrt17770 + pm_ * 227816) / 72030 / sqrt17770
    B3 = frac(324, 12005)
    B4 = frac(2187, 96040)

    data = [
        (B1, fsd(3, (r, 1))),
        (B2, fsd(3, (s, 1))),
        (B3, fsd(3, (t, 2))),
        (B4, pm(3, u)),

    points, weights = untangle(data)
    return S3Scheme("Mysovskih", _source, 7, weights, points)
github nschloe / quadpy / quadpy / c3 / View on Github external
t2 = (195 - i * 4 * sqrt(165)) / 337

    r = sqrt(r2)
    s = sqrt(s2)
    t = sqrt(t2)

    B1 = 176 / r2 ** 3 / 945
    B2 = 8 / s2 ** 3 / 135
    B3 = 8 / t2 ** 3 / 216
    B0 = 8 - 6 * B1 - 12 * B2 - 8 * B3

    data = [
        (B0, z(3)),
        (B1, fsd(3, (r, 1))),
        (B2, fsd(3, (s, 2))),
        (B3, pm([t, t, t])),
    points, weights = untangle(data)
    weights /= 8
    variant = "a" if variant_a else "b"
    return C3Scheme(f"Hammer-Stroud 5-3{variant}", weights, points, 7, _source)
github nschloe / quadpy / quadpy / cn / View on Github external
def stroud_1966_d(n):
    r = sqrt((5 * n - 2 * sqrt(5) + 2 * (n - 1) * sqrt(5 * n + 5)) / (15 * n))
    # This sqrt() is imaginary for negative for n=2.
    s = sqrt((5 * n - 2 * sqrt(5) - 2 * sqrt(5 * n + 5)) / (15 * n))
    t = sqrt((5 + 2 * sqrt(5)) / 15)
    w = frac(1, 2 ** n * (n + 1))
    data = [(w, _fs11(n, r, s)), (w, pm(n * [t]))]

    points, weights = untangle(data)
    return CnScheme("Stroud 1966d", n, weights, points, 5, _source, 1.955e-14)
github nschloe / quadpy / quadpy / ncube / View on Github external
def __init__(self, n, degree, symbolic):
        frac = sympy.Rational if symbolic else lambda x, y: x / y
        sqrt = sympy.sqrt if symbolic else numpy.sqrt = 3

        if degree == 3:
            reference_volume = 2 ** n
            self.weights = numpy.full(2 ** n, frac(reference_volume, 2 ** n))
            r = sqrt(3) / 3
            self.points = pm(n, r)
            lst = n * [[frac(5, 9), frac(8, 9), frac(5, 9)]]
            self.weights = numpy.product(
                numpy.array(numpy.meshgrid(*lst)).T.reshape(-1, n), axis=-1
            sqrt35 = sqrt(frac(3, 5))
            lst = n * [[-sqrt35, 0, sqrt35]]
            self.points = numpy.array(numpy.meshgrid(*lst)).T.reshape(-1, n)
github nschloe / quadpy / quadpy / e3r2 / View on Github external
sqrt15 = sqrt(15)

    r = sqrt((15 + plus_minus * sqrt15) / 4)
    s = sqrt((6 - plus_minus * sqrt15) / 2)
    t = sqrt((9 + plus_minus * 2 * sqrt15) / 2)
    A = (720 + plus_minus * 8 * sqrt15) / 2205
    B = (270 - plus_minus * 46 * sqrt15) / 15435
    C = (162 + plus_minus * 41 * sqrt15) / 6174
    D = (783 - plus_minus * 202 * sqrt15) / 24696

    data = [
        (A, [[0, 0, 0]]),
        (B, fsd(3, (r, 1))),
        (C, fsd(3, (s, 2))),
        (D, pm([t, t, t])),
    points, weights = untangle(data)
    variant = "a" if positive else "b"
    return E3r2Scheme(f"Stroud-Secrest X{variant}", weights, points, 7, source)
github nschloe / quadpy / quadpy / nsphere / View on Github external
self.weights *= \
                integrate_monomial_over_unit_nsphere(n * [0], symbolic)
        elif index == 'Un 7-1':
            self.set_data(Stroud1967(n, symbolic=symbolic))
        elif index == 'Un 7-2':
   = 7

            A = frac(-n**2, 2**(n+3) * (n+2))
            B = frac((n+4)**2, 2**(n+3) * n * (n+2))

            r = sqrt(frac(1, n))
            s = sqrt(frac(5, n+4))
            t = sqrt(frac(1, n+4))

            data = [
                (A, pm(n, r)),
                (B, fsd(n, (s, 1), (t, n-1))),

            self.points, self.weights = untangle(data)
            self.weights *= \
                integrate_monomial_over_unit_nsphere(n * [0], symbolic)
            assert index == 'Un 11-1'
            self.set_data(Stroud1969(n, symbolic=symbolic))

github nschloe / quadpy / quadpy / un / View on Github external
def stroud_un_5_2(n):
    degree = 5

    B1 = frac(1, n * (n + 2))
    B2 = frac(n, 2 ** n * (n + 2))

    data = [(B1, fsd(n, (1, 1))), (B2, pm(n, sqrt(frac(1, n))))]

    points, weights = untangle(data)
    return UnScheme("Stroud Un 5-2", n, weights, points, degree, source)