How to use the quadprog.solve_qp function in quadprog

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few quadprog examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github TUMFTM / global_racetrajectory_optimization / opt_geometrical / src / View on Github external
dev_max_right = reftrack[:, 2] - w_veh / 2
    dev_max_left = reftrack[:, 3] - w_veh / 2

    # set minimum deviation to zero
    dev_max_right[dev_max_right < 0.001] = 0.001
    dev_max_left[dev_max_left < 0.001] = 0.001

    # consider value boundaries (-dev_max <= alpha <= dev_max)
    G = np.vstack((np.eye(no_points), -np.eye(no_points)))
    h = np.ones(2 * no_points) * np.append(dev_max_right, dev_max_left)

    # save start time
    t_start = time.perf_counter()

    # solve problem
    alpha_shpath = quadprog.solve_qp(H, -f, -G.T, -h, 0)[0]

    # print runtime into console window
    if print_debug:
        print("Solver runtime opt_shortest_path: " + "{:.3f}".format(time.perf_counter() - t_start) + " seconds")

    return alpha_shpath
github hungpham2511 / toppra / toppra / View on Github external
Delta = np.zeros((M - 1, M))
        for i in range(M - 1):
            Delta[i, i] = 1
            Delta[i, i + 1] = - 1

        for k in range(dof):
            Xd = np.vstack((q[1:, k], qd[1:, k])).T.flatten()  # numpy magic
            x0 = np.r_[q[0, k], qd[0, k]]
            xM = np.r_[q[-1, k], qd[-1, k]]

            G =, Phi) +, Delta) * smooth_eps
            a = -, - Xd)
            C = Phi[2 * M - 2:].T
            b = xM - Beta[2 * M - 2:].dot(x0)
            sol = quadprog.solve_qp(G, a, C, b, meq=2)[0]
            Xsol =, sol) +, x0)
            Xsol = Xsol.reshape(-1, 2)
            q[1:, k] = Xsol[:, 0]
            qd[1:, k] = Xsol[:, 1]
            qdd[:-1, k] = sol
            qdd[-1, k] = sol[-1]

        return tsample, q, qd, qdd
github stephane-caron / qpsolvers / qpsolvers / View on Github external
print("quadprog: note that warm-start values ignored by wrapper")
    qp_G = P
    qp_a = -q
    if A is not None:
        if G is None:
            qp_C = -A.T
            qp_b = -b
            qp_C = -vstack([A, G]).T
            qp_b = -hstack([b, h])
        meq = A.shape[0]
    else:  # no equality constraint
        qp_C = -G.T if G is not None else None
        qp_b = -h if h is not None else None
        meq = 0
    return solve_qp(qp_G, qp_a, qp_C, qp_b, meq)[0]
github TUMFTM / global_racetrajectory_optimization / opt_geometrical / src / View on Github external
h = np.append(h, con_stack)

    # save start time
    t_start = time.perf_counter()

    # solve problem (CVXOPT) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # args = [cvxopt.matrix(H), cvxopt.matrix(f), cvxopt.matrix(G), cvxopt.matrix(h)]
    # sol = cvxopt.solvers.qp(*args)
    # if 'optimal' not in sol['status']:
    #     print("WARNING: Optimal solution not found!")
    # alpha_mincurv = np.array(sol['x']).reshape((H.shape[1],))

    # solve problem (quadprog) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    alpha_mincurv = quadprog.solve_qp(H, -f, -G.T, -h, 0)[0]

    # print runtime into console window
    if print_debug:
        print("Solver runtime opt_min_curv: " + "{:.3f}".format(time.perf_counter() - t_start) + " seconds")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # CALCULATE CURVATURE ERROR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # calculate curvature once based on original linearization and once based on a new linearization around the solution
    q_x_tmp = q_x + np.matmul(M_x, np.expand_dims(alpha_mincurv, 1))
    q_y_tmp = q_y + np.matmul(M_y, np.expand_dims(alpha_mincurv, 1))

    x_prime_tmp = np.eye(no_points, no_points) * np.matmul(np.matmul(A_ex_b, A_inv), q_x_tmp)
    y_prime_tmp = np.eye(no_points, no_points) * np.matmul(np.matmul(A_ex_b, A_inv), q_y_tmp)
github SGpp / SGpp / datadriven / examples / View on Github external
def quadprog_solve_qp(P, q, G=None, h=None, A=None, b=None):
    qp_G = .5 * (P + P.T)  # make sure P is symmetric
    qp_a = -q
    if A is not None:
        qp_C = -np.vstack([A, G]).T
        qp_b = -np.hstack([b, h])
        meq = A.shape[0]
    else:  # no equality constraint
        qp_C = -G.T
        qp_b = -h
        meq = 0
    print("qp_G", qp_G)
    print("qp_a", qp_a)
    print("qp_C", qp_C)
    print("qp_b", qp_b)
    x, f, _, iterations, _, _ = quadprog.solve_qp(qp_G, qp_a, qp_C, qp_b, meq)

    print(iterations, f)
    return x
github dppalomar / / riskparityportfolio / View on Github external
def iterate(self):
        wk = self.portfolio.weights
        g = self.portfolio.risk_concentration.risk_concentration_vector()
        A = self.portfolio.risk_concentration.jacobian_risk_concentration_vector()
        At = tf.transpose(A)
        Q = 2 * At @ A + self._tauI
        q = 2 * tf.linalg.matvec(At, g) - tf.linalg.matvec(Q, wk)
        if self.portfolio.has_variance:
            Q += self.portfolio.lmd * self.portfolio.covariance
        if self.portfolio.has_mean_return:
            q -= self.portfolio.alpha * self.portfolio.mean
        w_hat = quadprog.solve_qp(Q.numpy(), -q.numpy(), C=self.CCmat, b=self.bvec, meq=self.meq)[0]
        #w_hat = qp.solve(Qmat=Q.numpy(), qvec=q.numpy(), Cmat=self.Cmat, cvec=self.cvec,
        #                 Dmat=self.Dmat, dvec=self.dvec, w0=wk, maxiter=self.maxiter,
        #                 tol=self.wtol)
        self.portfolio.weights = wk + self.gamma * (w_hat - wk)
        fun_next = self.get_objective_function_value()
        has_w_converged = (tf.abs(self.portfolio.weights - wk) <=
                           .5 * self.wtol * (tf.abs(self.portfolio.weights) +
        has_fun_converged = (tf.abs(self._funk - fun_next) <=
                             .5 * self.funtol * (tf.abs(self._funk) +
        if has_w_converged or has_fun_converged:
            return False
        self.gamma = self.gamma * (1 - self.zeta * self.gamma)
        self._funk = fun_next
github stephane-caron / pymanoid / pymanoid / qp / View on Github external
def quadprog_solve_qp(P, q, G=None, h=None, A=None, b=None, initvals=None):
    Solve a Quadratic Program defined as:

            (1/2) * x.T * P * x + q.T * x

        subject to
            G * x <= h
            A * x == b

    using quadprog .
    P = .5 * (P + P.T)  # quadprog assumes that P is symmetric
    return solve_qp(P, -q, -G.T, -h)[0]
github rahafaljundi / Gradient-based-Sample-Selection / model / View on Github external
gradient "gradient", and a memory of task gradients "memories".
        Overwrites "gradient" with the final projected update.
        input:  gradient, p-vector
        input:  memories, (t * p)-vector
        output: x, p-vector

    memories_np = memories.cpu().t().double().numpy()
    gradient_np = gradient.cpu().contiguous().view(-1).double().numpy()
    t = memories_np.shape[0]
    P =, memories_np.transpose())
    P = 0.5 * (P + P.transpose()) + np.eye(t) * eps
    q =, gradient_np) * -1
    G = np.eye(t)
    h = np.zeros(t) + margin
    v = quadprog.solve_qp(P, q, G, h)[0]
    x =, memories_np) + gradient_np
    gradient.copy_(torch.Tensor(x).view(-1, 1))