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class CollectionValueGETResponse(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
values: bytes = Field(..., description="Feather-serialized bytes representing a pandas DataFrame.")
units: Dict[str, str] = Field(..., description="Units of value columns.")
meta: CollectionSubresourceGETResponseMeta = Field(
..., description=str(get_base_docs(CollectionSubresourceGETResponseMeta))
data: Optional[Data] = Field(..., description="Values and units.")
register_model("collection/[0-9]+/value", "GET", CollectionValueGETBody, CollectionValueGETResponse)
class CollectionListGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
meta: EmptyMeta = Field(EmptyMeta(), description=common_docs[EmptyMeta])
data: Data = Field(..., description="Empty for now.")
class CollectionListGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: CollectionSubresourceGETResponseMeta = Field(
..., description=str(get_base_docs(CollectionSubresourceGETResponseMeta))
data: Optional[bytes] = Field(..., description="Feather-serialized bytes representing a pandas DataFrame.")
register_model("collection/[0-9]+/list", "GET", CollectionListGETBody, CollectionListGETResponse)
### Result
meta: QueryMeta = Field(QueryMeta(), description=common_docs[QueryMeta])
data: Data = Field(..., description="The keys with data to search the database on for Services.")
class ServiceQueueGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
data: List[Dict[str, Optional[Any]]] = Field(
..., description="The return of Services found in the database mapping their Ids to the Service spec."
register_model("service_queue", "GET", ServiceQueueGETBody, ServiceQueueGETResponse)
class ServiceQueuePOSTBody(ProtoModel):
class Meta(ProtoModel):
tag: Optional[str] = Field(
description="Tag to assign to the Tasks this Service will generate so that Queue Managers can pull only "
"Tasks based on this entry. If no Tag is specified, any Queue Manager can pull this Tasks "
"created by this Service.",
priority: Union[str, int, None] = Field(
description="Priority given to this Tasks created by this Service. Higher priority will be pulled first.",
meta: Meta = Field(
description="Metadata information for the Service for the Tag and Priority of Tasks this Service will create.",
data: List[Union[TorsionDriveInput, GridOptimizationInput]] = Field(
meta: ResponsePOSTMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponsePOSTMeta])
data: List[ObjectId] = Field(
description="A list of Id's assigned to the Molecule objects passed in which serves as a unique identifier "
"in the database. If the Molecule was already in the database, then the Id returned is its "
"existing Id (entries are not duplicated).",
register_model("molecule", "POST", MoleculePOSTBody, MoleculePOSTResponse)
### Keywords
class KeywordGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
id: QueryObjectId = None
hash_index: QueryStr = None
meta: QueryMeta = Field(QueryMeta(), description=common_docs[QueryMeta])
data: Data = Field(
description="The formal query for a Keyword fetch, contains ``id`` or ``hash_index`` for the object to fetch.",
class KeywordGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
data: List[KeywordSet] = Field(
..., description="The :class:`KeywordSet` found from in the database based on the query."
import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from pydantic import Field, validator
from qcelemental.models import ComputeError
from .common_models import ObjectId, ProtoModel
class DBRef(ProtoModel):
Database locator reference object. Identifies an exact record in a database.
ref: str = Field(..., description="The name of the table which the Database entry exists")
id: ObjectId = Field(..., description="The Database assigned Id of the entry in the ``ref`` table.")
class TaskStatusEnum(str, Enum):
The state of a Task object. The states which are available are a finite set.
running = "RUNNING"
waiting = "WAITING"
error = "ERROR"
class ProcedureGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
data: List[Dict[str, Optional[Any]]] = Field(
..., description="The list of Procedure specs found based on the query."
register_model("procedure", "GET", ProcedureGETBody, ProcedureGETResponse)
### Task Queue
class TaskQueueGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
id: QueryObjectId = Field(
description="The exact Id to fetch from the database. If this is set as a search condition, there is no "
"reason to set anything else as this will be unique in the database, if it exists.",
hash_index: QueryStr = Field(
description="Tasks will be searched based on a hash of the defined Task. This is something which can "
"be generated by the Task spec itself and does not require server access to compute. "
"This should be unique in the database so there should be no reason to set anything else "
"if this is set as a query.",
program: QueryStr = Field(
None, description="Tasks will be searched based on the program responsible for executing this task."
status: QueryStr = Field(
driver: str
native: bool
queries: List[QueryData] = Field(
description="List of queries to match against values columns. "
"See qcfractal.interface.collections.dataset_view.DatasetView.get_values",
subset: QueryStr
meta: EmptyMeta = Field(EmptyMeta(), description=common_docs[EmptyMeta])
data: Data = Field(..., description="Information about which values to return.")
class CollectionValueGETResponse(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
values: bytes = Field(..., description="Feather-serialized bytes representing a pandas DataFrame.")
units: Dict[str, str] = Field(..., description="Units of value columns.")
meta: CollectionSubresourceGETResponseMeta = Field(
..., description=str(get_base_docs(CollectionSubresourceGETResponseMeta))
data: Optional[Data] = Field(..., description="Values and units.")
register_model("collection/[0-9]+/value", "GET", CollectionValueGETBody, CollectionValueGETResponse)
class CollectionListGETBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
@validator("priority", pre=True)
def munge_priority(cls, v):
if isinstance(v, str):
v = PriorityEnum[v.upper()]
return v
meta: Meta = Field(..., description="The additional specification information for the Task to add to the Database.")
data: List[Union[ObjectId, Molecule]] = Field(
description="The list of either Molecule objects or Molecule Id's (those already in the database) to submit as "
"part of this Task.",
class TaskQueuePOSTResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponsePOSTMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponsePOSTMeta])
data: ComputeResponse = Field(..., description="Data returned from the server from adding a Task.")
register_model("task_queue", "POST", TaskQueuePOSTBody, TaskQueuePOSTResponse)
class TaskQueuePUTBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
id: QueryObjectId = Field(
description="The exact Id to target in database. If this is set as a search condition, there is no "
"reason to set anything else as this will be unique in the database, if it exists.",
base_result: QueryObjectId = Field( # TODO: Validate this description is correct
class BaseResultEnum(str, Enum):
result = "result"
procedure = "procedure"
class PythonComputeSpec(ProtoModel):
function: str = Field(
..., description="The module and function name of a Python-callable to call. Of the form 'module.function'."
args: List[Any] = Field(
..., description="A List of positional arguments to pass into ``function`` in order they appear."
kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = Field(..., description="Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass into ``function``.")
class TaskRecord(ProtoModel):
id: ObjectId = Field(None, description="The Database assigned Id of the Task, if it has been assigned yet.")
spec: PythonComputeSpec = Field(..., description="The Python function specification for this Task.")
parser: str = Field(..., description="The type of operation this is Task is. Can be 'single' or 'optimization'.")
status: TaskStatusEnum = Field(TaskStatusEnum.waiting, description="What stage of processing this task is at.")
# Compute blockers and prevention
program: str = Field(
..., description="Name of the quantum chemistry program which must be present to execute this task."
procedure: Optional[str] = Field(
None, description="Name of the procedure the compute platform must be able to perform to execute this task."
manager: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The Queue Manager that evaluated this task.")
base_result: QueryStr = Field(
description="The exact Id of the Result which this Task is linked to. If this is set as a "
"search condition, there is no reason to set anything else as this will be unique in the "
"database, if it exists. See also :class:`ResultRecord`.",
tag: QueryStr = Field(None, description="Tasks will be searched based on their associated tag.")
manager: QueryStr = Field(
None, description="Tasks will be searched based on the manager responsible for executing the task."
meta: QueryMetaFilter = Field(QueryMetaFilter(), description=common_docs[QueryMetaFilter])
data: Data = Field(..., description="The keys with data to search the database on for Tasks.")
class TaskQueueGETResponse(ProtoModel):
meta: ResponseGETMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseGETMeta])
data: Union[List[TaskRecord], List[Dict[str, Any]]] = Field(
description="Tasks found from the query. This is a list of :class:`TaskRecord` in most cases, however, "
"if a projection was specified in the GET request, then a dict is returned with mappings based "
"on the projection.",
register_model("task_queue", "GET", TaskQueueGETBody, TaskQueueGETResponse)
class TaskQueuePOSTBody(ProtoModel):
class Meta(ProtoModel):
procedure: str = Field(..., description="Name of the procedure which the Task will execute.")
program: str = Field(..., description="The program which this Task will execute.")
class TaskQueuePUTBody(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
id: QueryObjectId = Field(
description="The exact Id to target in database. If this is set as a search condition, there is no "
"reason to set anything else as this will be unique in the database, if it exists.",
base_result: QueryObjectId = Field( # TODO: Validate this description is correct
description="The exact Id of a result which this Task is slated to write to. If this is set as a "
"search condition, there is no reason to set anything else as this will be unique in the "
"database, if it exists. See also :class:`ResultRecord`.",
class Meta(ProtoModel):
operation: str = Field(..., description="The specific action you are taking as part of this update.")
def cast_to_lower(cls, v):
return v.lower()
meta: Meta = Field(..., description="The instructions to pass to the target Task from ``data``.")
data: Data = Field(..., description="The information which contains the Task target in the database.")
class TaskQueuePUTResponse(ProtoModel):
class Data(ProtoModel):
n_updated: int = Field(..., description="The number of tasks which were changed.")
meta: ResponseMeta = Field(..., description=common_docs[ResponseMeta])
data: Data = Field(..., description="Information returned from attempting updates of Tasks.")