How to use the qcelemental.periodictable function in qcelemental

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few qcelemental examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github MolSSI / QCEngine / qcengine / programs / cfour / View on Github external
def harvest_GRD(grd):
    """Parses the contents *grd* of the Cfour GRD file into the gradient
    array and coordinate information. The coordinate info is converted
    into a rather dinky Molecule (no charge, multiplicity, or fragment),
    but this is these coordinates that govern the reading of molecule
    orientation by Cfour. Return qcel.models.Molecule and gradient array.

    grd = grd.splitlines()
    Nat = int(grd[0].split()[0])
    molxyz = f"{Nat} bohr\n\n"

    grad = []
    for at in range(Nat):
        mline = grd[at + 1].split()
        el = "GH" if int(float(mline[0])) == 0 else qcel.periodictable.to_E(int(float(mline[0])))
        molxyz += "%s %16s %16s %16s\n" % (el, mline[-3], mline[-2], mline[-1])
        lline = grd[at + 1 + Nat].split()
        grad.append([float(lline[-3]), float(lline[-2]), float(lline[-1])])
    mol = Molecule(
            qcel.molparse.from_string(molxyz, dtype="xyz+", fix_com=True, fix_orientation=True)["qm"], dtype=2

    return mol, grad
github ReactionMechanismGenerator / ARC / arc / View on Github external
coords, number, _ = log.load_geometry()
    except LogError:
        logger.debug(f'Could not parse xyz from {path}')

        # try parsing Gaussian standard orientation instead of the input orientation parsed by Arkane
        lines = _get_lines_from_file(path)
        xyz_str = ''
        for i in range(len(lines)):
            if 'Standard orientation:' in lines[i]:
                xyz_str = ''
                j = i
                while not lines[j].split()[0].isdigit():
                    j += 1
                while '-------------------' not in lines[j]:
                    splits = lines[j].split()
                    xyz_str += f'{qcel.periodictable.to_E(int(splits[1]))}  {splits[3]}  {splits[4]}  {splits[5]}\n'
                    j += 1

        if xyz_str:
            return str_to_xyz(xyz_str)

        return None

    return xyz_from_data(coords=coords, numbers=number)
github psi4 / psi4 / psi4 / driver / qcdb / View on Github external
'Sc': 0.75, 'Ti': 0.86, 'V' : 0.79, 'Cr': 0.73, 'Mn': 0.67,
                                'Fe': 0.61, 'Co': 0.64, 'Ni': 0.55, 'Cu': 0.46, 'Zn': 0.60,
                                            'Ga': 1.22, 'Ge': 1.22, 'As': 1.22, 'Se': 1.17, 'Br': 1.14, 'Kr': 1.03,
                                                                                            'I' : 1.33,
                                                                                                        'X' : 0.00}  # yapf: disable
    #'RN': 2.40 / 1.5,  # extrapolation
    #'H': 1.06 / 1.5,  # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964)
    #'SN': 2.16 / 1.5,  # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964)
    #'SB': 2.12 / 1.5,  # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964)
    #'TE': 2.08 / 1.5,  # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964)
    #'XE': 2.05 / 1.5}  # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964)
    nat = elem.shape[0]
        caps = [el.capitalize() for el in elem]
    except AttributeError:
        caps = [qcel.periodictable.to_E(z) for z in elem]

    covrad = np.fromiter((covalent_radii_lookup[caps[at]] for at in range(nat)), dtype=np.float, count=nat)
    return np.divide(covrad, qcel.constants.bohr2angstroms)
github chemreps / chemreps / chemreps / utils / View on Github external
def sym2num(self, sym):
        Given a chemical symbol, returns the atomic number defined within the class

        sym : string
            chemical symbol

        at_num : int
            atomic number for symbol argument
            atomic_number = qcel.periodictable.to_Z(sym)
            return atomic_number
            raise KeyError('{} is not defined.'.format(sym))
github hjkgrp / MultirefPredict / MultirefPredict / View on Github external
def get_spinmult(self, symbol, charge=0):
        anumber = qcelemental.periodictable.to_atomic_number(symbol)  
        nele = anumber - charge
        spinmult = 0
        #Neutral atoms
        if charge == 0:
            if anumber <= len(self.mult_dict):
                spinmult = self.mult_dict[nele]
                raise ValueError("Determination of ion spinmult hasn't been\
                        implemented for elements with electrons occupying\
                        4d orbitals")
            if anumber <= 20: # H to Ca
                spinmult = self.mult_dict[nele]
            elif anumber <= 30: #Sc - Zn
                if charge == 1:#lose one 4s electron
                    # Assume that electrons are always removed from 4s
github psi4 / psi4 / psi4 / driver / qcdb / molparse / View on Github external
def offer_mass_number(z, a):
        """Given a mass number and element, what can be suggested and asserted about A, mass?"""

        a = int(a)
        a_eliso = qcel.periodictable.to_E(z) + str(a)
        a_mass = qcel.periodictable.to_mass(a_eliso)

        A_range.append(lambda x, a=a: x == a)
        text.append("""For A, inputs Z: {}, A: {} require A == {}.""".format(z, a, a))

        m_range.append(lambda x, a_mass=a_mass: abs(x - a_mass) < mtol)
        text.append("""For mass, inputs Z: {}, A: {} require abs(mass - {}) < {}""".format(z, a, a_mass, mtol))
github psi4 / psi4 / psi4 / driver / qcdb / View on Github external
molrec['fix_symmetry'] = 'c1'
        elif self.symmetry_from_input():
            molrec['fix_symmetry'] = self.symmetry_from_input()

        # if self.has_zmatrix:
        #     moldict['zmat'] = self.zmat
        # TODO zmat, geometry_variables

        nat = self.natom()
        geom = np.array(self.geometry())  # [a0]
        if molrec['units'] == 'Angstrom':
            geom *= qcel.constants.bohr2angstroms  #self.input_units_to_au()
        molrec['geom'] = geom.reshape((-1))

        molrec['elea'] = np.array([self.mass_number(at) for at in range(nat)])
        molrec['elez'] = np.array([qcel.periodictable.to_Z(self.symbol(at)) for at in range(nat)])
        molrec['elem'] = np.array([self.symbol(at).capitalize() for at in range(nat)])
        molrec['mass'] = np.array([self.mass(at) for at in range(nat)])
        molrec['real'] = np.array([bool(self.Z(at)) for at in range(nat)])
        molrec['elbl'] = np.array([self.label(at)[len(self.symbol(at)):].lower() for at in range(nat)])

        fragments = [x[:] for x in self.get_fragments()]
        fragment_charges = [float(f) for f in self.get_fragment_charges()]
        fragment_multiplicities = [m for m in self.get_fragment_multiplicities()]

        # do trimming not performed in Molecule class b/c fragment_* member data never directly exposed
        for ifr, fr in reversed(list(enumerate(self.get_fragment_types()))):
            if fr == 'Ghost':
                fragment_charges[ifr] = 0.
                fragment_multiplicities[ifr] = 1
            elif fr == 'Absent':
                del fragment_charges[ifr]
github psi4 / psi4 / psi4 / driver / qcdb / View on Github external
def mass(self, atom):
        """Returns mass of atom (0-indexed)

        >>> print(H2OH2O.mass(4))

        if self.atoms[atom].mass() != 0.0:
            return self.atoms[atom].mass()

        if math.fabs(self.atoms[atom].Z() - int(self.atoms[atom].Z())) > 0.0:
            print("""WARNING: Obtaining masses from atom with fractional charge...may be incorrect!!!\n""")
            # TODO outfile
        return qcel.periodictable.to_mass(int(self.atoms[atom].Z()))
github MolSSI / QCEngine / qcengine / View on Github external
def send_elements(self):
        """ Send the atomic number of each nucleus through MDI

        elements : :obj:`list` of :obj:`int`
            Element of each atom
        natom = len(self.molecule.geometry)
        elements = [qcel.periodictable.to_atomic_number(self.molecule.symbols[iatom]) for iatom in range(natom)]
        MDI_Send(elements, natom, MDI_INT, self.comm)
        return elements