How to use the pywebpush.__init__.WebPushException function in pywebpush

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:param data: A serialized block of byte data (String, JSON, bit array,
            etc.) Make sure that whatever you send, your client knows how
            to understand it.
        :type data: str
        :param content_encoding: The content_encoding type to use to encrypt
            the data. Defaults to RFC8188 "aes128gcm". The previous draft-01 is
            "aesgcm", however this format is now deprecated.
        :type content_encoding: enum("aesgcm", "aes128gcm")

        # Salt is a random 16 byte array.
        if not data:
            self.verb("No data found...")
        if not self.auth_key or not self.receiver_key:
            raise WebPushException("No keys specified in subscription info")
        self.verb("Encoding data...")
        salt = None
        if content_encoding not in self.valid_encodings:
            raise WebPushException("Invalid content encoding specified. "
                                   "Select from " +
        if content_encoding == "aesgcm":
            self.verb("Generating salt for aesgcm...")
            salt = os.urandom(16)
        # The server key is an ephemeral ECDH key used only for this
        # transaction
        server_key = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP256R1, default_backend())
        crypto_key = server_key.public_key().public_bytes(
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:param content_encoding: The content_encoding type to use to encrypt
            the data. Defaults to RFC8188 "aes128gcm". The previous draft-01 is
            "aesgcm", however this format is now deprecated.
        :type content_encoding: enum("aesgcm", "aes128gcm")

        # Salt is a random 16 byte array.
        if not data:
            self.verb("No data found...")
        if not self.auth_key or not self.receiver_key:
            raise WebPushException("No keys specified in subscription info")
        self.verb("Encoding data...")
        salt = None
        if content_encoding not in self.valid_encodings:
            raise WebPushException("Invalid content encoding specified. "
                                   "Select from " +
        if content_encoding == "aesgcm":
            self.verb("Generating salt for aesgcm...")
            salt = os.urandom(16)
        # The server key is an ephemeral ECDH key used only for this
        # transaction
        server_key = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP256R1, default_backend())
        crypto_key = server_key.public_key().public_bytes(

        if isinstance(data, six.text_type):
            data = bytes(data.encode('utf8'))
        if content_encoding == "aes128gcm":
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if 'endpoint' not in subscription_info:
            raise WebPushException("subscription_info missing endpoint URL")
        self.subscription_info = deepcopy(subscription_info)
        self.auth_key = self.receiver_key = None
        if 'keys' in subscription_info:
            keys = self.subscription_info['keys']
            for k in ['p256dh', 'auth']:
                if keys.get(k) is None:
                    raise WebPushException("Missing keys value: {}".format(k))
                if isinstance(keys[k], six.text_type):
                    keys[k] = bytes(keys[k].encode('utf8'))
            receiver_raw = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(
            if len(receiver_raw) != 65 and receiver_raw[0] != "\x04":
                raise WebPushException("Invalid p256dh key specified")
            self.receiver_key = receiver_raw
            self.auth_key = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(
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to the same client.
        :type requests_session: requests.Session

        :param verbose: provide verbose feedback
        :type verbose: bool


        self.verbose = verbose
        if requests_session is None:
            self.requests_method = requests
            self.requests_method = requests_session

        if 'endpoint' not in subscription_info:
            raise WebPushException("subscription_info missing endpoint URL")
        self.subscription_info = deepcopy(subscription_info)
        self.auth_key = self.receiver_key = None
        if 'keys' in subscription_info:
            keys = self.subscription_info['keys']
            for k in ['p256dh', 'auth']:
                if keys.get(k) is None:
                    raise WebPushException("Missing keys value: {}".format(k))
                if isinstance(keys[k], six.text_type):
                    keys[k] = bytes(keys[k].encode('utf8'))
            receiver_raw = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(
            if len(receiver_raw) != 65 and receiver_raw[0] != "\x04":
                raise WebPushException("Invalid p256dh key specified")
            self.receiver_key = receiver_raw
            self.auth_key = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(
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self.verbose = verbose
        if requests_session is None:
            self.requests_method = requests
            self.requests_method = requests_session

        if 'endpoint' not in subscription_info:
            raise WebPushException("subscription_info missing endpoint URL")
        self.subscription_info = deepcopy(subscription_info)
        self.auth_key = self.receiver_key = None
        if 'keys' in subscription_info:
            keys = self.subscription_info['keys']
            for k in ['p256dh', 'auth']:
                if keys.get(k) is None:
                    raise WebPushException("Missing keys value: {}".format(k))
                if isinstance(keys[k], six.text_type):
                    keys[k] = bytes(keys[k].encode('utf8'))
            receiver_raw = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(
            if len(receiver_raw) != 65 and receiver_raw[0] != "\x04":
                raise WebPushException("Invalid p256dh key specified")
            self.receiver_key = receiver_raw
            self.auth_key = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(
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print("Generating VAPID headers...")
        if not vapid_claims.get('aud'):
            url = urlparse(subscription_info.get('endpoint'))
            aud = "{}://{}".format(url.scheme, url.netloc)
            vapid_claims['aud'] = aud
        # Remember, passed structures are mutable in python.
        # It's possible that a previously set `exp` field is no longer valid.
        if (not vapid_claims.get('exp')
                or vapid_claims.get('exp') < int(time.time())):
            # encryption lives for 12 hours
            vapid_claims['exp'] = int(time.time()) + (12 * 60 * 60)
            if verbose:
                print("Setting VAPID expry to {}...".format(
        if not vapid_private_key:
            raise WebPushException("VAPID dict missing 'private_key'")
        if isinstance(vapid_private_key, Vapid):
            vv = vapid_private_key
        elif os.path.isfile(vapid_private_key):
            # Presume that key from file is handled correctly by
            # py_vapid.
            vv = Vapid.from_file(
                private_key_file=vapid_private_key)  # pragma no cover
            vv = Vapid.from_string(private_key=vapid_private_key)
        if verbose:
            print("\t claims: {}".format(vapid_claims))
        vapid_headers = vv.sign(vapid_claims)
        if verbose:
            print("\t headers: {}".format(vapid_headers))

    response = WebPusher(subscription_info, verbose=verbose).send(
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if verbose:
            print("\t claims: {}".format(vapid_claims))
        vapid_headers = vv.sign(vapid_claims)
        if verbose:
            print("\t headers: {}".format(vapid_headers))

    response = WebPusher(subscription_info, verbose=verbose).send(
    if not curl and response.status_code > 202:
        raise WebPushException("Push failed: {} {}\nResponse body:{}".format(
            response.status_code, response.reason, response.text),
    return response


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