How to use the pyuavcan.transport.SessionStatistics function in pyuavcan

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github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / tests / transport / loopback / View on Github external
ts =
    assert await out_123.send_until(pyuavcan.transport.Transfer(
        transfer_id=123,        # mod 32 = 27
        fragmented_payload=[memoryview(b'Hello world!')],
    ), tr.loop.time() + 1.0)

    assert last_feedback is not None
    assert last_feedback.original_transfer_timestamp == ts
    assert last_feedback.first_frame_transmission_timestamp == ts
    del ts

    assert out_123.sample_statistics() == pyuavcan.transport.SessionStatistics(
        payload_bytes=len('Hello world!'),

    old_out = out_123
    out_123.close()  # Double close handled properly
    out_123 = tr.get_output_session(specifier=message_spec_123_out, payload_metadata=payload_metadata)
    assert out_123 is not old_out
    del old_out

    inp_123 = tr.get_input_session(specifier=message_spec_123_in, payload_metadata=payload_metadata)
    assert inp_123 is tr.get_input_session(specifier=message_spec_123_in, payload_metadata=payload_metadata)

    old_inp = inp_123
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transfer_id=123,        # mod 32 = 27
        fragmented_payload=[memoryview(b'Hello world!')],
    ), tr.loop.time() + 1.0)
    assert None is await inp_123.receive_until(0)
    assert None is await inp_123.receive_until(tr.loop.time() + 1.0)

    rx = await inp_42.receive_until(0)
    assert rx is not None
    assert rx.timestamp.monotonic <= time.monotonic()
    assert rx.timestamp.system <= time.time()
    assert rx.priority == pyuavcan.transport.Priority.IMMEDIATE
    assert rx.transfer_id == 27
    assert rx.fragmented_payload == [memoryview(b'Hello world!')]
    assert rx.source_node_id == tr.local_node_id

    assert inp_42.sample_statistics() == pyuavcan.transport.SessionStatistics(
        payload_bytes=len('Hello world!'),

    out_bc.exception = RuntimeError('EXCEPTION SUKA')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        # noinspection PyTypeHints
        out_bc.exception = 123  # type: ignore
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='EXCEPTION SUKA'):
        assert await out_bc.send_until(pyuavcan.transport.Transfer(
            transfer_id=123,        # mod 32 = 27
            fragmented_payload=[memoryview(b'Hello world!')],
        ), tr.loop.time() + 1.0)
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / tests / transport / can / View on Github external
InputSessionSpecifier(ServiceDataSpecifier(333, ServiceDataSpecifier.Role.REQUEST), None), meta)

    selective_client_s333_5 = tr2.get_input_session(
        InputSessionSpecifier(ServiceDataSpecifier(333, ServiceDataSpecifier.Role.RESPONSE), 5), meta)
    selective_client_s333_9 = tr2.get_input_session(
        InputSessionSpecifier(ServiceDataSpecifier(333, ServiceDataSpecifier.Role.RESPONSE), 9), meta)
    promiscuous_client_s333 = tr2.get_input_session(
        InputSessionSpecifier(ServiceDataSpecifier(333, ServiceDataSpecifier.Role.RESPONSE), None), meta)

    assert await client_requester.send_until(Transfer(
    ), tr.loop.time() + 1.0)
    assert client_requester.sample_statistics() == SessionStatistics(transfers=1, frames=1, payload_bytes=0)

    received = await selective_server_s333_5.receive_until(tr.loop.time() + 1.0)     # Same thing here
    assert received is not None
    assert received.transfer_id == 11
    assert received.priority == Priority.FAST
    assert list(map(bytes, received.fragmented_payload)) == [b'']

    assert (await selective_server_s333_9.receive_until(tr.loop.time() + _RX_TIMEOUT)) is None

    received = await promiscuous_server_s333.receive_until(tr.loop.time() + 1.0)     # Same thing here
    assert received is not None
    assert received.transfer_id == 11
    assert received.priority == Priority.FAST
    assert list(map(bytes, received.fragmented_payload)) == [b'']
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / pyuavcan / transport / redundant / _session / View on Github external
import typing
import logging
import dataclasses
import pyuavcan.transport

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class RedundantSessionStatistics(pyuavcan.transport.SessionStatistics):
    Aggregate statistics for all inferior sessions in a redundant group.
    This is an atomic immutable sample; it is not updated after construction.
    inferiors: typing.List[pyuavcan.transport.SessionStatistics] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
    The ordering is guaranteed to match that of :attr:`RedundantSession.inferiors`.

class RedundantSession(abc.ABC):
    The base for all redundant session instances.

    A redundant session may be constructed even if the redundant transport itself has no inferiors.
    When a new inferior transport is attached/detached to/from the redundant group,
    dependent session instances are automatically reconfigured, transparently to the user.

    The higher layers of the protocol stack are therefore shielded from any changes made to the stack
    below the redundant transport instance; existing sessions and other instances are never invalidated.
    This guarantee allows one to construct applications whose underlying transport configuration
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def __init__(self,
                 transport:        pyuavcan.transport.can.CANTransport,
                 send_handler:     SendHandler,
                 specifier:        pyuavcan.transport.SessionSpecifier,
                 payload_metadata: pyuavcan.transport.PayloadMetadata,
                 finalizer:        _base.SessionFinalizer):
        """Use the factory method."""
        self._transport = transport
        self._send_handler = send_handler
        self._specifier = specifier
        self._payload_metadata = payload_metadata

        self._feedback_handler: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[pyuavcan.transport.Feedback], None]] = None
        self._pending_feedback: typing.Dict[_PendingFeedbackKey, pyuavcan.transport.Timestamp] = {}

        self._statistics = pyuavcan.transport.SessionStatistics()

        super(CANOutputSession, self).__init__(finalizer=finalizer)
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / pyuavcan / transport / can / _session / View on Github external
import copy
import typing
import asyncio
import logging
import dataclasses
import pyuavcan.util
import pyuavcan.transport
from .. import _frame, _identifier
from . import _base, _transfer_reassembler

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class CANInputSessionStatistics(pyuavcan.transport.SessionStatistics):
    reception_error_counters: typing.Dict[_transfer_reassembler.TransferReassemblyErrorID, int] = \
        dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: {e: 0 for e in _transfer_reassembler.TransferReassemblyErrorID})

class CANInputSession(_base.CANSession, pyuavcan.transport.InputSession):
    Per the UAVCAN specification. Units are seconds. Can be overridden after instantiation if needed.

    _QueueItem = typing.Tuple[_identifier.CANID, _frame.TimestampedUAVCANFrame]

    def __init__(self,
                 specifier:        pyuavcan.transport.InputSessionSpecifier,
                 payload_metadata: pyuavcan.transport.PayloadMetadata,
                 loop:             asyncio.AbstractEventLoop,
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / pyuavcan / transport / redundant / _session / View on Github external
# This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
# Author: Pavel Kirienko 

import abc
import typing
import logging
import dataclasses
import pyuavcan.transport

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class RedundantSessionStatistics(pyuavcan.transport.SessionStatistics):
    Aggregate statistics for all inferior sessions in a redundant group.
    This is an atomic immutable sample; it is not updated after construction.
    inferiors: typing.List[pyuavcan.transport.SessionStatistics] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
    The ordering is guaranteed to match that of :attr:`RedundantSession.inferiors`.

class RedundantSession(abc.ABC):
    The base for all redundant session instances.

    A redundant session may be constructed even if the redundant transport itself has no inferiors.
    When a new inferior transport is attached/detached to/from the redundant group,
github UAVCAN / pyuavcan / pyuavcan / presentation / _port / View on Github external
# Shouldn't be too large as this value defines how quickly the task will detect that the underlying transport is closed.

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Type of the async received message handler callable.
ReceivedMessageHandler = typing.Callable[[MessageClass, pyuavcan.transport.TransferFrom], typing.Awaitable[None]]

class SubscriberStatistics:
    transport_session:        pyuavcan.transport.SessionStatistics  #: Shared per session specifier.
    messages:                 int  #: Number of received messages, individual per subscriber.
    overruns:                 int  #: Number of messages lost to queue overruns; individual per subscriber.
    deserialization_failures: int  #: Number of messages lost to deserialization errors; shared per session specifier.

class Subscriber(MessagePort[MessageClass]):
    A task should request its own independent subscriber instance from the presentation layer controller.
    Do not share the same subscriber instance across different tasks. This class implements the RAII pattern.

    Whenever a message is received from a subject, it is deserialized once and the resulting object is
    passed by reference into each subscriber instance. If there is more than one subscriber instance for
    a subject, accidental mutation of the object by one consumer may affect other consumers. To avoid this,
    the application should either avoid mutating received message objects or clone them beforehand.

    This class implements the async iterator protocol yielding received messages.
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# Shouldn't be too large as this value defines how quickly the task will detect that the underlying transport is closed.

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ClientStatistics:
    The counters are maintained at the hidden client instance which is not accessible to the user.
    As such, clients with the same session specifier will share the same set of statistical counters.
    request_transport_session:  pyuavcan.transport.SessionStatistics
    response_transport_session: pyuavcan.transport.SessionStatistics
    sent_requests:              int
    deserialization_failures:   int  #: Response transfers that could not be deserialized into a response object.
    unexpected_responses:       int  #: Response transfers that could not be matched with a request state.

class Client(ServicePort[ServiceClass]):
    A task should request its own client instance from the presentation layer controller.
    Do not share the same client instance across different tasks. This class implements the RAII pattern.

    Implementation info: all client instances sharing the same session specifier also share the same
    underlying implementation object containing the transport sessions which is reference counted and
    destroyed automatically when the last client instance is closed;
    the user code cannot access it and generally shouldn't care.
    None of the settings of a client instance, such as timeout or priority, can affect other client instances;
    this does not apply to the transfer-ID counter objects though because they are transport-layer entities