How to use the pysyncobj.syncobj.SyncObjConsumer function in pysyncobj

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pysyncobj examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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    def rawData(self):
        """Return internal dict - use it carefully"""
        return self.__data

    def __len__(self):
        """Return size of set"""
        return len(self.__data)

    def __contains__(self, item):
        """True if item exists"""
        return item in self.__data

class ReplQueue(SyncObjConsumer):
    def __init__(self, maxsize=0):
        Replicated FIFO queue. Based on collections.deque.
        Has an interface similar to Queue.
        :param maxsize: Max queue size.
        :type maxsize: int
        super(ReplQueue, self).__init__()
        self.__maxsize = maxsize
        self.__data = collections.deque()

    def qsize(self):
        """Return size of queue"""
        return len(self.__data)
github bakwc / PySyncObj / pysyncobj / View on Github external
False - if queue is full and item can not be placed."""
        if self.__maxsize and len(self.__data) >= self.__maxsize:
            return False
        heapq.heappush(self.__data, item)
        return True

    def get(self, default=None):
        """Extract the smallest item from queue.
        Return default if queue is empty."""
        if not self.__data:
            return default
        return heapq.heappop(self.__data)

class _ReplLockManagerImpl(SyncObjConsumer):
    def __init__(self, autoUnlockTime):
        super(_ReplLockManagerImpl, self).__init__()
        self.__locks = {}
        self.__autoUnlockTime = autoUnlockTime

    def acquire(self, lockID, clientID, currentTime):
        existingLock = self.__locks.get(lockID, None)
        # Auto-unlock old lock
        if existingLock is not None:
            if currentTime - existingLock[1] > self.__autoUnlockTime:
                existingLock = None
        # Acquire lock if possible
        if existingLock is None or existingLock[0] == clientID:
            self.__locks[lockID] = (clientID, currentTime)
            return True
github bakwc / PySyncObj / pysyncobj / View on Github external
import threading
import weakref
import time
import socket
import os
import collections
import heapq
from .syncobj import SyncObjConsumer, replicated

class ReplCounter(SyncObjConsumer):
    def __init__(self):
        Simple distributed counter. You can set, add, sub and inc counter value.
        super(ReplCounter, self).__init__()
        self.__counter = int()

    def set(self, newValue):
        Set new value to a counter.

        :param newValue: new value
        :return: new counter value
        self.__counter = newValue
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def newFunc(self, *args, **kwargs):

            if kwargs.pop('_doApply', False):
                return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
                if isinstance(self, SyncObj):
                    applier = self._applyCommand
                    funcName = self._getFuncName(func.__name__)
                    funcID = self._methodToID[funcName]
                elif isinstance(self, SyncObjConsumer):
                    consumerId = id(self)
                    funcName = self._syncObj._getFuncName((consumerId, func.__name__))
                    funcID = self._syncObj._methodToID[(consumerId, funcName)]
                    applier = self._syncObj._applyCommand
                    raise SyncObjException("Class should be inherited from SyncObj or SyncObjConsumer")

                callback = kwargs.pop('callback', None)
                if kwargs:
                    cmd = (funcID, args, kwargs)
                elif args and not kwargs:
                    cmd = (funcID, args)
                    cmd = funcID
                sync = kwargs.pop('sync', False)
                if callback is not None:
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        Increments counter value by one.

        :return: new counter value
        self.__counter += 1
        return self.__counter

    def get(self):
        :return: current counter value
        return self.__counter

class ReplList(SyncObjConsumer):
    def __init__(self):
        Distributed list - it has an interface similar to a regular list.
        super(ReplList, self).__init__()
        self.__data = []

    def reset(self, newData):
        """Replace list with a new one"""
        assert isinstance(newData, list)
        self.__data = newData

    def set(self, position, newValue):
        """Update value at given position."""
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    def __setitem__(self, position, element):
        """Update value at given position."""
        self.__data[position] = element

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the number of items of a sequence or collection."""
        return len(self.__data)

    def rawData(self):
        """Return internal list - use it carefully"""
        return self.__data

class ReplDict(SyncObjConsumer):
    def __init__(self):
        Distributed dict - it has an interface similar to a regular dict.
        super(ReplDict, self).__init__()
        self.__data = {}

    def reset(self, newData):
        """Replace dict with a new one"""
        assert isinstance(newData, dict)
        self.__data = newData

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        """Set value for specified key"""
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            self.__conf = conf


        if self.__conf.password is not None:
            if not HAS_CRYPTO:
                raise ImportError("Please install 'cryptography' module")
            self.__encryptor = getEncryptor(self.__conf.password)
            self.__encryptor = None

        consumers = consumers or []
        newConsumers = []
        for c in consumers:
            if not isinstance(c, SyncObjConsumer) and getattr(c, '_consumer', None):
                c = c._consumer()
            if not isinstance(c, SyncObjConsumer):
                raise SyncObjException('Consumers must be inherited from SyncObjConsumer')
        consumers = newConsumers

        self.__consumers = consumers

        if not isinstance(selfNode, Node) and selfNode is not None:
            selfNode = nodeClass(selfNode)
        self.__selfNode = selfNode
        self.__otherNodes = set() # set of Node
        for otherNode in otherNodes:
            if not isinstance(otherNode, Node):
                otherNode = nodeClass(otherNode)
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return self.__data.keys()

    def values(self):
        """Return all values"""
        return self.__data.values()

    def items(self):
        """Return all items"""
        return self.__data.items()

    def rawData(self):
        """Return internal dict - use it carefully"""
        return self.__data

class ReplSet(SyncObjConsumer):
    def __init__(self):
        Distributed set - it has an interface similar to a regular set.
        super(ReplSet, self).__init__()
        self.__data = set()

    def reset(self, newData):
        """Replace set with a new one"""
        assert isinstance(newData, set)
        self.__data = newData

    def add(self, item):
        """Add an element to a set"""
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if self.__maxsize and len(self.__data) >= self.__maxsize:
            return False
        return True

    def get(self, default=None):
        """Extract item from queue.
        Return default if queue is empty."""
            return self.__data.popleft()
            return default

class ReplPriorityQueue(SyncObjConsumer):
    def __init__(self, maxsize=0):
        Replicated priority queue. Based on heapq.
        Has an interface similar to Queue.

        :param maxsize: Max queue size.
        :type maxsize: int
        super(ReplPriorityQueue, self).__init__()
        self.__maxsize = maxsize
        self.__data = []

    def qsize(self):
        """Return size of queue"""
        return len(self.__data)