How to use the pysolar.HourAngle function in pysolar

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S = radians(S)

    n = d.timetuple().tm_yday

    #delta = declination of the sun
    delta = radians(-23.44) * cos((2*pi/365)*(n+10))

    # phi = latitude
    phi = radians(latitude)

    #omega = hour angle
    #crude hack
    offset = 12
    omega   = (d.hour+offset)*15*(pi/180)
    H = s.HourAngle(d,longitude)
    #print "%s,%s,%s" % ( H, degrees(omega), H+degrees(omega))
    #omega = - s.HourAngle(utc,longitude)
    #H = v - longitude - right_ascention

    #thetaZ = solar zenith
    thetaZ = arccos(sin(phi)*sin(delta)+cos(phi)*cos(delta)*cos(omega))
    Z = thetaZ

    solar_azimuth = azimuth(phi,delta,omega)

    #theta = incident angle
    theta = arccos(sin(S)*sin(Z)*cos(solar_azimuth-plane_azimuth) + \

    return theta, Z #, zenith


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