How to use the pysam.AlignedRead function in pysam

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pysam examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pysam-developers / pysam / save / View on Github external
def buildRead( self ):
        '''build an example read.'''
        a = pysam.AlignedRead()
        a.qname = "read_12345"
        a.seq="ACGT" * 10
        a.flag = 0
        a.rname = 0
        a.pos = 20
        a.mapq = 20
        a.cigar = ( (0,10), (2,1), (0,9), (1,1), (0,20) )
        a.mrnm = 0
        a.qual="1234" * 10
        # todo: create tags
        return a
github pysam-developers / pysam / save / View on Github external
def testEmpty( self ):
        a = pysam.AlignedRead()
        self.assertEqual( a.qname, None )
        self.assertEqual( a.seq, None )
        self.assertEqual( a.qual, None )
        self.assertEqual( a.flag, 0 )
        self.assertEqual( a.rname, 0 )
        self.assertEqual( a.mapq, 0 )
        self.assertEqual( a.cigar, None )
        self.assertEqual( a.tags, [] )
        self.assertEqual( a.mrnm, 0 )
        self.assertEqual( a.mpos, 0 )
        self.assertEqual( a.isize, 0 )
github 10XGenomics / cellranger / mro / stages / vdj / assemble_consensus / View on Github external
with open(args.contigs_fastq, 'r') as f, open(out_fastq_name, 'w') as out_fq:
        fq_iter = tk_fasta.read_generator_fastq(f)
        for (name, seq, quals) in fq_iter:
            if name in sel_contigs:
                if name == best_contig:
                    best_contig_seq = seq
                    best_contig_quals = quals

                header = cr_fastq.AugmentedFastqHeader(name)
                # Create a pseudo-UMI for each input contig
                header.set_tag(PROCESSED_UMI_TAG, name)
                # Put all reads on the same "barcode". This is important, so
                # the assembler assembles all of them together.
                header.set_tag(PROCESSED_BARCODE_TAG, clonotype_name)

                record = pysam.AlignedRead()

                record.reference_start = 0
                record.reference_id = 0
                # Wrap with str() or pysam will crash when given unicode
                record.qname = str(header.to_string())
                record.seq = seq
                record.qual = quals
                record.flag = MAPPED_UNPAIRED_FLAG


                # Now change the tags. The final bam concatenation code will pull
                # the tags out of the header, so we want these to be meaningful.
                # Put the real barcode in the barcode tag. The alignment-base-qual
                # code will ignore it anyway.
                header.set_tag(PROCESSED_BARCODE_TAG, name.split('_')[0])
github mitenjain / nanopore / nanopore / analyses / View on Github external
a = pysam.AlignedRead()
    a.qname = "read_28833_29006_6945"
    a.flag = 99
    a.rname = 0
    a.pos = 32
    a.mapq = 20
    a.cigar = ( (0,10), (2,1), (0,25) )
    a.mrnm = 0
    a.tags = ( ("NM", 1),
               ("RG", "L1") )
    cAR = pysam.AlignedRead()
    aR = chainedAlignedReads[0]
    cAR.qname = aR.qname
    #Parameters we don't and therefore set properly
    #cAR.flag = aR.flag
    #cAR.mapq = aR.mapq
    #cAR.mrnm = 0
    #cAR.qual = "<" * len(readSequence)
    #cAR.tags = aR.tags 
    cAR.rnext = -1
    cAR.pos = 0
    cAR.is_reverse = aR.is_reverse
    if cAR.is_reverse:
        cAR.seq = reverseComplement(readSequence)
github ngsutils / ngsutils / ngsutils / fastq / View on Github external
def export_bam(outbam, read1, read2, quiet=False):
    if read2:
        def gen():
            for r1, r2 in itertools.izip(read1.fetch(quiet=quiet), read2.fetch(quiet=True)):
                yield (r1, r2)
        def gen():
            for r1 in read1.fetch(quiet=quiet):
                yield (r1, None)

    for r1, r2 in gen():
        record1 = pysam.AlignedRead()
        record1.qname =
        record1.seq = r1.seq
        record1.qual = r1.qual

        if r2:
            record1.is_paired = True
            record1.is_read1 = True

            record2 = pysam.AlignedRead()
            record2.qname =
            record2.seq = r1.seq
            record2.qual = r1.qual
            record2.is_paired = True
            record2.is_read2 = True

github churchill-lab / g2gtools / g2gtools / View on Github external
status_failed = 0

                for k, v in map_statistics_pair.items():
                    if k.startswith('success'):
                        status_success += v
                    elif k.startswith('fail'):
                        status_failed += v

      "Processed {0:,} reads, {1:,} successful, {2:,} failed".format(total, status_success, status_failed))

            if compat.is_py2:
                alignment =
                alignment = next(sam_file)

            alignment_new = pysam.AlignedRead()
            read_chr = sam_file.getrname(alignment.tid)

            # READ ONLY

            # aend                  aligned reference position of the read on the reference genome
            # alen                  aligned length of the read on the reference genome.
            # positions             a list of reference positions that this read aligns to
            # qend                  end index of the aligned query portion of the sequence (0-based, exclusive)
            # qlen                  Length of the aligned query sequence
            # qqual                 aligned query sequence quality values
            # qstart                start index of the aligned query portion of the sequence (0-based, inclusive)
            # query                 aligned portion of the read and excludes any flanking bases that were soft clipped
            # rlen                  length of the read

            # TRUE / FALSE (setting effects flag)
github 10XGenomics / cellranger / tenkit / lib / python / tenkit / View on Github external
def write_read(bam_file, name, seq, qual, tid, pos, mapq=0, cigar=None, reverse=False, paired=False, read1=True,
               mate_tid=None, mate_pos=None, mate_reverse=False):
    """ Creates an alignedRead object and writes it to the corresponding bam file.
    If cigar is unspecified, the alignment is defaulted to a perfect alignment.
    r = pysam.AlignedRead()
    r.qname = name
    r.seq = seq
    r.qual = qual
    r.tid = tid
    r.pos = pos
    r.mapq = mapq

    if pos == -1:

    if cigar:
        r.cigar = cigar
        r.cigar = [(0, len(seq))]

    r.is_reverse = reverse
github shendurelab / cfDNA / readSimulation / View on Github external
def writeBAMentry(chrom,pos,seq,length,strand):
  global BAMoutfile,rcounter
  global options

  chromTID = BAMoutfile.gettid(chrom)
  if chromTID == -1: return
  qual = "I"*len(seq)
  if length > options.readlength:
    forward = pysam.AlignedRead()
    forward.qname = "SIM-%s-%09d"%(chrom,rcounter)
    forward.is_paired = True
    forward.is_proper_pair = True
    forward.is_read1 = True
    forward.tid = chromTID
    forward.rnext = chromTID

    reverse = pysam.AlignedRead()
    reverse.qname = "SIM-%s-%09d"%(chrom,rcounter)
    reverse.is_paired = True
    reverse.is_proper_pair = True
    reverse.is_read2 = True
    reverse.tid = chromTID
    reverse.rnext = chromTID
    if strand: