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def test():
# Configure depth and color streams...
# ...from Camera 1
pipeline_1 = rs.pipeline()
config_1 = rs.config()
config_1.enable_stream(, 640, 480, rs.format.bgr8, 30)
# Start streaming from both cameras
img_counter = 0
while True:
# Camera 1
# Wait for a coherent pair of frames: depth and color
frames_1 = pipeline_1.wait_for_frames()
color_frame_1 = frames_1.get_color_frame()
#depth_frame_1 or
if not color_frame_1:
# Convert images to numpy arrays
# Add argument which takes path to a bag file as an input
parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", type=str, help="Path to the bag file")
# Parse the command line arguments to an object
args = parser.parse_args()
# Safety if no parameter have been given
if not args.input:
print("No input paramater have been given.")
print("For help type --help")
# Check if the given file have bag extension
if os.path.splitext(args.input)[1] != ".bag":
print("The given file is not of correct file format.")
print("Only .bag files are accepted")
align = rs.align(
pipeline = rs.pipeline()
config = rs.config()
# Tell config that we will use a recorded device from filem to be used by the pipeline through playback.
rs.config.enable_device_from_file(config, args.input)
# Configure the pipeline to stream the depth stream
config.enable_stream(, 640, 480, rs.format.z16, 30)
config.enable_stream(, 640, 480, rs.format.rgb8, 30)
# Start streaming from file
profile = pipeline.start(config)
intr = profile.get_stream(
# print( 'camera_intrinsic', intr.width, intr.height, intr.fx, intr.fy, intr.ppx, intr.ppy)
# Create opencv window to render image in
cv2.namedWindow("Depth Stream", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
if __name__ == "__main__":
folder = sys.argv[1]+"/"
pipeline = rs.pipeline()
config = rs.config()
config.enable_stream(, 640, 480, rs.format.z16, 30)
config.enable_stream(, 640, 480, rs.format.bgr8, 30)
# Start pipeline
profile = pipeline.start(config)
frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames()
color_frame = frames.get_color_frame()
# Color Intrinsics
intr = color_frame.profile.as_video_stream_profile().intrinsics
camera_parameters = {'fx': intr.fx, 'fy': intr.fy,
'ppx': intr.ppx, 'ppy': intr.ppy,
'height': intr.height, 'width': intr.width,
with open(folder+'intrinsics.json', 'w') as fp:
def _get_default_config(self):
config = rs.config() # default config is RGB8, we want YUYV
return config
# Using preset HighAccuracy for recording
depth_sensor.set_option(rs.option.visual_preset, Preset.HighAccuracy)
# Getting the depth sensor's depth scale (see rs-align example for explanation)
depth_scale = depth_sensor.get_depth_scale()
# We will not display the background of objects more than
# clipping_distance_in_meters meters away
clipping_distance_in_meters = 3 # 3 meter
clipping_distance = clipping_distance_in_meters / depth_scale
# print(depth_scale)
# Create an align object
# rs.align allows us to perform alignment of depth frames to others frames
# The "align_to" is the stream type to which we plan to align depth frames.
align_to =
align = rs.align(align_to)
vis = o3d.visualization.Visualizer()
pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
flip_transform = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]
# Streaming loop
frame_count = 0
while True:
dt0 =
# Get frameset of color and depth
import time
import numpy as np # fundamental package for scientific computing
import json
# in order to import cv2 under python3 when you also have ROS installed
import os
if os.path.exists("/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages"):
if os.path.exists("~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages"):
import cv2
## These parameters are reconfigurable ##
STREAM_TYPE = [,] # rs2_stream is a types of data provided by RealSense device
FORMAT = [rs.format.z16, rs.format.bgr8] # rs2_format is identifies how binary data is encoded within a frame
WIDTH = 848 # Defines the number of columns for each frame or zero for auto resolve
HEIGHT = 480 # Defines the number of lines for each frame or zero for auto resolve
FPS = 30 # Defines the rate of frames per second
DISPLAY_WINDOW_NAME = 'Input/output depth'
OPTION_WINDOW_NAME = 'Filter options'
PRESET_FILE = "../cfg/d4xx-default.json"
# List of filters to be applied, in this order.
# Depth Frame (input)
# >> Decimation Filter (reduces depth frame density)
# >> Threshold Filter (removes values outside recommended range)
# >> Depth2Disparity Transform** (transform the scene into disparity domain)
# >> Spatial Filter (edge-preserving spatial smoothing)
profile = pipeline.start(config)
# Getting the depth sensor's depth scale (see rs-align example for explanation)
depth_sensor = profile.get_device().first_depth_sensor()
depth_scale = depth_sensor.get_depth_scale()
print("Depth Scale is: " , depth_scale)
# We will be removing the background of objects more than
# clipping_distance_in_meters meters away
clipping_distance_in_meters = 1 #1 meter
clipping_distance = clipping_distance_in_meters / depth_scale
# Create an align object
# rs.align allows us to perform alignment of depth frames to others frames
# The "align_to" is the stream type to which we plan to align depth frames.
align_to =
align = rs.align(align_to)
# Streaming loop
while True:
# Get frameset of color and depth
frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames()
# frames.get_depth_frame() is a 640x360 depth image
# Align the depth frame to color frame
aligned_frames = align.process(frames)
# Get aligned frames
aligned_depth_frame = aligned_frames.get_depth_frame() # aligned_depth_frame is a 640x480 depth image
color_frame = aligned_frames.get_color_frame()
color_list = [[96/255,96/255,96/255],[1,97/255,0],[227/255,207/255,87/255],[176/255,224/255,230/255],
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
align = rs.align(
#align = rs.align(
config = rs.config()
config.enable_stream(, 640, 480, rs.format.z16, 15)
config.enable_stream(, 640, 480, rs.format.rgb8, 15)
pipeline = rs.pipeline()
profile = pipeline.start(config)
# get camera intrinsics
intr = profile.get_stream(
# print(intr.width, intr.height, intr.fx, intr.fy, intr.ppx, intr.ppy)
pinhole_camera_intrinsic =, intr.height, intr.fx, intr.fy, intr.ppx, intr.ppy)
# print(type(pinhole_camera_intrinsic))
cv2.namedWindow('Color Stream', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
cv2.namedWindow('Depth Stream', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
cam = rgbdTools.Camera(616.8676147460938,617.0631103515625,319.57012939453125,233.06488037109375)
geometrie_added = False
# Define some constants
resolution_width = 1280 # pixels
resolution_height = 720 # pixels
frame_rate = 15 # fps
dispose_frames_for_stablisation = 30 # frames
chessboard_width = 6 # squares
chessboard_height = 9 # squares
square_size = 0.0253 # meters
# Enable the streams from all the intel realsense devices
rs_config = rs.config()
rs_config.enable_stream(, resolution_width, resolution_height, rs.format.z16, frame_rate)
rs_config.enable_stream(, 1, resolution_width, resolution_height, rs.format.y8, frame_rate)
rs_config.enable_stream(, resolution_width, resolution_height, rs.format.bgr8, frame_rate)
# Use the device manager class to enable the devices and get the frames
device_manager = DeviceManager(rs.context(), rs_config)
# Allow some frames for the auto-exposure controller to stablise
for frame in range(dispose_frames_for_stablisation):
frames = device_manager.poll_frames()
assert( len(device_manager._available_devices) > 0 )
1: Calibration
Calibrate all the available devices to the world co-ordinates.
For this purpose, a chessboard printout for use with opencv based calibration process is needed.