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def test_belltest(qvm):
Generate a bell state with fake qvm and qvm and compare
prog = Program().inst([Hgate(0), CNOTgate(0, 1)])
bellout, _ = qvm.wavefunction(prog)
bell = np.zeros((4, 1))
bell[0, 0] = bell[-1, 0] = 1.0 / np.sqrt(2)
assert np.allclose(bellout.amplitudes, bell)
from pyquil.paulis import PauliSum, PauliTerm
from pyquil.api import WavefunctionSimulator, local_qvm, get_qc
from pyquil.quil import Program
from pyquil.gates import RX, CNOT
from forest_qaoa.vqe.optimizer import scipy_optimizer
from forest_qaoa.vqe.cost_function import (PrepareAndMeasureOnWFSim,
from forest_qaoa.qaoa.cost_function import QAOACostFunctionOnWFSim
from forest_qaoa.qaoa.parameters import FourierParams
#hamiltonian = PauliSum.from_compact_str("(-1.0)*Z0*Z1 + 0.8*Z0 + (-0.5)*Z1")
hamiltonian = PauliSum([PauliTerm("Z", 0, -1.0) * PauliTerm("Z", 1, 1.0),
PauliTerm("Z", 0, 0.8), PauliTerm("Z", 1, -0.5)])
prepare_ansatz = Program()
params = prepare_ansatz.declare("params", memory_type="REAL", memory_size=4)
prepare_ansatz.inst(RX(params[0], 0))
prepare_ansatz.inst(RX(params[1], 1))
prepare_ansatz.inst(CNOT(0, 1))
prepare_ansatz.inst(RX(params[2], 0))
prepare_ansatz.inst(RX(params[3], 1))
p0 = [0, 0, 0, 0]
def test_vqe_on_WFSim():
sim = WavefunctionSimulator()
cost_fun = PrepareAndMeasureOnWFSim(prepare_ansatz=prepare_ansatz,
make_memory_map=lambda p: {"params": p},
Generate the header for a pyquil Program that uses ``noise_model`` to overload noisy gates.
The program header consists of 3 sections:
- The ``DEFGATE`` statements that define the meaning of the newly introduced "noisy" gate
- The ``PRAGMA ADD-KRAUS`` statements to overload these noisy gates on specific qubit
targets with their noisy implementation.
- THe ``PRAGMA READOUT-POVM`` statements that define the noisy readout per qubit.
:param noise_model: The assumed noise model.
:return: A quil Program with the noise pragmas.
from pyquil.quil import Program
p = Program()
defgates: Set[str] = set()
for k in noise_model.gates:
# obtain ideal gate matrix and new, noisy name by looking it up in the NOISY_GATES dict
ideal_gate, new_name = get_noisy_gate(k.gate, tuple(k.params))
# if ideal version of gate has not yet been DEFGATE'd, do this
if new_name not in defgates:
p.defgate(new_name, ideal_gate)
except NoisyGateUndefined:
"WARNING: Could not find ideal gate definition for gate {}".format(k.gate),
the pauli_term object, i.e. exp[-1.0j * param * pauli_term]
:param PauliTerm pauli_term: A PauliTerm to exponentiate
:param float param: scalar, non-complex, value
:returns: A Quil program object
:rtype: Program
def reverse_hack(p: Program) -> Program:
# A hack to produce a *temporary* program which reverses p.
revp = Program()
return revp
quil_prog = Program()
change_to_z_basis = Program()
change_to_original_basis = Program()
cnot_seq = Program()
prev_index = None
highest_target_index = None
for index, op in pauli_term:
if "X" == op:
elif "Y" == op:
change_to_z_basis.inst(RX(np.pi / 2.0, index))
change_to_original_basis.inst(RX(-np.pi / 2.0, index))
elif "I" == op:
def _run_and_measure_payload(self, quil_program, qubits, trials, needs_compilation, isa):
# Developer note: Don't migrate this code to `ForestConnection`. The QPU run_and_measure
# web endpoint is deprecated. If run_and_measure-type functionality is desired,
# the client (ie PyQuil) should add measure instructions and hit the `run` endpoint. See
# `QuantumComputer.run_and_measure` for an example.
if not quil_program:
raise ValueError("You have attempted to run an empty program."
" Please provide gates or measure instructions to your program.")
if not isinstance(quil_program, Program):
raise TypeError('quil_program must be a Quil program object')
if not isinstance(trials, integer_types):
raise TypeError('trials must be an integer')
payload = {'type': TYPE_MULTISHOT_MEASURE,
'qubits': list(qubits),
'trials': trials}
if needs_compilation:
payload['uncompiled-quil'] = quil_program.out()
if isa:
payload['target-device'] = {"isa": isa.to_dict()}
payload['compiled-quil'] = quil_program.out()
def run_program(self, quil_program: Program) -> Dict[str, np.array]:
Run quil_program on this PersistentQVM instance, and return the values stored in all of the
classical registers assigned to by the program.
:param quil_program: the Quil program to run.
:return: A Dict mapping classical memory names to values.
if not isinstance(quil_program, Program):
raise TypeError(f"quil_program must be a Quil Program. Got {quil_program}.")
classical_addresses = get_classical_addresses_from_program(quil_program)
return self.connection._qvm_ng_run_program(quil_program=quil_program,
def k_4_ctqw(t):
"""Returns a program implementing a continuous time quantum walk."""
prog = pq.Program()
# Change to diagonal basis
# Time evolve
prog.inst(CPHASE00(-4*t, 0, 1))
# Change back to computational basis
return prog
:param PauliTerm pauli_term: A PauliTerm to exponentiate
:param float param: scalar, non-complex, value
:returns: A Quil program object
:rtype: Program
def reverse_hack(p: Program) -> Program:
# A hack to produce a *temporary* program which reverses p.
revp = Program()
return revp
quil_prog = Program()
change_to_z_basis = Program()
change_to_original_basis = Program()
cnot_seq = Program()
prev_index = None
highest_target_index = None
for index, op in pauli_term:
if "X" == op:
elif "Y" == op:
change_to_z_basis.inst(RX(np.pi / 2.0, index))
change_to_original_basis.inst(RX(-np.pi / 2.0, index))
elif "I" == op:
if prev_index is not None: