How to use the pypyr.errors.KeyNotInContextError function in pypyr

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def assert_key_exists(self, key, caller):
        """Assert that context contains key.

            key: validates that this key exists in context
            caller: string. calling function or module name - this used to
                    construct error messages

            KeyNotInContextError: When key doesn't exist in context.

        assert key, ("key parameter must be specified.")
        if key not in self:
            raise KeyNotInContextError(
                f"context['{key}'] doesn't exist. It must exist for {caller}.")
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            child_exists = child in self[parent]
        except TypeError as err:
            # This happens if parent isn't iterable
            raise ContextError(
                f"context['{parent}'] must be iterable and contain '{child}' "
                f"for {caller}. {err}") from err

        if child_exists:
            if self[parent][child] is None:
                raise KeyInContextHasNoValueError(
                    f"context['{parent}']['{child}'] must have a value for "
            raise KeyNotInContextError(
                f"context['{parent}']['{child}'] doesn't "
                f"exist. It must exist for {caller}.")
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key: dictionary key to retrieve.

            Formatted string.

            KeyNotInContextError: context[key] value contains {somekey} where
                                  somekey does not exist in context dictionary.

        val = self[key]

        if isinstance(val, str):
                return self.get_processed_string(val)
            except KeyNotInContextError as err:
                # Wrapping the KeyError into a less cryptic error for end-user
                # friendliness
                raise KeyNotInContextError(
                    f'Unable to format \'{val}\' at context[\'{key}\'], '
                    f'because {err}'
                ) from err
        elif isinstance(val, SpecialTagDirective):
            return val.get_value(self)
            # any sort of complex type will work with get_formatted_iterable.
            return self.get_formatted_iterable(val)
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       pypyr.errors.KeyNotInContextError: if ['pype']['name'] is missing.
       pypyr.errors.KeyInContextHasNoValueError: if ['pype']['name'] exists but
                                                 is None.
    context.assert_key_has_value(key='pype', caller=__name__)
    pype = context.get_formatted('pype')

        pipeline_name = pype['name']

        if pipeline_name is None:
            raise KeyInContextHasNoValueError(
                "pypyr.steps.pype ['pype']['name'] exists but is empty.")
    except KeyError as err:
        raise KeyNotInContextError(
            "pypyr.steps.pype missing 'name' in the 'pype' context item. "
            "You need to specify the pipeline name to run another "
            "pipeline.") from err

    args = pype.get('args', None)

    if args is not None and not isinstance(args, dict):
        raise ContextError(
            "pypyr.steps.pype 'args' in the 'pype' context item "
            "must be a dict.")

    if args and 'useParentContext' not in pype:
        use_parent_context = False
        use_parent_context = pype.get('useParentContext', True)
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            Formatted string.

            KeyNotInContextError: context[key] has {somekey} where somekey does
                                  not exist in context dictionary.
            TypeError: Attempt operation on a non-string type.

        if isinstance(input_string, str):
                return self.get_processed_string(input_string)
            except KeyNotInContextError as err:
                # Wrapping the KeyError into a less cryptic error for end-user
                # friendliness
                raise KeyNotInContextError(
                    f'Unable to format \'{input_string}\' because {err}'
                ) from err
        elif isinstance(input_string, SpecialTagDirective):
            return input_string.get_value(self)
            raise TypeError(f"can only format on strings. {input_string} is a "
                            f"{type(input_string)} instead.")
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key: str. save env value to this context key.
            has_default: bool. True if default specified.
            default: the value of default, if specified.

        ContextError: envGet is not a list of dicts.
        KeyNotInContextError: If env or key not found in get_config.

    if not isinstance(get_item, dict):
        raise ContextError('envGet must contain a list of dicts.')

    env = get_item.get('env', None)

    if not env:
        raise KeyNotInContextError(
            'context envGet[env] must exist in context for envGet.')

    key = get_item.get('key', None)

    if not key:
        raise KeyNotInContextError(
            'context envGet[key] must exist in context for envGet.')

    if 'default' in get_item:
        has_default = True
        default = get_item['default']
        has_default = False
        default = None

    return (env, key, has_default, default)
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This step will run whatever combination of Get, Set and Unset you specify.
    Regardless of combination, execution order is Get, Set, Unset.
    assert context, f"context must have value for {__name__}"

    context.assert_key_has_value('env', __name__)

    found_get = env_get(context)
    found_set = env_set(context)
    found_unset = env_unset(context)

    # at least 1 of envGet, envSet or envUnset must exist in context
    if not (found_get or found_set or found_unset):
        raise KeyNotInContextError(
            "context must contain any combination of "
            "env['get'], env['set'] or env['unset'] for "
