How to use pypsa - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pypsa examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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columns = 'bus0, bus1, r, x, b, rateA, rateB, rateC, ratio, angle, status, angmin, angmax, p0, q0, p1, q1'.split(", ")
    results_df['branch'] = pd.DataFrame(data=results["branch"],columns=columns)

    columns = ["bus","type","Pd","Qd","Gs","Bs","area","v_mag_pu","v_ang","v_nom","zone","Vmax","Vmin"]
    results_df['bus'] = pd.DataFrame(data=results["bus"],columns=columns,index=results["bus"][:,0])

    columns = "bus, p, q, q_max, q_min, Vg, mBase, status, p_max, p_min, Pc1, Pc2, Qc1min, Qc1max, Qc2min, Qc2max, ramp_agc, ramp_10, ramp_30, ramp_q, apf".split(", ")
    results_df['gen'] = pd.DataFrame(data=results["gen"],columns=columns)

    #now compute in PyPSA

    network = pypsa.Network()

    #PYPOWER uses PI model for transformers, whereas PyPSA defaults to
    #T since version 0.8.0
    network.transformers.model = "pi"

    #compare branch flows
    for c in network.iterate_components(network.passive_branch_components):
        for si in ["p0","p1","q0","q1"]:
            si_pypsa = getattr(c.pnl,si).loc["now"].values
            si_pypower = results_df['branch'][si][c.df.original_index].values
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def test_opf():

    csv_folder_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../examples/opf-storage-hvdc/opf-storage-data")

    network = pypsa.Network(csv_folder_name)

    #test results were generated with GLPK and other solvers may differ
    solver_name = "glpk"

    snapshots = network.snapshots


    results_folder_name = "results"


    good_results_filename =  os.path.join(csv_folder_name,"results","generators-p.csv")
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b3 = pp.create_bus(net, vn_kv=0.4, name="Bus 3")

    #create bus elements
    pp.create_ext_grid(net, bus=b1, vm_pu=1.02, name="Grid Connection")
    pp.create_load(net, bus=b3, p_mw=0.1, q_mvar=0.05, name="Load")

    #create branch elements
    tid = pp.create_transformer(net, hv_bus=b1, lv_bus=b2, std_type="0.4 MVA 20/0.4 kV",
    pp.create_line(net, from_bus=b2, to_bus=b3, length_km=0.1, name="Line",
                                  std_type="NAYY 4x50 SE")

    #because of phase angles, need to init with DC
    pp.runpp(net,calculate_voltage_angles=True, init="dc")

    n = pypsa.Network()


    #seed PF with LPF solution because of phase angle jumps

    #use same index for everything
    net.res_bus.index =
    net.res_line.index =

    #compare bus angles

    #compare bus voltage magnitudes
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'not cyclic_state_of_charge')
        sus_i = sus.index
        if not sus.empty:
            coeff_val = (, get_var(n, 'StorageUnit',
                         'state_of_charge').loc[sns[-1], sus_i])
            vals = linexpr(coeff_val, as_pandas=False)
            lhs = lhs + '\n' + join_exprs(vals)
            rhs -= @ sus.state_of_charge_initial

        # stores
        n.stores['carrier'] =
        stores = n.stores.query('carrier in @emissions.index and not e_cyclic')
        if not stores.empty:
            coeff_val = (, get_var(n, 'Store', 'e')
                         .loc[sns[-1], stores.index])
            vals = linexpr(coeff_val, as_pandas=False)
            lhs = lhs + '\n' + join_exprs(vals)
            rhs -= @ stores.e_initial

        con = write_constraint(n, lhs, glc.sense, rhs, axes=pd.Index([name]))
        set_conref(n, con, 'GlobalConstraint', 'mu', name)

    # for the next two to we need a line carrier
    if len(n.global_constraints) > len(glcs):
        n.lines['carrier'] =
    # expansion limits
    glcs = n.global_constraints.query('type == '
    substr = lambda s: re.sub('[\[\]\(\)]', '', s)
    for name, glc in glcs.iterrows():
        car = [substr(c.strip()) for c in glc.carrier_attribute.split(',')]
        lhs = ''
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if lhs == '': continue
        sense = glc.sense
        rhs = glc.constant
        con = write_constraint(n, lhs, sense, rhs, axes=pd.Index([name]))
        set_conref(n, con, 'GlobalConstraint', 'mu', name)

    # expansion cost limits
    glcs = n.global_constraints.query('type == '
    for name, glc in glcs.iterrows():
        car = [substr(c.strip()) for c in glc.carrier_attribute.split(',')]
        lhs = ''
        for c, attr in (('Line', 's_nom'), ('Link', 'p_nom')):
            ext_i = n.df(c).query(f'carrier in @car and {attr}_extendable').index
            if ext_i.empty: continue
            v = linexpr((n.df(c).capital_cost[ext_i], get_var(n, c, attr)[ext_i]),
            lhs += '\n' + join_exprs(v)
        if lhs == '': continue
        sense = glc.sense
        rhs = glc.constant
        con = write_constraint(n, lhs, sense, rhs, axes=pd.Index([name]))
        set_conref(n, con, 'GlobalConstraint', 'mu', name)
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glcs = n.global_constraints.query('type == '
    substr = lambda s: re.sub('[\[\]\(\)]', '', s)
    for name, glc in glcs.iterrows():
        car = [substr(c.strip()) for c in glc.carrier_attribute.split(',')]
        lhs = ''
        for c, attr in (('Line', 's_nom'), ('Link', 'p_nom')):
            ext_i = n.df(c).query(f'carrier in @car and {attr}_extendable').index
            if ext_i.empty: continue
            v = linexpr((n.df(c).length[ext_i], get_var(n, c, attr)[ext_i]),
            lhs += '\n' + join_exprs(v)
        if lhs == '': continue
        sense = glc.sense
        rhs = glc.constant
        con = write_constraint(n, lhs, sense, rhs, axes=pd.Index([name]))
        set_conref(n, con, 'GlobalConstraint', 'mu', name)

    # expansion cost limits
    glcs = n.global_constraints.query('type == '
    for name, glc in glcs.iterrows():
        car = [substr(c.strip()) for c in glc.carrier_attribute.split(',')]
        lhs = ''
        for c, attr in (('Line', 's_nom'), ('Link', 'p_nom')):
            ext_i = n.df(c).query(f'carrier in @car and {attr}_extendable').index
            if ext_i.empty: continue
            v = linexpr((n.df(c).capital_cost[ext_i], get_var(n, c, attr)[ext_i]),
            lhs += '\n' + join_exprs(v)
        if lhs == '': continue
        sense = glc.sense
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'state_of_charge').loc[sns[-1], sus_i])
            vals = linexpr(coeff_val, as_pandas=False)
            lhs = lhs + '\n' + join_exprs(vals)
            rhs -= @ sus.state_of_charge_initial

        # stores
        n.stores['carrier'] =
        stores = n.stores.query('carrier in @emissions.index and not e_cyclic')
        if not stores.empty:
            coeff_val = (, get_var(n, 'Store', 'e')
                         .loc[sns[-1], stores.index])
            vals = linexpr(coeff_val, as_pandas=False)
            lhs = lhs + '\n' + join_exprs(vals)
            rhs -= @ stores.e_initial

        con = write_constraint(n, lhs, glc.sense, rhs, axes=pd.Index([name]))
        set_conref(n, con, 'GlobalConstraint', 'mu', name)

    # for the next two to we need a line carrier
    if len(n.global_constraints) > len(glcs):
        n.lines['carrier'] =
    # expansion limits
    glcs = n.global_constraints.query('type == '
    substr = lambda s: re.sub('[\[\]\(\)]', '', s)
    for name, glc in glcs.iterrows():
        car = [substr(c.strip()) for c in glc.carrier_attribute.split(',')]
        lhs = ''
        for c, attr in (('Line', 's_nom'), ('Link', 'p_nom')):
            ext_i = n.df(c).query(f'carrier in @car and {attr}_extendable').index
            if ext_i.empty: continue
            v = linexpr((n.df(c).length[ext_i], get_var(n, c, attr)[ext_i]),
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        _allocate_pf_outputs(network, linear=True)

    # get indices for the components on this subnetwork
    buses_o = sub_network.buses_o
    branches_i = sub_network.branches_i()

    # allow all shunt impedances to dispatch as set
    shunt_impedances_i = sub_network.shunt_impedances_i()
    network.shunt_impedances_t.p.loc[snapshots, shunt_impedances_i] = \

    # allow all one ports to dispatch as set
    for c in sub_network.iterate_components(network.controllable_one_port_components):
        c_p_set = get_switchable_as_dense(network,, 'p_set', snapshots, c.ind)
        c.pnl.p.loc[snapshots, c.ind] = c_p_set

    # set the power injection at each node
    network.buses_t.p.loc[snapshots, buses_o] = \
        sum([((c.pnl.p.loc[snapshots, c.ind] * c.df.loc[c.ind, 'sign'])
              .groupby(c.df.loc[c.ind, 'bus'], axis=1).sum()
              .reindex(columns=buses_o, fill_value=0.))
             for c in sub_network.iterate_components(network.one_port_components)]
            [(- c.pnl["p"+str(i)].loc[snapshots].groupby(c.df["bus"+str(i)], axis=1).sum()
              .reindex(columns=buses_o, fill_value=0))
             for c in network.iterate_components(network.controllable_branch_components)
             for i in [int(col[3:]) for col in c.df.columns if col[:3] == "bus"]])

    if not skip_pre and len(branches_i) > 0:
        calculate_B_H(sub_network, skip_pre=True)
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def define_generator_variables_constraints(network,snapshots):

    extendable_gens_i = network.generators.index[network.generators.p_nom_extendable]
    fixed_gens_i = network.generators.index[~network.generators.p_nom_extendable & ~network.generators.committable]
    fixed_committable_gens_i = network.generators.index[~network.generators.p_nom_extendable & network.generators.committable]

    if (network.generators.p_nom_extendable & network.generators.committable).any():
        logger.warning("The following generators have both investment optimisation and unit commitment:\n{}\nCurrently PyPSA cannot do both these functions, so PyPSA is choosing investment optimisation for these generators.".format(network.generators.index[network.generators.p_nom_extendable & network.generators.committable]))

    p_min_pu = get_switchable_as_dense(network, 'Generator', 'p_min_pu', snapshots)
    p_max_pu = get_switchable_as_dense(network, 'Generator', 'p_max_pu', snapshots)

    ## Define generator dispatch variables ##

    gen_p_bounds = {(gen,sn) : (None,None)
                    for gen in extendable_gens_i | fixed_committable_gens_i
                    for sn in snapshots}

    if len(fixed_gens_i):
        var_lower = p_min_pu.loc[:,fixed_gens_i].multiply(network.generators.loc[fixed_gens_i, 'p_nom'])
        var_upper = p_max_pu.loc[:,fixed_gens_i].multiply(network.generators.loc[fixed_gens_i, 'p_nom'])

        gen_p_bounds.update({(gen,sn) : (var_lower[gen][sn],var_upper[gen][sn])
                             for gen in fixed_gens_i
                             for sn in snapshots})

    def gen_p_bounds_f(model,gen_name,snapshot):
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def describe_lower_dispatch_constraints(n):
    description = {}
    key = ' Lower Limit'
    for c, attr in nominal_attrs.items():
        if c in ['Line', 'Transformer', 'Link']:
            dispatch_attr = 'p0'
            description[c] = pd.Series({'min':
                              (n.df(c)[attr + '_opt'] *
                              get_as_dense(n, c, attr[0] + '_max_pu') +
            dispatch_attr = attr[0]
            description[c + key] = pd.Series({'min':
                                   (-n.df(c)[attr + '_opt'] *
                                   get_as_dense(n, c, attr[0] + '_min_pu') +
    return pd.concat(description, axis=1)