How to use the pynamodb.attributes.NumberAttribute function in pynamodb

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pynamodb examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def foo(self):
        return 1

class ComplexModel(Model):
    class Meta:
        table_name = 'ComplexModel'
    person = Person(attr_name='weird_person')
    key = NumberAttribute(hash_key=True)

class OfficeEmployee(Model):
    class Meta:
        table_name = 'OfficeEmployeeModel'

    office_employee_id = NumberAttribute(hash_key=True)
    person = Person()
    office_location = Location()

    def foo(self):
        return 1

class CarInfoMap(MapAttribute):
    make = UnicodeAttribute(null=False)
    model = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)

class CarModel(Model):
    class Meta:
        table_name = 'CarModel'
    car_id = NumberAttribute(hash_key=True, null=False)
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                        key = list(values[0].keys())[0]
                        yield name, [value[key] for value in values]
                yield name, attr.serialize(getattr(self, name))

class DocumentTabModel(MapAttribute):
    Represents a document tab in the document model.
    document_tab_type = UnicodeAttribute(default='text')
    document_tab_id = UnicodeAttribute()
    document_tab_name = UnicodeAttribute()
    document_tab_page = NumberAttribute(default=1)
    document_tab_position_x = NumberAttribute()
    document_tab_position_y = NumberAttribute()
    document_tab_width = NumberAttribute(default=200)
    document_tab_height = NumberAttribute(default=20)
    document_tab_is_locked = BooleanAttribute(default=False)
    document_tab_is_required = BooleanAttribute(default=True)

class DocumentTab(model_interfaces.DocumentTab):
    ORM-agnostic wrapper for the DynamoDB DocumentTab model.
    def __init__(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
github Netflix-Skunkworks / historical / historical / View on Github external
# For Nulls:
            except AttributeError:
                yield name, None

class DurableHistoricalModel(BaseHistoricalModel):
    """The base Historical Durable (Differ) Table model base class."""

    eventTime = EventTimeAttribute(range_key=True, default=default_event_time)

class CurrentHistoricalModel(BaseHistoricalModel):
    """The base Historical Current Table model base class."""

    eventTime = EventTimeAttribute(default=default_event_time)
    ttl = NumberAttribute(default=default_ttl())
    eventSource = UnicodeAttribute()

class AWSHistoricalMixin(BaseHistoricalModel):
    """This is the main Historical event mixin. All the major required (and optional) fields are here."""

    arn = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True)
    accountId = UnicodeAttribute()
    configuration = MapAttribute()
    Tags = MapAttribute()
    version = HistoricalDecimalAttribute()
    userIdentity = MapAttribute(null=True)
    principalId = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    userAgent = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    sourceIpAddress = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    requestParameters = MapAttribute(null=True)
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class SignatureModel(BaseModel): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
    Represents an signature in the database.
    class Meta:
        """Meta class for Signature."""
        table_name = 'cla-{}-signatures'.format(stage)
        if stage == 'local':
            host = 'http://localhost:8000'
        write_capacity_units = int(cla.conf['DYNAMO_WRITE_UNITS'])
        read_capacity_units = int(cla.conf['DYNAMO_READ_UNITS'])
    signature_id = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True)
    signature_external_id = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    signature_project_id = UnicodeAttribute()
    signature_document_minor_version = NumberAttribute()
    signature_document_major_version = NumberAttribute()
    signature_reference_id = UnicodeAttribute()
    signature_reference_type = UnicodeAttribute()
    signature_type = UnicodeAttribute(default='cla')
    signature_signed = BooleanAttribute(default=False)
    signature_approved = BooleanAttribute(default=False)
    signature_sign_url = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    signature_return_url = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    signature_callback_url = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    signature_user_ccla_company_id = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    signature_project_index = ProjectSignatureIndex()
    signature_reference_index = ReferenceSignatureIndex()
    # Callback type refers to either Gerrit or GitHub
    signature_return_url_type = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)

    # whitelists are only used by CCLAs
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class Meta:
        """Meta class for User."""

        table_name = "cla-{}-users".format(stage)
        if stage == "local":
            host = "http://localhost:8000"
        write_capacity_units = int(cla.conf["DYNAMO_WRITE_UNITS"])
        read_capacity_units = int(cla.conf["DYNAMO_READ_UNITS"])

    user_id = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True)
    # User Emails are specifically GitHub Emails
    user_external_id = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    user_emails = UnicodeSetAttribute(default=set())
    user_name = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    user_company_id = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    user_github_id = NumberAttribute(null=True)
    user_github_username = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    user_github_username_index = GitHubUsernameIndex()
    user_ldap_id = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    user_github_id_index = GitHubUserIndex()
    github_user_external_id_index = GithubUserExternalIndex()
    note = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    lf_email = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    lf_username = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    lf_username_index = LFUsernameIndex()
    lf_sub = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)

class User(model_interfaces.User):  # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
    ORM-agnostic wrapper for the DynamoDB User model.
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def set_document_tab_height(self, tab_height):
        self.model.document_tab_height = tab_height

    def set_document_tab_is_locked(self, is_locked):
        self.model.document_tab_is_locked = is_locked

class DocumentModel(MapAttribute):
    Represents a document in the project model.
    document_name = UnicodeAttribute()
    document_file_id = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    document_content_type = UnicodeAttribute() # pdf, url+pdf, storage+pdf, etc
    document_content = UnicodeAttribute(null=True) # None if using storage service.
    document_major_version = NumberAttribute(default=1)
    document_minor_version = NumberAttribute(default=0)
    document_author_name = UnicodeAttribute()
    # Not using UTCDateTimeAttribute due to
    document_creation_date = UnicodeAttribute()
    document_preamble = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    document_legal_entity_name = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    document_tabs = ListAttribute(of=DocumentTabModel, default=[])

class Document(model_interfaces.Document):
    ORM-agnostic wrapper for the DynamoDB Document model.
    def __init__(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
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def __iter__(self):
        """Properly serialize the PynamoDB object as a `dict` via this function.
        Helper for serializing into a typical `dict`.  See:
        for name, attr in self.get_attributes().items():
                if isinstance(attr, MapAttribute):
                    name, obj = name, getattr(self, name).as_dict()
                    yield name, fix_decimals(obj)  # Don't forget to remove the stupid decimals :/
                elif isinstance(attr, NumberAttribute) or isinstance(attr, HistoricalDecimalAttribute):
                    yield name, int(attr.serialize(getattr(self, name)))
                elif isinstance(attr, ListAttribute):
                    name, obj = name, [el.as_dict() for el in getattr(self, name)]
                    yield name, fix_decimals(obj)  # Don't forget to remove the stupid decimals :/
                    yield name, attr.serialize(getattr(self, name))

            # For Nulls:
            except AttributeError:
                yield name, None
github communitybridge / easycla / cla-backend / cla / models / View on Github external
class StoreModel(Model):
    Represents a key-value store in a DynamoDB.
    class Meta:
        """Meta class for Store."""
        table_name = 'cla-{}-store'.format(stage)
        if stage == 'local':
            host = 'http://localhost:8000'
        write_capacity_units = int(cla.conf['DYNAMO_WRITE_UNITS'])
        read_capacity_units = int(cla.conf['DYNAMO_READ_UNITS'])
    key = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True)
    value = JSONAttribute()
    expire = NumberAttribute()

class Store(key_value_store_interface.KeyValueStore):
    ORM-agnostic wrapper for the DynamoDB key-value store model.
    def __init__(self):

    def set(self, key, value):
        model = StoreModel()
        model.key = key
        model.value = value
        model.expire = self.get_expire_timestamp()

    def get(self, key):
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# A model that uses aliased attribute names
class AliasedModel(Model):
    class Meta:
        table_name = "AliasedModel"
        host = "http://localhost:8000"
    forum_name = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True, attr_name='fn')
    subject = UnicodeAttribute(range_key=True, attr_name='s')
    views = NumberAttribute(default=0, attr_name='v')
    replies = NumberAttribute(default=0, attr_name='rp')
    answered = NumberAttribute(default=0, attr_name='an')
    tags = UnicodeSetAttribute(attr_name='t')
    last_post_datetime = UTCDateTimeAttribute(attr_name='lp')

if not AliasedModel.exists():
    AliasedModel.create_table(read_capacity_units=1, write_capacity_units=1, wait=True)

# Create a thread
thread_item = AliasedModel(
    'Some Forum',
    'Some Subject',
    tags=['foo', 'bar'],

# Save the thread
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def create_tables_if_not_exist():
    if not Cajero.exists():
        Cajero.create_table(read_capacity_units=5, write_capacity_units=2, wait=True)

class Cajero(Model):
    class Meta:
        table_name = 'ubicajeros_cajeros'
        host = dynamodb_host

    address = UnicodeAttribute()
    id = UnicodeAttribute(hash_key=True)
    lat = NumberAttribute(null=True)
    lon = NumberAttribute(null=True)
    open_hours = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    org_code = NumberAttribute(null=True)
    org_name = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    state = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)
    updated_at = UTCDateTimeAttribute(default=datetime.utcnow())
    zip_code = UnicodeAttribute(null=True)

    def to_dict(self):
        return self.__dict__['attribute_values']