How to use the pymodbus.compat.byte2int function in pymodbus

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github riptideio / pymodbus / pymodbus / server / View on Github external
def dataReceived(self, data):
        ''' Callback when we receive any data

        :param data: The data sent by the client
        if _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            _logger.debug(' '.join([hex(byte2int(x)) for x in data]))
        if not self.factory.control.ListenOnly:
            self.framer.processIncomingPacket(data, self._execute)
github riptideio / pymodbus / pymodbus / View on Github external
def decode(self, data):
        ''' Decodes the incoming request

        :param data: The data to decode into the address
        count, self.records = 1, []
        byte_count = byte2int(data[0])
        while count < byte_count:
            decoded = struct.unpack('>BHHH', data[count:count+7])
            response_length = decoded[3] * 2
            count  += response_length + 7
            record  = FileRecord(record_length=decoded[3],
                file_number=decoded[1], record_number=decoded[2],
                record_data=data[count - response_length:count])
            if decoded[0] == 0x06: self.records.append(record)
github riptideio / pymodbus / pymodbus / View on Github external
def computeCRC(data):
    """ Computes a crc16 on the passed in string. For modbus,
    this is only used on the binary serial protocols (in this
    case RTU).

    The difference between modbus's crc16 and a normal crc16
    is that modbus starts the crc value out at 0xffff.

    :param data: The data to create a crc16 of
    :returns: The calculated CRC
    crc = 0xffff
    for a in data:
        idx = __crc16_table[(crc ^ byte2int(a)) & 0xff]
        crc = ((crc >> 8) & 0xff) ^ idx
    swapped = ((crc << 8) & 0xff00) | ((crc >> 8) & 0x00ff)
    return swapped
github riptideio / pymodbus / pymodbus / client / async / tornado / View on Github external
def callback(*args):
            LOGGER.debug("in callback - {}".format(request.transaction_id))
            while True:
                waiting =
                if waiting:
                    data =
                        "recv: " + " ".join([hex(byte2int(x)) for x in data]))
github riptideio / pymodbus / pymodbus / View on Github external
def decode(self, data):
        ''' Decodes a the response

        :param data: The packet data to decode
        length = byte2int(data[0])
        status = struct.unpack('>H', data[1:3])[0]
        self.status = (status == ModbusStatus.Ready)
        self.event_count = struct.unpack('>H', data[3:5])[0]
        self.message_count = struct.unpack('>H', data[5:7])[0] = []
        for e in range(7, length + 1):
github riptideio / pymodbus / pymodbus / framer / View on Github external
def populateHeader(self, data=None):
        Try to set the headers `uid`, `len` and `crc`.

        This method examines `self._buffer` and writes meta
        information into `self._header`. It calculates only the
        values for headers that are not already in the dictionary.

        Beware that this method will raise an IndexError if
        `self._buffer` is not yet long enough.
        data = data if data else self._buffer
        self._header['uid'] = byte2int(data[0])
        func_code = byte2int(data[1])
        pdu_class = self.decoder.lookupPduClass(func_code)
        size = pdu_class.calculateRtuFrameSize(data)
        self._header['len'] = size
        self._header['crc'] = data[size - 2:size]
github riptideio / pymodbus / pymodbus / View on Github external
def hexlify_packets(packet):
    Returns hex representation of bytestring recieved
    :param packet:
    if not packet:
        return ''
    return " ".join([hex(byte2int(x)) for x in packet])
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
github riptideio / pymodbus / pymodbus / View on Github external
read_min = self.client.framer.recvPacket(min_size)
            if len(read_min) != min_size:
                raise InvalidMessageReceivedException(
                    "Incomplete message received, expected at least %d bytes "
                    "(%d received)" % (min_size, len(read_min))
            if read_min:
                if isinstance(self.client.framer, ModbusSocketFramer):
                    func_code = byte2int(read_min[-1])
                elif isinstance(self.client.framer, ModbusRtuFramer):
                    func_code = byte2int(read_min[-1])
                elif isinstance(self.client.framer, ModbusAsciiFramer):
                    func_code = int(read_min[3:5], 16)
                elif isinstance(self.client.framer, ModbusBinaryFramer):
                    func_code = byte2int(read_min[-1])
                    func_code = -1

                if func_code < 0x80:    # Not an error
                    if isinstance(self.client.framer, ModbusSocketFramer):
                        # Ommit UID, which is included in header size
                        h_size = self.client.framer._hsize
                        length = struct.unpack(">H", read_min[4:6])[0] - 1
                        expected_response_length = h_size + length
                    if expected_response_length is not None:
                        expected_response_length -= min_size
                        total = expected_response_length + min_size
                    expected_response_length = exception_length - min_size
                    total = expected_response_length + min_size
github riptideio / pymodbus / pymodbus / View on Github external
elif isinstance(self.client.framer, ModbusAsciiFramer):
                min_size = 5
            elif isinstance(self.client.framer, ModbusBinaryFramer):
                min_size = 3
                min_size = expected_response_length

            read_min = self.client.framer.recvPacket(min_size)
            if len(read_min) != min_size:
                raise InvalidMessageReceivedException(
                    "Incomplete message received, expected at least %d bytes "
                    "(%d received)" % (min_size, len(read_min))
            if read_min:
                if isinstance(self.client.framer, ModbusSocketFramer):
                    func_code = byte2int(read_min[-1])
                elif isinstance(self.client.framer, ModbusRtuFramer):
                    func_code = byte2int(read_min[-1])
                elif isinstance(self.client.framer, ModbusAsciiFramer):
                    func_code = int(read_min[3:5], 16)
                elif isinstance(self.client.framer, ModbusBinaryFramer):
                    func_code = byte2int(read_min[-1])
                    func_code = -1

                if func_code < 0x80:    # Not an error
                    if isinstance(self.client.framer, ModbusSocketFramer):
                        # Ommit UID, which is included in header size
                        h_size = self.client.framer._hsize
                        length = struct.unpack(">H", read_min[4:6])[0] - 1
                        expected_response_length = h_size + length
                    if expected_response_length is not None: