How to use the pymisp.exceptions.InvalidMISPObject function in pymisp

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def test_userdefined_object(self):
        self.mispevent.add_object(name='test_object_template', strict=True, misp_objects_path_custom='tests/mispevent_testfiles')
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidMISPObject) as e:
            # Fail on required
            self.mispevent.to_json(sort_keys=True, indent=2)
        if sys.version_info >= (3, ):
            self.assertEqual(e.exception.message, '{\'member3\'} are required.')
            # Python2 bullshit
            self.assertEqual(e.exception.message, 'set([u\'member3\']) are required.')

        a = self.mispevent.objects[0].add_attribute('member3', value='foo')
        del a.uuid
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidMISPObject) as e:
            # Fail on requiredOneOf
            self.mispevent.to_json(sort_keys=True, indent=2)
        self.assertEqual(e.exception.message, 'At least one of the following attributes is required: member1, member2')

        a = self.mispevent.objects[0].add_attribute('member1', value='bar')
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            # Python2 bullshit
            self.assertEqual(e.exception.message, 'set([u\'member3\']) are required.')

        a = self.mispevent.objects[0].add_attribute('member3', value='foo')
        del a.uuid
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidMISPObject) as e:
            # Fail on requiredOneOf
            self.mispevent.to_json(sort_keys=True, indent=2)
        self.assertEqual(e.exception.message, 'At least one of the following attributes is required: member1, member2')

        a = self.mispevent.objects[0].add_attribute('member1', value='bar')
        del a.uuid
        a = self.mispevent.objects[0].add_attribute('member1', value='baz')
        del a.uuid
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidMISPObject) as e:
            # member1 is not a multiple
            self.mispevent.to_json(sort_keys=True, indent=2)
        self.assertEqual(e.exception.message, 'Multiple occurrences of member1 is not allowed')

        self.mispevent.objects[0].attributes = self.mispevent.objects[0].attributes[:2]
        self.mispevent.objects[0].uuid = 'a'
        with open('tests/mispevent_testfiles/misp_custom_obj.json', 'r') as f:
            ref_json = json.load(f)
        self.assertEqual(self.mispevent.to_json(sort_keys=True, indent=2), json.dumps(ref_json, sort_keys=True, indent=2))
github MISP / PyMISP / pymisp / View on Github external
def add_object(self, obj=None, **kwargs):
        """Add an object to the Event, either by passing a MISPObject, or a dictionary"""
        if isinstance(obj, MISPObject):
            misp_obj = obj
        elif isinstance(obj, dict):
            misp_obj = MISPObject(name=obj.pop('name'), strict=obj.pop('strict', False),
                                  default_attributes_parameters=obj.pop('default_attributes_parameters', {}),
        elif kwargs:
            misp_obj = MISPObject(name=kwargs.pop('name'), strict=kwargs.pop('strict', False),
                                  default_attributes_parameters=kwargs.pop('default_attributes_parameters', {}),
            raise InvalidMISPObject("An object to add to an existing Event needs to be either a MISPObject, or a plain python dictionary")
        self.edited = True
        return misp_obj
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def _validate(self):
        """Make sure the object we're creating has the required fields"""
        if self._definition.get('required'):
            required_missing = set(self._definition.get('required')) - set(self._fast_attribute_access.keys())
            if required_missing:
                raise InvalidMISPObject('{} are required.'.format(required_missing))
        if self._definition.get('requiredOneOf'):
            if not set(self._definition['requiredOneOf']) & set(self._fast_attribute_access.keys()):
                # We ecpect at least one of the object_relation in requiredOneOf, and it isn't the case
                raise InvalidMISPObject('At least one of the following attributes is required: {}'.format(', '.join(self._definition['requiredOneOf'])))
        for rel, attrs in self._fast_attribute_access.items():
            if len(attrs) == 1:
                # object_relation's here only once, everything's cool, moving on
            if not self._definition['attributes'][rel].get('multiple'):
                # object_relation's here more than once, but it isn't allowed in the template.
                raise InvalidMISPObject('Multiple occurrences of {} is not allowed'.format(rel))
        return True
github MISP / PyMISP / pymisp / tools / View on Github external
def __init__(self, filepath=None, pseudofile=None, filename=None, standalone=True, **kwargs):
        # PY3 way:
        # super().__init__('file')
        super(FileObject, self).__init__('file', standalone=standalone, **kwargs)
        if not HAS_PYDEEP:
            logger.warning("Please install pydeep: pip install git+")
        if not HAS_MAGIC:
            logger.warning("Please install python-magic: pip install python-magic.")
        if filename:
            # Useful in case the file is copied with a pre-defined name by a script but we want to keep the original name
            self.__filename = filename
        elif filepath:
            self.__filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
            raise InvalidMISPObject('A file name is required (either in the path, or as a parameter).')

        if filepath:
            with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
                self.__pseudofile = BytesIO(
        elif pseudofile and isinstance(pseudofile, BytesIO):
            # WARNING: lief.parse requires a path
            self.__pseudofile = pseudofile
            raise InvalidMISPObject('File buffer (BytesIO) or a path is required.')
        self.__data = self.__pseudofile.getvalue()
github MISP / PyMISP / pymisp / View on Github external
def get_object_by_id(self, object_id):
        """Get an object by ID (the ID is the one set by the server when creating the new object)"""
        for obj in self.objects:
            if hasattr(obj, 'id') and int( == int(object_id):
                return obj
        raise InvalidMISPObject('Object with {} does not exist in this event'.format(object_id))
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def __init__(self, filepath=None, pseudofile=None, attach_original_email=True, standalone=True, **kwargs):
        # PY3 way:
        # super().__init__('file')
        super(EMailObject, self).__init__('email', standalone=standalone, **kwargs)
        if filepath:
            with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
                self.__pseudofile = BytesIO(
        elif pseudofile and isinstance(pseudofile, BytesIO):
            self.__pseudofile = pseudofile
            raise InvalidMISPObject('File buffer (BytesIO) or a path is required.')
        self.__email = message_from_bytes(self.__pseudofile.getvalue(), policy=policy.default)
        if attach_original_email:
            self.add_attribute('eml', value='Full email.eml', data=self.__pseudofile)
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if filename:
            # Useful in case the file is copied with a pre-defined name by a script but we want to keep the original name
            self.__filename = filename
        elif filepath:
            self.__filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
            raise InvalidMISPObject('A file name is required (either in the path, or as a parameter).')

        if filepath:
            with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
                self.__pseudofile = BytesIO(
        elif pseudofile and isinstance(pseudofile, BytesIO):
            # WARNING: lief.parse requires a path
            self.__pseudofile = pseudofile
            raise InvalidMISPObject('File buffer (BytesIO) or a path is required.')
        self.__data = self.__pseudofile.getvalue()