How to use the pymc3.theanof.floatX function in pymc3

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    Blanes, Sergio, Fernando Casas, and J. M. Sanz-Serna. "Numerical
    Integrators for the Hybrid Monte Carlo Method." SIAM Journal on
    Scientific Computing 36, no. 4 (January 2014): A1556-80.

    Mannseth, Janne, Tore Selland Kleppe, and Hans J. Skaug. "On the
    Application of Higher Order Symplectic Integrators in
    Hamiltonian Monte Carlo." arXiv:1608.07048 [Stat],
    August 25, 2016.
    epsilon = tt.scalar('epsilon')
    epsilon.tag.test_value = 1.

    a = floatX((3 - np.sqrt(3)) / 6)

    p_ae = p + a * epsilon * q_grad
    q_e2 = q + epsilon / 2 * H.pot.velocity(p_ae)
    p_1ae = p_ae + (1 - 2 * a) * epsilon * H.dlogp(q_e2)
    q_e = q_e2 + epsilon / 2 * H.pot.velocity(p_1ae)
    grad_e = H.dlogp(q_e)
    p_e = p_1ae + a * epsilon * grad_e
    v_e = H.pot.velocity(p_e)

    new_energy = energy(H, q_e, p_e)
    f = theano.function(inputs=[q, p, q_grad, epsilon],
                        outputs=[q_e, p_e, v_e, grad_e, new_energy],
    f.trust_input = True
    return f
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def random(self):
            """Draw random value from QuadPotential."""
            n = floatX(normal(size=self.size))
            n /= self.d_sqrt
            n = self.factor.solve_Lt(n)
            n = self.factor.apply_Pt(n)
            return n
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def __init__(self, nu=None, sigma=None, b=None, sd=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if sd is not None:
            sigma = sd

        nu, b, sigma = self.get_nu_b(nu, b, sigma) = nu = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(nu))
        self.sigma = = sigma = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(sigma))
        self.b = b = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(b))
        self.mean = sigma * np.sqrt(np.pi / 2) * tt.exp((-nu**2 / (2 * sigma**2)) / 2) * ((1 - (-nu**2 / (2 * sigma**2)))
                                 * tt.i0(-(-nu**2 / (2 * sigma**2)) / 2) - (-nu**2 / (2 * sigma**2)) * tt.i1(-(-nu**2 / (2 * sigma**2)) / 2))
        self.variance = 2 * sigma**2 + nu**2 - (np.pi * sigma**2 / 2) * (tt.exp((-nu**2 / (2 * sigma**2)) / 2) * ((1 - (-nu**2 / (
            2 * sigma**2))) * tt.i0(-(-nu**2 / (2 * sigma**2)) / 2) - (-nu**2 / (2 * sigma**2)) * tt.i1(-(-nu**2 / (2 * sigma**2)) / 2)))**2
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tau = 1.
            tau = sd**-2.

        if sd is not None:
            raise ValueError("Can't pass both tau and sd")
            sd = tau**-.5

    # cast tau and sd to float in a way that works for both np.arrays
    # and pure python
    tau = 1. * tau
    sd = 1. * sd

    return (floatX(tau), floatX(sd))
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def _init_uw_global_shared(start, global_RVs):
    global_order = pm.ArrayOrdering([v for v in global_RVs])
    start = { start[] for v in global_RVs}
    bij = pm.DictToArrayBijection(global_order, start)
    u_start =
    w_start = np.zeros_like(u_start)
    uw_start = floatX(np.concatenate([u_start, w_start]))
    uw_global_shared = theano.shared(uw_start, 'uw_global_shared')

    return uw_global_shared, bij
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    Metropolis kernel
    deltas = np.squeeze(proposal(n_steps) * scaling)
    for n_step in range(n_steps):
        delta = deltas[n_step]

        if any_discrete:
            if all_discrete:
                delta = np.round(delta, 0).astype("int64")
                q_old = q_old.astype("int64")
                q_new = (q_old + delta).astype("int64")
                delta[discrete] = np.round(delta[discrete], 0)
                q_new = floatX(q_old + delta)
            q_new = floatX(q_old + delta)

        ll = likelihood_logp(q_new)

        new_tempered_logp = prior_logp(q_new) + ll * beta

        q_old, accept = metrop_select(new_tempered_logp - old_tempered_logp, q_new, q_old)
        if accept:
            accepted += 1
            old_tempered_logp = new_tempered_logp

    return q_old, accepted
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def forward_val(self, x, point=None):
        # 2017-06-19
        # the `self.a-0.` below is important for the testval to propagates
        # For an explanation see pull/2328#issuecomment-309303811
        a, b = draw_values([self.a - 0.0, self.b - 0.0], point=point)
        return floatX(np.log(x - a) - np.log(b - x))
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def __init__(self, approx, kernel=rbf, use_histogram=True, temperature=1):
        self.approx = approx
        self.temperature = floatX(temperature)
        self._kernel_f = kernel
        self.use_histogram = use_histogram
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def __init__(self, psi, mu, alpha, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = mu = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(mu))
        self.alpha = alpha = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(alpha))
        self.psi = psi = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(psi))
        self.nb = NegativeBinomial.dist(mu, alpha)
        self.mode = self.nb.mode
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def _calc_elbo(vars, model, n_mcsamples, random_seed):
    """Calculate approximate ELBO.
    theano.config.compute_test_value = 'ignore'
    shared = pm.make_shared_replacements(vars, model)

    factors = [var.logpt for var in model.basic_RVs] + model.potentials
    logpt = tt.add(*map(tt.sum, factors))

    [logp], inarray = pm.join_nonshared_inputs([logpt], vars, shared)

    uw = tt.vector('uw')
    uw.tag.test_value = floatX(np.concatenate([inarray.tag.test_value,

    elbo = _elbo_t(logp, uw, inarray, n_mcsamples, random_seed)

    return elbo, shared