How to use the pymap3d.utils.sanitize function in pymap3d

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def geodetic2isometric_point(geodetic_lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True) -> float:
    geodetic_lat, ell = sanitize(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)

    e = ell.eccentricity

    if abs(geodetic_lat - pi / 2) <= 1e-9:
        isometric_lat = inf
    elif abs(-geodetic_lat - pi / 2) <= 1e-9:
        isometric_lat = -inf
        isometric_lat = asinh(tan(geodetic_lat)) - e * atanh(e * sin(geodetic_lat))
        # same results
        # a1 = e * sin(geodetic_lat)
        # y = (1 - a1) / (1 + a1)
        # a2 = pi / 4 + geodetic_lat / 2
        # isometric_lat = log(tan(a2) * (y ** (e / 2)))
        # isometric_lat = log(tan(a2)) + e/2 * log((1-e*sin(geodetic_lat)) / (1+e*sin(geodetic_lat)))
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reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
        degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geodetic_lat : "ndarray"
        geodetic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    parametric_lat, ell = sanitize(parametric_lat, ell, deg)

    geodetic_lat = atan(tan(parametric_lat) / sqrt(1 - (ell.eccentricity) ** 2))

    return degrees(geodetic_lat) if deg else geodetic_lat
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deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    rectifying_lat : "ndarray"
         rectifying latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

    geodetic_lat, ell = sanitize(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)

    n = ell.thirdflattening
    f1 = 3 * n / 2 - 9 * n ** 3 / 16
    f2 = 15 * n ** 2 / 16 - 15 * n ** 4 / 32
    f3 = 35 * n ** 3 / 48
    f4 = 315 * n ** 4 / 512

    rectifying_lat = (
        - f1 * sin(2 * geodetic_lat)
        + f2 * sin(4 * geodetic_lat)
        - f3 * sin(6 * geodetic_lat)
        + f4 * sin(8 * geodetic_lat)

    return degrees(rectifying_lat) if deg else rectifying_lat
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degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)


    ECEF (Earth centered, Earth fixed)  x,y,z

    x : "ndarray"
        target x ECEF coordinate (meters)
    y : "ndarray"
        target y ECEF coordinate (meters)
    z : "ndarray"
        target z ECEF coordinate (meters)
    lat, ell = sanitize(lat, ell, deg)
    if deg:
        lon = radians(lon)

    # radius of curvature of the prime vertical section
    N = ell.semimajor_axis ** 2 / sqrt(ell.semimajor_axis ** 2 * cos(lat) ** 2 + ell.semiminor_axis ** 2 * sin(lat) ** 2)
    # Compute cartesian (geocentric) coordinates given  (curvilinear) geodetic
    # coordinates.
    x = (N + alt) * cos(lat) * cos(lon)
    y = (N + alt) * cos(lat) * sin(lon)
    z = (N * (ell.semiminor_axis / ell.semimajor_axis) ** 2 + alt) * sin(lat)

    return x, y, z
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reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geodetic_lat : "ndarray"
         geodetic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    geocentric_lat, ell = sanitize(geocentric_lat, ell, deg)
    r = rcurve_transverse(geocentric_lat, ell, deg=False)
    geodetic_lat = atan(tan(geocentric_lat) / (1 - ell.eccentricity ** 2 * (r / (r + alt_m))))

    return degrees(geodetic_lat) if deg else geodetic_lat
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reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geocentric_lat : "ndarray"
         geocentric latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    geodetic_lat, ell = sanitize(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)
    r = rcurve_transverse(geodetic_lat, ell, deg=False)
    geocentric_lat = atan((1 - ell.eccentricity ** 2 * (r / (r + alt_m))) * tan(geodetic_lat))

    return degrees(geocentric_lat) if deg else geocentric_lat
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reference ellipsoid (default WGS84)
    deg : bool, optional
        degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    geodetic_lat : "ndarray"
        geodetic latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.
    authalic_lat, ell = sanitize(authalic_lat, ell, deg)
    e = ell.eccentricity
    f1 = e ** 2 / 3 + 31 * e ** 4 / 180 + 517 * e ** 6 / 5040
    f2 = 23 * e ** 4 / 360 + 251 * e ** 6 / 3780
    f3 = 761 * e ** 6 / 45360

    geodetic_lat = authalic_lat + f1 * sin(2 * authalic_lat) + f2 * sin(4 * authalic_lat) + f3 * sin(6 * authalic_lat)

    return degrees(geodetic_lat) if deg else geodetic_lat
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    lat : "ndarray"
        latitude (degrees)
    ell : Ellipsoid, optional
          reference ellipsoid
    deg : bool, optional
          degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    radius: "ndarray"
        radius of ellipsoid

    lat, ell = sanitize(lat, ell, deg)

    return ell.semimajor_axis / sqrt(1 - (ell.eccentricity * sin(lat)) ** 2)
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deg : bool, optional
         degrees input/output  (False: radians in/out)

    parametric_lat : "ndarray"
         parametric latiude

    Equations from J. P. Snyder, "Map Projections - A Working Manual",
    US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Government Printing
    Office, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 13-18.

    geodetic_lat, ell = sanitize(geodetic_lat, ell, deg)

    parametric_lat = atan(sqrt(1 - (ell.eccentricity) ** 2) * tan(geodetic_lat))

    return degrees(parametric_lat) if deg else parametric_lat