How to use the pylsl.pylsl function in pylsl

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pylsl examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sccn / lsl_archived / Apps / LabRecorder / src / View on Github external
def refreshStreams(self):
        """ Refresh the stream list. """
        # get all streams on the lab network
        self.ResolvedStreams = list(pylsl.resolve_streams(1.0))
        # sort them by UID to get a reproducible order
        self.ResolvedStreams.sort(key=lambda x: x.uid())
        # get their names
        self.ResolvedNames = [];
        for k in range(len(self.ResolvedStreams)):
            self.ResolvedNames.append(self.ResolvedStreams[k].name() + ' (' + self.ResolvedStreams[k].hostname() +')')
        # find those that are required but missing
        missing = [n for n in self.RequiredStreams if (n not in self.ResolvedNames)]
        self.MissingStreams = missing
        allnames = []
        allnames += self.ResolvedNames
        allnames += missing
        # update the listbox contents
        good_brush = QBrush()
        bad_brush = QBrush()
github sccn / SNAP / src / framework / eventmarkers / View on Github external
def init_markers(lsl,logfile,datariver,serialport,uid):
    """ Initialize the marker protocols to use. """

    if lsl:
            global lsl_backend
            import pylsl.pylsl as pylsl
            info = pylsl.stream_info("SNAP-Markers","Markers",1,0,pylsl.cf_string,"SNAPmarkers-" + uid)
            lsl_backend = pylsl.stream_outlet(info)
            lsl_backend.pylsl = pylsl
            print "The lab streaming layer is ready for sending markers."
            print "Error initializing the lab streaming layer backend. You will not be able to send and record event markers via LSL."
    if logfile:
            # find a new slot for the logfiles
            for k in xrange(10000):
                fname = 'logs/markerlog-' + str(k) + '.log'
                if not os.path.exists(fname):
                    global marker_log
                    marker_log = open(fname,'w')
            print "A marker logfile has been prepared for logging."
github sccn / SNAP / src / framework / eventmarkers / View on Github external
def init_markers(lsl,logfile,datariver,serialport,uid):
    """ Initialize the marker protocols to use. """

    if lsl:
            global lsl_backend
            import pylsl.pylsl as pylsl
            info = pylsl.stream_info("SNAP-Markers","Markers",1,0,pylsl.cf_string,"SNAPmarkers-" + uid)
            lsl_backend = pylsl.stream_outlet(info)
            lsl_backend.pylsl = pylsl
            print "The lab streaming layer is ready for sending markers."
            print "Error initializing the lab streaming layer backend. You will not be able to send and record event markers via LSL."
    if logfile:
            # find a new slot for the logfiles
            for k in xrange(10000):
                fname = 'logs/markerlog-' + str(k) + '.log'
                if not os.path.exists(fname):
                    global marker_log
                    marker_log = open(fname,'w')
            print "A marker logfile has been prepared for logging."
github sccn / SNAP / src / framework / eventmarkers / View on Github external
def init_markers(lsl,logfile,datariver,serialport,uid):
    """ Initialize the marker protocols to use. """

    if lsl:
            global lsl_backend
            import pylsl.pylsl as pylsl
            info = pylsl.stream_info("SNAP-Markers","Markers",1,0,pylsl.cf_string,"SNAPmarkers-" + uid)
            lsl_backend = pylsl.stream_outlet(info)
            lsl_backend.pylsl = pylsl
            print "The lab streaming layer is ready for sending markers."
            print "Error initializing the lab streaming layer backend. You will not be able to send and record event markers via LSL."
    if logfile:
            # find a new slot for the logfiles
            for k in xrange(10000):
                fname = 'logs/markerlog-' + str(k) + '.log'
                if not os.path.exists(fname):
                    global marker_log
                    marker_log = open(fname,'w')
            print "A marker logfile has been prepared for logging."
            print "Error initializing the marker logging. Your event markers will not be logged into a file."
github timeflux / timeflux / timeflux / nodes / View on Github external
raise ValueError("Please specify a stream name or a property and value.")
        if offset_correction:
                'The "offset_correction" parameter is deprecated. Use "sync" instead.'
            sync = "local"
        self._prop = prop
        self._value = value
        self._inlet = None
        self._labels = None
        self._unit = unit
        self._sync = sync
        self._channels = channels
        self._timeout = timeout
        self._max_samples = max_samples
        self._offset = time() - pylsl.local_clock()