How to use the pygmt.exceptions.GMTInvalidInput function in pygmt

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valid : list of str
            A list of valid values for the constant. Will raise a
            :class:`~gmt.exceptions.GMTInvalidInput` exception if the given
            value is not on the list.
        parts = constant.split("|")
        name = parts[0]
        nmodifiers = len(parts) - 1
        if nmodifiers > 1:
            raise GMTInvalidInput(
                "Only one modifier is allowed in constants, {} given: '{}'".format(
                    nmodifiers, constant
        if nmodifiers > 0 and valid_modifiers is None:
            raise GMTInvalidInput(
                "Constant modifiers not allowed since valid values were not "
                + "given: '{}'".format(constant)
        if name not in valid:
            raise GMTInvalidInput(
                "Invalid constant argument '{}'. Must be one of {}.".format(
                    name, str(valid)
        if (
            nmodifiers > 0
            and valid_modifiers is not None
            and parts[1] not in valid_modifiers
            raise GMTInvalidInput(
                "Invalid constant modifier '{}'. Must be one of {}.".format(
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...             print(
        : N = 3 <1/3> <4/6> <7/9>

        # Conversion to a C-contiguous array needs to be done here and not in
        # put_matrix because we need to maintain a reference to the copy while
        # it is being used by the C API. Otherwise, the array would be garbage
        # collected and the memory freed. Creating it in this context manager
        # guarantees that the copy will be around until the virtual file is
        # closed. The conversion is implicit in vectors_to_arrays.
        arrays = vectors_to_arrays(vectors)

        columns = len(arrays)
        rows = len(arrays[0])
        if not all(len(i) == rows for i in arrays):
            raise GMTInvalidInput("All arrays must have same size.")

        family = "GMT_IS_DATASET|GMT_VIA_VECTOR"
        geometry = "GMT_IS_POINT"

        dataset = self.create_data(
            family, geometry, mode="GMT_CONTAINER_ONLY", dim=[columns, rows, 1, 0]

        for col, array in enumerate(arrays):
            self.put_vector(dataset, column=col, vector=array)

        with self.open_virtual_file(family, geometry, "GMT_IN", dataset) as vfile:
            yield vfile
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if len(grid.dims) != 2:
        raise GMTInvalidInput(
            "Invalid number of grid dimensions '{}'. Must be 2.".format(len(grid.dims))
    # Extract region and inc from the grid
    region = []
    inc = []
    # Reverse the dims because it is rows, columns ordered. In geographic
    # grids, this would be North-South, East-West. GMT's region and inc are
    # East-West, North-South.
    for dim in grid.dims[::-1]:
        coord = grid.coords[dim].values
        coord_incs = coord[1:] - coord[0:-1]
        coord_inc = coord_incs[0]
        if not np.allclose(coord_incs, coord_inc):
            raise GMTInvalidInput(
                "Grid appears to have irregular spacing in the '{}' dimension.".format(
        region.extend([coord.min(), coord.max()])

    if any([i < 0 for i in inc]):  # Sort grid when there are negative increments
        inc = [abs(i) for i in inc]
        grid = grid.sortby(variables=list(grid.dims), ascending=True)

    matrix = as_c_contiguous(grid.values[::-1])
    return matrix, region, inc
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dpi : int
            Set raster resolution in dpi. Default is 720 for PDF, 300 for

        # All supported formats
        fmts = dict(png="g", pdf="f", jpg="j", bmp="b", eps="e", tif="t", kml="g")

        prefix, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
        ext = ext[1:]  # Remove the .
        if ext not in fmts:
            raise GMTInvalidInput("Unknown extension '.{}'".format(ext))
        fmt = fmts[ext]
        if transparent:
            if fmt != "g":
                raise GMTInvalidInput(
                    "Transparency unavailable for '{}', only for png.".format(ext)
            fmt = fmt.upper()
        if anti_alias:
            kwargs["Qt"] = 2
            kwargs["Qg"] = 2
        if ext == "kml":
            kwargs["W"] = "+k"

        self.psconvert(prefix=prefix, fmt=fmt, crop=crop, **kwargs)
        if show:
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    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> data_kind(data=None, x=np.array([1, 2, 3]), y=np.array([4, 5, 6]))
    >>> data_kind(data=np.arange(10).reshape((5, 2)), x=None, y=None)
    >>> data_kind(data='my-data-file.txt', x=None, y=None)

    if data is None and x is None and y is None:
        raise GMTInvalidInput("No input data provided.")
    if data is not None and (x is not None or y is not None or z is not None):
        raise GMTInvalidInput("Too much data. Use either data or x and y.")
    if data is None and (x is None or y is None):
        raise GMTInvalidInput("Must provided both x and y.")

    if isinstance(data, str):
        kind = "file"
    elif isinstance(data, xr.DataArray):
        kind = "grid"
    elif data is not None:
        kind = "matrix"
        kind = "vectors"
    return kind
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One of: ``'file'``, ``'matrix'``, ``'vectors'``.


    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> data_kind(data=None, x=np.array([1, 2, 3]), y=np.array([4, 5, 6]))
    >>> data_kind(data=np.arange(10).reshape((5, 2)), x=None, y=None)
    >>> data_kind(data='my-data-file.txt', x=None, y=None)

    if data is None and x is None and y is None:
        raise GMTInvalidInput("No input data provided.")
    if data is not None and (x is not None or y is not None or z is not None):
        raise GMTInvalidInput("Too much data. Use either data or x and y.")
    if data is None and (x is None or y is None):
        raise GMTInvalidInput("Must provided both x and y.")

    if isinstance(data, str):
        kind = "file"
    elif isinstance(data, xr.DataArray):
        kind = "grid"
    elif data is not None:
        kind = "matrix"
        kind = "vectors"
    return kind
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        grid : str or xarray.DataArray
            The file name of the input grid or the grid loaded as a DataArray.

        kwargs = self._preprocess(**kwargs)
        kind = data_kind(grid, None, None)
        with Session() as lib:
            if kind == "file":
                file_context = dummy_context(grid)
            elif kind == "grid":
                file_context = lib.virtualfile_from_grid(grid)
                raise GMTInvalidInput("Unrecognized data type: {}".format(type(grid)))
            with file_context as fname:
                arg_str = " ".join([fname, build_arg_string(kwargs)])
                lib.call_module("grdimage", arg_str)
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>>> import numpy as np
        >>> data = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype='float64')
        >>> with Session() as ses:
        ...     gmttype = ses._check_dtype_and_dim(data, ndim=1)
        ...     gmttype == ses["GMT_DOUBLE"]
        >>> data = np.ones((5, 2), dtype='float32')
        >>> with Session() as ses:
        ...     gmttype = ses._check_dtype_and_dim(data, ndim=2)
        ...     gmttype == ses['GMT_FLOAT']

        if not in DTYPES:
            raise GMTInvalidInput(
                "Unsupported numpy data type '{}'.".format(
        if array.ndim != ndim:
            raise GMTInvalidInput(
                "Expected a numpy 1d array, got {}d.".format(array.ndim)
        return self[DTYPES[]]
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        L : str
            Draws a simple map scale centered on the reference point specified.
        Td : str
            Draws a map directional rose on the map at the location defined by
            the reference and anchor points.
        Tm : str
            Draws a map magnetic rose on the map at the location defined by the
            reference and anchor points

        kwargs = self._preprocess(**kwargs)
        if not ("B" in kwargs or "L" in kwargs or "T" in kwargs):
            raise GMTInvalidInput("At least one of B, L, or T must be specified.")
        with Session() as lib:
            lib.call_module("basemap", build_arg_string(kwargs))
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N : Do not clip contours
        Q : Minimum contour length
        S : Skip input points outside region
        X : Origin shift x
        Y : Origin shift y

        kwargs = self._preprocess(**kwargs)

        kind = data_kind(data, x, y, z)
        if kind == "vectors" and z is None:
            raise GMTInvalidInput("Must provided both x, y, and z.")

        with Session() as lib:
            # Choose how data will be passed in to the module
            if kind == "file":
                file_context = dummy_context(data)
            elif kind == "matrix":
                file_context = lib.virtualfile_from_matrix(data)
            elif kind == "vectors":
                file_context = lib.virtualfile_from_vectors(x, y, z)

            with file_context as fname:
                arg_str = " ".join([fname, build_arg_string(kwargs)])
                lib.call_module("contour", arg_str)