How to use the pyeapi.api.EntityCollection function in pyeapi

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cmds = ['ip access-list standard %s' % name]
        entry = '%s %s/%s' % (action, addr, prefixlen)
        if seqno is not None:
            entry = '%s %s' % (seqno, entry)
        if log:
            entry += ' log'
        return self.configure(cmds)

    def remove_entry(self, name, seqno):
        cmds = ['ip access-list standard %s' % name, 'no %s' % seqno, 'exit']
        return self.configure(cmds)

class ExtendedAcls(EntityCollection):

    entry_re = re.compile(r'(\d+)'
                          r'(?: ([p|d]\w+))'
                          r'(?: (\w+|\d+))'
                          r'(?: ([a|h]\w+))?'
                          r'(?: ([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){3}))?'
                          r'(?: ((?:eq|gt|lt|neq|range) [\w-]+))?'
                          r'(?: ([a|h]\w+))?'
                          r'(?: ([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){3}))?'
                          r'(?: ([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){3}))?'
                          r'(?: ((?:eq|gt|lt|neq|range) [\w-]+))?'
                          r'(?: (.+))?')

    def get(self, name):
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resources on an EOS node. It provides the following class implementations:

    * Routemaps - Configures routemaps in EOS

    The set and match attributes produce a list of strings with The
    corresponding configuration. These strings will omit the preceeding
    set or match words, respectively.

import re

from pyeapi.api import EntityCollection

class Routemaps(EntityCollection):
    """The Routemaps class provides management of the routemaps configuration

    The Routemaps class is derived from Entity and provides an API for working
    with the nodes routemaps configuraiton.

    def get(self, name):
        """Provides a method to retrieve all routemap configuration
        related to the name attribute.

            name (string): The name of the routemap.

            None if the specified routemap does not exists. If the routermap
            exists a dictionary will be provided as follows::
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self._instances[cls] = instance
        return instance

    def marshall(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        interface = args[0]
        if not isvalidinterface(interface):
            raise ValueError('invalid interface {}'.format(interface))

        instance = self.get_instance(interface)
        if not hasattr(instance, name):
            raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" %
                                 (instance, name))
        method = getattr(instance, name)
        return method(*args, **kwargs)

class BaseInterface(EntityCollection):

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Interface'

    def get(self, name):
        """Returns a generic interface as a set of key/value pairs

        This class is should normally serve as a  base class for building more
        specific interface resources.  The attributes of this resource are
        common to all interfaces regardless of type in EOS.

        The generic interface resource returns the following:

            * name (str): The name of the interface
            * type (str): Always returns 'generic'
            * shutdown (bool): True if the interface is shutdown
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"""Module for working with logical layer 2 switchports in EOS

This module provides an API for working with logical layer 2 interfaces
(switchports) in EOS.  Switchports are interfaces built on top of
physical Ethernet and bundled Port-Channel interfaces.


import re

from pyeapi.api import EntityCollection
from pyeapi.utils import make_iterable

class Switchports(EntityCollection):
    """The Switchports class provides a configuration resource for swichports

    Logical layer 2 interfaces built on top of physical Ethernet and bundled
    Port-Channel interfaces can be configured and managed with an instance
    of Switchports.   The Switchports class is a resource collection and
    supports get and getall methods.  The Switchports class is derived from
    the BaseResource class


    def get(self, name):
        """Returns a dictionary object that represents a switchport

        The Switchport resource returns the following:

            * name (str): The name of the interface
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VALID_INTERFACES = frozenset([

def isvalidinterface(value):
    match = re.match(r'([EPVLM][a-z-C]+)', value)
    return match and in VALID_INTERFACES

class Interfaces(EntityCollection):

    def __init__(self, node, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Interfaces, self).__init__(node, *args, **kwargs)
        self._instances = dict()

    def get(self, name):
        return self.get_instance(name)[name]

    def getall(self):
        """Returns all interfaces in a dict object.

            A Python dictionary object containing all interface
            configuration indexed by interface name::

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ipv4_routing (bool): Tells whether IPv4 routing is enabled on the VRF
    ipv6_routing (bool): Tells whether IPv6 unicast routing is enabled on the


import re

from pyeapi.api import EntityCollection
from pyeapi.utils import make_iterable

RD_RE = re.compile(r'(?:\srd\s)(?P.*)$', re.M)
DESCRIPTION_RE = re.compile(r'(?:description\s)(?P.*)$', re.M)

class Vrfs(EntityCollection):
    """The Vrfs class provides a configuration resource for VRFs

    The Vrfs class is derived from ResourceBase a standard set of methods
    for working with VRF configurations on an EOS node.


    def get(self, value):
        """Returns the VRF configuration as a resource dict.

            value (string): The vrf name to retrieve from the
                running configuration.

            A Python dict object containing the VRF attributes as
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                    raise ValueError('mac_address must be formatted like:'
                raise ValueError('mac_address must be a properly formatted '
                                 'address string')
        if default or disable and not mac_address:
            current_mac = self._parse_mac_address()
            if current_mac['mac_address']:
                base_command = base_command + ' ' + current_mac['mac_address']
        commands = self.command_builder(base_command, value=mac_address,
                                        default=default, disable=disable)
        return self.configure(commands)

class VarpInterfaces(EntityCollection):
    """The VarpInterfaces class helps manage interfaces with
    virtual-router configuration.
    def get(self, name):
        interface_re = r'interface\s%s' % name
        config = self.get_block(interface_re)

        if not config:
            return None

        resource = dict(addresses=dict())
        return resource

    def getall(self):
        resources = dict()
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#   ip_dest
#   next_hop
#   next_hop_ip
#   distance
#   tag
#   name
ROUTES_RE = re.compile(r'(?<=^ip route)'
                       r' (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\/\d+)'
                       r' (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+|\S+)'
                       r'(?: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+))?'
                       r' (\d+)'
                       r'(?: tag (\d+))?'
                       r'(?: name (\S+))?', re.M)

class StaticRoute(EntityCollection):
    """The StaticRoute class provides a configuration instance
    for working with static routes


    def __str__(self):
        return 'StaticRoute'

    def get(self, name):
        """Retrieves the ip route information for the destination
        ip address specified.

            name (string): The ip address of the destination in the
                form of A.B.C.D/E
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is considered a valid VLAN

        value: The value to check if is a valid VLAN

        True if the supplied value is a valid VLAN otherwise False
        value = int(value)
        return value in range(1, 4095)
    except ValueError:
        return False

class Vlans(EntityCollection):
    """The Vlans class provides a configuration resource for VLANs

    The Vlans class is derived from ResourceBase a standard set of methods
    for working with VLAN configurations on an EOS node.

    def get(self, value):
        """Returns the VLAN configuration as a resource dict.

            value (string): The vlan identifier to retrieve from the
                running configuration.  Valid values are in the range
                of 1 to 4095

            A Python dict object containing the VLAN attributes as
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cmds = 'spanning-tree mode %s' % value
        return self.configure(cmds)

class StpInstances(EntityCollection):
    """Provides a configuration resource for spanning-tree instances

    This class provides an API for working with spanning-tree instances from
    the global configuration.  Spanning tree instances work with MST

    def getall(self):
        # TODO: (privateip, 20150106) stubbed out, needs implementation
        return dict()

class StpInterfaces(EntityCollection):
    """Provides a configuration resource for spanning-tree interfaces

    This class provides an API for working with spanning-tree interface
    configurations.  It provides access to managing specific interface
    spanning-tree configuration options.  Note that spanning-tree interfaces
    cannot be created or deleted.

    def get(self, name):
        """Returns the specified interfaces STP configuration resource

        The STP interface resource contains the following

            * name (str): The interface name
            * portfast (bool): The spanning-tree portfast admin state
            * bpduguard (bool): The spanning-tree bpduguard admin state