How to use the pydantic.BaseModel function in pydantic

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pydantic examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github dry-python / stories / tests / helpers / examples / contract / pydantic / View on Github external
baz: int

class ChildWithNull(object):
    def x(I):

class ChildWithShrink(object):
    def x(I):

    class Contract(BaseModel):
        baz: int

class ChildAlias(object):
    def x(I):

    class Contract(BaseModel):
        foo: Dict[str, str]
        bar: Dict[str, str]
        baz: Dict[str, int]

class ParamChild(object):
github samuelcolvin / pydantic / tests / View on Github external
def test_custom_init_subclass_params():
    class DerivedModel(BaseModel):
        def __init_subclass__(cls, something):
            cls.something = something

    # if this raises a TypeError, then there is a regression of issue 867:
    # pydantic.main.MetaModel.__new__ should include **kwargs at the end of the
    # method definition and pass them on to the super call at the end in order
    # to allow the special method __init_subclass__ to be defined with custom
    # parameters on extended BaseModel classes.
    class NewModel(DerivedModel, something=2):
        something = 1

    assert NewModel.something == 2
github tiangolo / fastapi / docs / src / body_multiple_params / View on Github external
from fastapi import Body, FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel

app = FastAPI()

class Item(BaseModel):
    name: str
    description: str = None
    price: float
    tax: float = None

class User(BaseModel):
    username: str
    full_name: str = None

async def update_item(
    *, item_id: int, item: Item, user: User, importance: int = Body(...)
    results = {"item_id": item_id, "item": item, "user": user, "importance": importance}
    return results
github QwantResearch / idunn / idunn / api / View on Github external
category: Optional[str]

    @validator("category", pre=True, always=True)
    def valid_categories(cls, v):
        if v is None:
            return None
        if v not in ALL_OUTING_CATEGORIES:
            raise ValueError(
                f"outing_types '{v}' is invalid since it does not belong to set of possible outings type: {list(ALL_OUTING_CATEGORIES.keys())}"
            v = ALL_OUTING_CATEGORIES.get(v, {})
        return v

class PlacesBboxResponse(BaseModel):
    places: List[Any]
    source: PoiSource
    bbox: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float, float]] = Field(
        description="Minimal bbox containing all results. `null` if no result is found. May be larger than or outside of the original bbox passed in the query if `?extend_bbox=true` was set.",
        example=(2.32, 48.85, 2.367, 48.866),
    bbox_extended: bool = Field(
        description="`true` if `?extend_bbox=true` was set and search has been executed on an extended bbox, after no result was found in the original bbox passed in the query."

    def round_bbox_values(cls, v):
        if v is None:
            return v
        return tuple(round(x, 6) for x in v)
github luckydonald / pytgbot / code_generation / output / telegram_bot_api_server / generated / View on Github external
class PhotoSizeModel(BaseModel):  # Result
    This object represents one size of a photo or a file / sticker thumbnail.
    file_id: str
    file_unique_id: str
    width: int
    height: int
    file_size: Optional[int]
# end class PhotoSize

class AnimationModel(BaseModel):  # Media
    This object represents an animation file (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound).
    file_id: str
    file_unique_id: str
    width: int
    height: int
    duration: int
    thumb: Optional['PhotoSizeModel']
    file_name: Optional[str]
    mime_type: Optional[str]
    file_size: Optional[int]
# end class Animation
github luckydonald / pytgbot / code_generation / output / telegram_bot_api_server / generated / View on Github external
question: str
    options: List['PollOptionModel']
    total_voter_count: int
    is_closed: bool
    is_anonymous: bool
    type: str
    allows_multiple_answers: bool
    correct_option_id: Optional[int]
    explanation: Optional[str]
    explanation_entities: Optional[List['MessageEntityModel']]
    open_period: Optional[int]
    close_date: Optional[int]
# end class Poll

class LocationModel(BaseModel):  # Media
    This object represents a point on the map.
    longitude: float
    latitude: float
# end class Location

class VenueModel(BaseModel):  # Media
    This object represents a venue.
github samuelcolvin / pydantic / docs / examples / View on Github external
from pydantic import BaseModel

class BarModel(BaseModel):
    whatever: int

class FooBarModel(BaseModel):
    banana: float
    foo: str
    bar: BarModel

m = FooBarModel(banana=3.14, foo='hello', bar={'whatever': 123})

print(m.copy(include={'foo', 'bar'}))
print(m.copy(exclude={'foo', 'bar'}))
print(m.copy(update={'banana': 0}))
print(id(, id(m.copy().bar))
# normal copy gives the same object reference for `bar`
print(id(, id(m.copy(deep=True).bar))
# deep copy gives a new object reference for `bar`
github 3lpsy / boucanpy / boucanpy / core / auth / View on Github external
from pydantic import BaseModel, SecretStr, constr
from boucanpy.core import (

class PasswordAuthForm(BaseModel):
    username: ConstrainedEmailStr
    password: ConstrainedSecretStr  # TODO: constrain length

class MfaAuthForm(BaseModel):
    token: ConstrainedTokenStr
github SoyBeansLab / daizu-online-judge-backend / src / domain / Submission / View on Github external
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional
import uuid
from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError, validator

class Submission(BaseModel):
    submit_id: str
    username: str
    problem_id: str
    result: str
    language: str
    score: int
    test_case: str
    source_code: str
    code_size: int
    compile_message: str
    created_at: Optional[datetime]

    def __init__(
        submit_id: str,
        username: str,
github 3lpsy / boucanpy / boucanpy / core / View on Github external
class DnsServerData(BaseModel):
    id: int
    name: str
    zones: Optional[List[ForwardRef("ZoneData")]]
    created_at: datetime

class HttpServerData(BaseModel):
    id: int
    name: str
    zones: Optional[List[ForwardRef("ZoneData")]]
    created_at: datetime

class DnsRecordData(BaseModel):
    id: int
    record: str
    sort: int
    zone_id: int
    # zone: Optional[ZoneData]

class ZoneData(BaseModel):
    id: int
    ip: str
    domain: str
    is_active: bool
    dns_server_id: Optional[int]
    dns_server: Optional[DnsServerData]
    dns_records: Optional[List[DnsRecordData]]
    http_server_id: Optional[int]