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# Trajectory Parameters:
number_of_projections = 100
angular_range = np.pi
# create Geometry class
geometry = GeometryParallel2D(volume_shape, volume_spacing, detector_shape, detector_spacing, number_of_projections, angular_range)
# Get Phantom
phantom = shepp_logan.shepp_logan(volume_shape)
pyc.imshow(phantom, 'phantom')
# Training Data
sinogram = generate_sinogram.generate_sinogram(phantom, parallel_projection2d, geometry)
pyc.imshow(sinogram, 'sinogram')
# ------------------ Build Network ------------------
# Define input sinogram
input_sinogram_tf = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=geometry.sinogram_shape, name="input_sinogram")
# FFT layer
fft_layer = tf.cast(tf.spectral.fft(tf.cast(input_sinogram_tf, dtype=tf.complex64)), tf.complex64)
# Filtering as multiplication layer
filter_weights = tf.Variable(tf.convert_to_tensor(filters.ramp(int(geometry.detector_shape[0])))) # init as ramp filter
#filter_weights = tf.Variable(tf.convert_to_tensor(np.random.uniform(size=int(geometry.detector_shape[0])))) # init as random to see something
filter_layer = tf.multiply(fft_layer, tf.cast(filter_weights, dtype=tf.complex64))
# IFFT layer
# params
size_x = 200
size_y = 300
# circle
cricle_phantom = circle([size_y, size_x], [50, 50], 30, 1)
pyc.imshow(cricle_phantom, 'phantom1')
# ellipse
ellipse_phantom = ellipse([200, 200], [50, 50], [11, 31], 1, np.radians(18.0))
pyc.imshow(ellipse_phantom, 'phantom2')
# my_shepp_logan
my_shepp_logan = shepp_logan_numpy([size_y, size_x])
pyc.imshow(my_shepp_logan, 'my_shepp_logan')
# pyconrad shepp logan
_ = pyc.ClassGetter('edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.phantoms')
shepp_conrad = _.SheppLogan(size_x, True).as_numpy()
pyc.imshow(shepp_conrad, 'shepp_conrad')
# difference
abs_diff = np.abs(my_shepp_logan - shepp_conrad)
pyc.imshow(abs_diff, 'diff')
print('difference: ', np.sum(abs_diff))
# ------------------ Training ------------------
with tf.Session() as sess:
for i in range(iterations):
# run tf session
training =, feed_dict={input_sinogram_tf: sinogram, ground_truth_tf: phantom})
loss_value =, feed_dict={input_sinogram_tf: sinogram, ground_truth_tf: phantom})
# show some outputs
if i%1 is 0:
# show the current reco
reco =, feed_dict={input_sinogram_tf: sinogram})
pyc.imshow(reco, 'reco')
# show the current filter
current_filter = filter_weights.eval()
# status
print( "iteration: ", i)
print( "loss: ", loss_value)
# circle
cricle_phantom = circle([size_y, size_x], [50, 50], 30, 1)
pyc.imshow(cricle_phantom, 'phantom1')
# ellipse
ellipse_phantom = ellipse([200, 200], [50, 50], [11, 31], 1, np.radians(18.0))
pyc.imshow(ellipse_phantom, 'phantom2')
# my_shepp_logan
my_shepp_logan = shepp_logan_numpy([size_y, size_x])
pyc.imshow(my_shepp_logan, 'my_shepp_logan')
# pyconrad shepp logan
_ = pyc.ClassGetter('edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.phantoms')
shepp_conrad = _.SheppLogan(size_x, True).as_numpy()
pyc.imshow(shepp_conrad, 'shepp_conrad')
# difference
abs_diff = np.abs(my_shepp_logan - shepp_conrad)
pyc.imshow(abs_diff, 'diff')
print('difference: ', np.sum(abs_diff))
sinogram = sinogram + np.random.normal(
loc=np.mean(np.abs(sinogram)), scale=np.std(sinogram), size=sinogram.shape) * 0.02
reco_filter = filters.ram_lak_3D(geometry)
sino_freq = np.fft.fft(sinogram, axis=2)
sino_filtered_freq = np.multiply(sino_freq,reco_filter)
sinogram_filtered = np.fft.ifft(sino_filtered_freq, axis=2)
result_back_proj = par_backprojection3d(sinogram_filtered,geometry)
reco = result_back_proj.eval()
import pyconrad as pyc
a = 5
# ellipse
ellipse_phantom = ellipse([200, 200], [50, 50], [11, 31], 1, np.radians(18.0))
pyc.imshow(ellipse_phantom, 'phantom2')
# my_shepp_logan
my_shepp_logan = shepp_logan_numpy([size_y, size_x])
pyc.imshow(my_shepp_logan, 'my_shepp_logan')
# pyconrad shepp logan
_ = pyc.ClassGetter('edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.phantoms')
shepp_conrad = _.SheppLogan(size_x, True).as_numpy()
pyc.imshow(shepp_conrad, 'shepp_conrad')
# difference
abs_diff = np.abs(my_shepp_logan - shepp_conrad)
pyc.imshow(abs_diff, 'diff')
print('difference: ', np.sum(abs_diff))
# Detector Parameters:
detector_shape = 2*volume_size
detector_spacing = 0.5
# Trajectory Parameters:
number_of_projections = 100
angular_range = np.pi
# create Geometry class
geometry = GeometryParallel2D(volume_shape, volume_spacing, detector_shape, detector_spacing, number_of_projections, angular_range)
# Get Phantom
phantom = shepp_logan.shepp_logan(volume_shape)
pyc.imshow(phantom, 'phantom')
# Training Data
sinogram = generate_sinogram.generate_sinogram(phantom, parallel_projection2d, geometry)
pyc.imshow(sinogram, 'sinogram')
# ------------------ Build Network ------------------
# Define input sinogram
input_sinogram_tf = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=geometry.sinogram_shape, name="input_sinogram")
# FFT layer
fft_layer = tf.cast(tf.spectral.fft(tf.cast(input_sinogram_tf, dtype=tf.complex64)), tf.complex64)
# Filtering as multiplication layer
filter_weights = tf.Variable(tf.convert_to_tensor(filters.ramp(int(geometry.detector_shape[0])))) # init as ramp filter
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import lme_custom_ops
import pyconrad as pyc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyronn.ct_reconstruction.layers.projection_2d import parallel_projection2d
from pyronn.ct_reconstruction.layers.backprojection_2d import parallel_backprojection2d
from pyronn.ct_reconstruction.geometry.geometry_parallel_2d import GeometryParallel2D
from pyronn.ct_reconstruction.helpers.phantoms import shepp_logan
from pyronn.ct_reconstruction.helpers.trajectories import circular_trajectory
from pyronn.ct_reconstruction.helpers.filters import filters
import pyronn.ct_reconstruction.helpers.misc.generate_sinogram as generate_sinogram
def example_learning_simple():
# ------------------ Declare Parameters ------------------
# Volume Parameters:
volume_size = 200
import numpy as np
import pyconrad as pyc # TODO: get independent of pyconrad
def circle(shape, pos, radius, value):
# create meshgrid of coords
xx, yy = np.mgrid[:shape[1], :shape[0]]
# calc squared distance to pos
circle = (xx - pos[1]) ** 2 + (yy - pos[0]) ** 2
return (circle <= radius**2) * value
def ellipse(shape, pos, half_axes, value, theta=0):
# create meshgrid of coords
xx, yy = np.mgrid[:shape[0], :shape[1]]
sinogram = sinogram + np.random.normal(
loc=np.mean(np.abs(sinogram)), scale=np.std(sinogram), size=sinogram.shape) * 0.02
reco_filter = filters.ram_lak_3D(geometry)
sino_freq = np.fft.fft(sinogram, axis=2)
sino_filtered_freq = np.multiply(sino_freq,reco_filter)
sinogram_filtered = np.fft.ifft(sino_filtered_freq, axis=2)
result_back_proj = par_backprojection3d(sinogram_filtered,geometry)
reco = result_back_proj.eval()
import pyconrad as pyc
a = 5