How to use the pybliometrics.scopus.classes.Search function in pybliometrics

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github pybliometrics-dev / pybliometrics / pybliometrics / scopus / View on Github external
from collections import namedtuple

from pybliometrics.scopus.classes import Search
from pybliometrics.scopus.utils import listify, check_integrity, \

class ScopusSearch(Search):
    def results(self):
        """A list of namedtuples in the form (eid doi pii pubmed_id title
        subtype subtypeDescription creator afid affilname affiliation_city affiliation_country
        author_count author_names author_ids author_afids coverDate
        coverDisplayDate publicationName issn source_id eIssn aggregationType
        volume issueIdentifier article_number pageRange description
        authkeywords citedby_count openaccess fund_acr fund_no fund_sponsor).
        Field definitions correspond to, except for
        afid, affilname, affiliation_city, affiliation_country, author_count,
        author_names, author_ids and author_afids:  These information are
        joined on ";".  In case an author has multiple affiliations, they are
        joined on "-" (e.g. Author1Aff;Author2Aff1-Author2Aff2).

github pybliometrics-dev / pybliometrics / pybliometrics / scopus / View on Github external
from collections import namedtuple

from pybliometrics.scopus.classes import Search
from pybliometrics.scopus.utils import check_integrity, check_field_consistency

class AuthorSearch(Search):
    def authors(self):
        """A list of namedtuples storing author information,
        where each namedtuple corresponds to one author.
        The information in each namedtuple is (eid surname initials givenname
        documents affiliation affiliation_id city country areas).

        All entries are strings or None.  Areas combines abbreviated subject
        areas followed by the number of documents in this subject.

            If the elements provided in integrity_fields do not match the
            actual field names (listed above).
github pybliometrics-dev / pybliometrics / pybliometrics / scopus / View on Github external
from collections import namedtuple

from pybliometrics.scopus.classes import Search
from pybliometrics.scopus.utils import check_integrity, check_field_consistency

class AffiliationSearch(Search):
    def affiliations(self):
        """A list of namedtuples storing affiliation information,
        where each namedtuple corresponds to one affiliation.
        The information in each namedtuple is (eid name variant documents city
        country parent).

        All entries are strings or None.  variant combines variants of names
        with a semicolon.

            If the elements provided in integrity_fields do not match the
            actual field names (listed above).