How to use the pyhik.constants.CONNECT_TIMEOUT function in pyHik

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pyHik examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mezz64 / pyHik / pyhik / View on Github external
def get_event_triggers(self):
        Returns dict of supported events.
        Key = Event Type
        List = Channels that have that event activated
        events = {}
        nvrflag = False
        event_xml = []

        url = '%s/ISAPI/Event/triggers' % self.root_url

            response = self.hik_request.get(url, timeout=CONNECT_TIMEOUT)
            if response.status_code ==
                # Try alternate URL for triggers
                _LOGGING.debug('Using alternate triggers URL.')
                url = '%s/Event/triggers' % self.root_url
                response = self.hik_request.get(url)

        except (requests.exceptions.RequestException,
                requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
            _LOGGING.error('Unable to fetch events, error: %s', err)
            return None

        if response.status_code != 200:
            # If we didn't recieve 200, abort
            return None

        # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
github mezz64 / pyHik / pyhik / View on Github external
def get_device_info(self):
        """Parse deviceInfo into dictionary."""
        device_info = {}
        url = '%s/ISAPI/System/deviceInfo' % self.root_url
        using_digest = False

            response = self.hik_request.get(url, timeout=CONNECT_TIMEOUT)
            if response.status_code ==
                _LOGGING.debug('Basic authentication failed. Using digest.')
                self.hik_request.auth = HTTPDigestAuth(self.usr, self.pwd)
                using_digest = True
                response = self.hik_request.get(url)

            if response.status_code ==
                # Try alternate URL for deviceInfo
                _LOGGING.debug('Using alternate deviceInfo URL.')
                url = '%s/System/deviceInfo' % self.root_url
                response = self.hik_request.get(url)
                # Seems to be difference between camera and nvr, they can't seem to
                # agree if they should 404 or 401 first
                if not using_digest and response.status_code ==
                    _LOGGING.debug('Basic authentication failed. Using digest.')
                    self.hik_request.auth = HTTPDigestAuth(self.usr, self.pwd)