How to use the pulsectl.pulsectl.PulseObject function in pulsectl

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pulsectl examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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kws = list(it.starmap('{}={}'.format, kws.items()))
		if fields:
			if is_str_native(fields): fields = fields.split()
			kws.extend('{}={!r}'.format(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in fields)
		kws = sorted(kws)
		if ext: kws.append(str(ext))
		return ', '.join(kws)

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(fields=self.c_struct_fields)

	def __repr__(self):
		return '<{} at {:x} - {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, id(self), str(self))

class PulsePortInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = 'name description available priority'

	def _init_from_struct(self, struct):
		self.available = PulsePortAvailableEnum._c_val(struct.available)
		self.available_state = self.available # for compatibility with <=17.6.0

	def __eq__(self, o):
		if not isinstance(o, PulsePortInfo): raise TypeError(o)
		return ==

	def __hash__(self): return hash(

class PulseClientInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = 'name index driver owner_module'

class PulseServerInfo(PulseObject):
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"channel_list" can be a pulse channel map string (comma-separated) or list
				of channel names. Defaults to stereo map, should probably match volume channels.
			"device" - name of sink/source or None (default).'''
		if is_str(struct_or_name):
			struct_or_name = self.struct_from_value(
				struct_or_name, volume, channel_list, mute, device )
		super(PulseExtStreamRestoreInfo, self).__init__(struct_or_name)

	def to_struct(self):
		return self.struct_from_value(**dict(
			(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in 'name volume channel_list mute device'.split() ))

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(self.volume, fields='name mute device')

class PulseEventInfo(PulseObject):

	def __init__(self, ev_t, facility, index):
		self.t, self.facility, self.index = ev_t, facility, index

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(fields='t facility index'.split())

class Pulse(object):

	_ctx = None

	def __init__(self, client_name=None, server=None, connect=True, threading_lock=False):
		'''Connects to specified pulse server by default.
			Specifying "connect=False" here prevents that, but be sure to call connect() later.
			"connect=False" can also be used here to
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class PulsePortInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = 'name description available priority'

	def _init_from_struct(self, struct):
		self.available = PulsePortAvailableEnum._c_val(struct.available)
		self.available_state = self.available # for compatibility with <=17.6.0

	def __eq__(self, o):
		if not isinstance(o, PulsePortInfo): raise TypeError(o)
		return ==

	def __hash__(self): return hash(

class PulseClientInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = 'name index driver owner_module'

class PulseServerInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = ( 'user_name host_name'
		' server_version server_name default_sink_name default_source_name cookie' )

class PulseModuleInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = 'index name argument n_used auto_unload'

class PulseSinkInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = ( 'index name mute'
		' description sample_spec owner_module latency driver'
		' monitor_source monitor_source_name flags configured_latency card' )

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(self.volume, fields='index name description mute')
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c_struct_fields = ( 'index name mute corked client'
		' owner_module sink sample_spec'
		' buffer_usec sink_usec resample_method driver' )

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(fields='index name mute')

class PulseSourceInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = ( 'index name mute'
		' description sample_spec owner_module latency driver monitor_of_sink'
		' monitor_of_sink_name flags configured_latency card' )

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(self.volume, fields='index name description mute')

class PulseSourceOutputInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = ( 'index name mute corked client'
		' owner_module source sample_spec'
		' buffer_usec source_usec resample_method driver' )

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(fields='index name mute')

class PulseCardProfileInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = 'name description n_sinks n_sources priority available'

class PulseCardPortInfo(PulsePortInfo):
	c_struct_fields = 'name description available priority direction latency_offset'

	def _init_from_struct(self, struct):
		super(PulseCardPortInfo, self)._init_from_struct(struct)
		self.direction = PulseDirectionEnum._c_val(struct.direction)
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c_struct_fields = ( 'index name mute'
		' description sample_spec owner_module latency driver'
		' monitor_source monitor_source_name flags configured_latency card' )

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(self.volume, fields='index name description mute')

class PulseSinkInputInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = ( 'index name mute corked client'
		' owner_module sink sample_spec'
		' buffer_usec sink_usec resample_method driver' )

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(fields='index name mute')

class PulseSourceInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = ( 'index name mute'
		' description sample_spec owner_module latency driver monitor_of_sink'
		' monitor_of_sink_name flags configured_latency card' )

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(self.volume, fields='index name description mute')

class PulseSourceOutputInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = ( 'index name mute corked client'
		' owner_module source sample_spec'
		' buffer_usec source_usec resample_method driver' )

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(fields='index name mute')

class PulseCardProfileInfo(PulseObject):
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class PulseCardInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = 'name index driver owner_module n_profiles'
	c_struct_wrappers = {PulsePortInfo: PulseCardPortInfo}

	def __init__(self, struct):
		super(PulseCardInfo, self).__init__(struct)
		self.profile_list = list(
			PulseCardProfileInfo(struct.profiles2[n][0]) for n in range(self.n_profiles) )
		self.profile_active = PulseCardProfileInfo(struct.active_profile2.contents)

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(
			fields='name index driver n_profiles',
			profile_active='[{}]'.format( )

class PulseVolumeInfo(PulseObject):

	def __init__(self, struct_or_values=None, channels=None):
		if is_num(struct_or_values):
			assert channels is not None, 'Channel count specified if volume value is not a list.'
			self.values = [struct_or_values] * channels
		elif is_list(struct_or_values): self.values = struct_or_values
			self.values = list( (x / c.PA_VOLUME_NORM)
				for x in map(float, struct_or_values.values[:struct_or_values.channels]) )

	def value_flat(self): return (sum(self.values) / float(len(self.values))) if self.values else 0
	def value_flat(self, v): self.values = [v] * len(self.values)

	def to_struct(self):
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' buffer_usec source_usec resample_method driver' )

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(fields='index name mute')

class PulseCardProfileInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = 'name description n_sinks n_sources priority available'

class PulseCardPortInfo(PulsePortInfo):
	c_struct_fields = 'name description available priority direction latency_offset'

	def _init_from_struct(self, struct):
		super(PulseCardPortInfo, self)._init_from_struct(struct)
		self.direction = PulseDirectionEnum._c_val(struct.direction)

class PulseCardInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = 'name index driver owner_module n_profiles'
	c_struct_wrappers = {PulsePortInfo: PulseCardPortInfo}

	def __init__(self, struct):
		super(PulseCardInfo, self).__init__(struct)
		self.profile_list = list(
			PulseCardProfileInfo(struct.profiles2[n][0]) for n in range(self.n_profiles) )
		self.profile_active = PulseCardProfileInfo(struct.active_profile2.contents)

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(
			fields='name index driver n_profiles',
			profile_active='[{}]'.format( )

class PulseVolumeInfo(PulseObject):
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class PulseServerInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = ( 'user_name host_name'
		' server_version server_name default_sink_name default_source_name cookie' )

class PulseModuleInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = 'index name argument n_used auto_unload'

class PulseSinkInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = ( 'index name mute'
		' description sample_spec owner_module latency driver'
		' monitor_source monitor_source_name flags configured_latency card' )

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(self.volume, fields='index name description mute')

class PulseSinkInputInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = ( 'index name mute corked client'
		' owner_module sink sample_spec'
		' buffer_usec sink_usec resample_method driver' )

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(fields='index name mute')

class PulseSourceInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = ( 'index name mute'
		' description sample_spec owner_module latency driver monitor_of_sink'
		' monitor_of_sink_name flags configured_latency card' )

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(self.volume, fields='index name description mute')

class PulseSourceOutputInfo(PulseObject):
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self.available_state = self.available # for compatibility with <=17.6.0

	def __eq__(self, o):
		if not isinstance(o, PulsePortInfo): raise TypeError(o)
		return ==

	def __hash__(self): return hash(

class PulseClientInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = 'name index driver owner_module'

class PulseServerInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = ( 'user_name host_name'
		' server_version server_name default_sink_name default_source_name cookie' )

class PulseModuleInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = 'index name argument n_used auto_unload'

class PulseSinkInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = ( 'index name mute'
		' description sample_spec owner_module latency driver'
		' monitor_source monitor_source_name flags configured_latency card' )

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(self.volume, fields='index name description mute')

class PulseSinkInputInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = ( 'index name mute corked client'
		' owner_module sink sample_spec'
		' buffer_usec sink_usec resample_method driver' )

	def __str__(self):
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	def value_flat(self): return (sum(self.values) / float(len(self.values))) if self.values else 0
	def value_flat(self, v): self.values = [v] * len(self.values)

	def to_struct(self):
		return c.PA_CVOLUME(
			len(self.values), tuple(min( c.PA_VOLUME_UI_MAX,
					int(round(v * c.PA_VOLUME_NORM)) ) for v in self.values) )

	def __str__(self):
		return self._as_str(
			channels=len(self.values), volumes='[{}]'.format(
				' '.join('{}%'.format(int(round(v*100))) for v in self.values) ) )

class PulseExtStreamRestoreInfo(PulseObject):
	c_struct_fields = 'name channel_map volume mute device'

	def struct_from_value( cls, name, volume,
			channel_list=None, mute=False, device=None ):
		'Same arguments as with class instance init.'
		chan_map = c.PA_CHANNEL_MAP()
		if not channel_list:
			if not is_str(channel_list):
				channel_list = b','.join(map(c.force_bytes, channel_list)), channel_list)
		if not isinstance(volume, PulseVolumeInfo):
			volume = PulseVolumeInfo(volume, chan_map.channels)