How to use the pscript.RawJS function in pscript

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pscript examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github flexxui / flexx / flexxamples / demos / View on Github external
color = d3.scale.category10()

        force = d3.layout.force().gravity(0.05).charge(lambda d, i: 0 if i else -2000)\
            .nodes(nodes).size([w, h])

        root = nodes[0]
        root.radius = 0
        root.fixed = True


        x ='#' +
        svg = RawJS('x.append("svg").attr("width", w).attr("height", h)')

        x = RawJS(
        x.attr("r", lambda d: d.radius).style("fill", lambda d, i: color(i % 3))

        def on_tick(e):
            q = d3.geom.quadtree(nodes)
            i = 0
            n = nodes.length
            while i < n-1:
                i += 1
            svg.selectAll("circle").attr("cx", lambda d: d.x).attr("cy", lambda d: d.y)

        force.on("tick", on_tick)

        def on_mousemove():
            p1 = d3.mouse(self.node)
github flexxui / flexx / flexx / ui / View on Github external
# Include basic support for multi-touch
            touches = {}
            for i in range(e.changedTouches.length):
                t = e.changedTouches[i]
                if is not
                touches[t.identifier] = (float(t.clientX - offset[0]),
                                         float(t.clientY - offset[1]),
            # Mouse event
            pos = float(e.clientX - offset[0]), float(e.clientY - offset[1])
            page_pos = e.pageX, e.pageY
            # Fix buttons
            if e.buttons:
                buttons_mask = RawJS(
                # libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-0  version 2.4.11-1 does not define
                # e.buttons
                buttons_mask = [e.button.toString(2)]
            buttons = [i+1 for i in range(5) if buttons_mask[i] == '1']
            button = {0: 1, 1: 3, 2: 2, 3: 4, 4: 5}[e.button]
            touches = {-1: (pos[0], pos[1], 1)}  # key must not clash with real touches

        # note: our button has a value as in JS "which"
        modifiers = [n for n in ('Alt', 'Shift', 'Ctrl', 'Meta')
                        if e[n.toLowerCase() + 'Key']]
        # Create event dict
        return dict(pos=pos, page_pos=page_pos, touches=touches,
                    button=button, buttons=buttons,
github flexxui / flexx / flexx / event / View on Github external
def __create_reaction_ob(self, reaction_func, name, mode, connection_strings):
        # Keep ref to the reaction function, see comment in create_action().

        # Create function that becomes our "reaction object"
        def reaction():
            return reaction_func.apply(self, arguments)  # arguments == events

        # Attach methods to the function object (this gets replaced)

        # Init reaction
        that = self
        RawJS("Component.prototype._REACTION_COUNT += 1")
        reaction._id = RawJS("'r' + Component.prototype._REACTION_COUNT")
        reaction._name = name
        reaction._mode = mode
        reaction._ob1 = lambda : that  # no weakref in JS
        reaction._init(connection_strings, self)

        return reaction
github flexxui / flexx / flexx / event / View on Github external
elif callable(connection_strings[-1]):
            func = connection_strings[-1]
            connection_strings = connection_strings[:-1]
            raise TypeError('Component.reaction() requires a callable.')

        # Verify connection strings
        for i in range(len(connection_strings)):
            s = connection_strings[i]
            if not (isinstance(s, str) and len(s)):
                raise ValueError('Connection string must be nonempty strings.')

        # Get function name (Flexx sets __name__ on methods)
        name = RawJS("func.__name__ || || 'anonymous'")
        # name = name.split(' ')[-1].split('flx_')[-1]
        nameparts = RawJS("name.split(' ')")
        nameparts = RawJS("nameparts[nameparts.length-1].split('flx_')")
        name = nameparts[-1]
        mode = 'normal'
        return self.__create_reaction_ob(func, name, mode, connection_strings)
github flexxui / flexx / flexx / event / View on Github external
def __create_reaction_ob(self, reaction_func, name, mode, connection_strings):
        # Keep ref to the reaction function, see comment in create_action().

        # Create function that becomes our "reaction object"
        def reaction():
            return reaction_func.apply(self, arguments)  # arguments == events

        # Attach methods to the function object (this gets replaced)

        # Init reaction
        that = self
        RawJS("Component.prototype._REACTION_COUNT += 1")
        reaction._id = RawJS("'r' + Component.prototype._REACTION_COUNT")
        reaction._name = name
        reaction._mode = mode
        reaction._ob1 = lambda : that  # no weakref in JS
        reaction._init(connection_strings, self)

        return reaction
github flexxui / flexx / flexx / event / View on Github external
def __init__(self, *init_args, **property_values):

        RawJS('Component.prototype._COUNT += 1')
        self._id = RawJS("this.__name__ + Component.prototype._COUNT")
        self._disposed = False

        # Init some internal variables
        self.__handlers = {}  # reactions connecting to this component
        self.__pending_events = []
        self.__anonymous_reactions = []
        self.__initial_mutation = False

        # Create actions
        for i in range(len(self.__actions__)):
            name = self.__actions__[i]
            self.__create_action(self[name], name)
        # Create emitters
        for i in range(len(self.__emitters__)):
            name = self.__emitters__[i]
            self.__handlers[name] = []
github flexxui / flexx / flexx / app / View on Github external
def spin(self, n=1):
        var el = window.document.getElementById('flexx-spinner');