How to use the pmdarima.utils.array.diff function in pmdarima

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def _fit_ocsb(x, m, lag, max_lag):
        """Fit the linear model used to compute the test statistic"""
        y_first_order_diff = diff(x, m)
        y = diff(y_first_order_diff)
        ylag = OCSBTest._gen_lags(y, lag)

        if max_lag > -1:
            # y = tail(y, -maxlag)
            y = y[max_lag:]

        # A constant term is added in the R code's lm formula. We do that in
        # the linear model's constructor
        mf = ylag[:y.shape[0]]
        ar_fit = sm.OLS(y, add_constant(mf)).fit(method='qr')

        # Create Z4
        z4_y = y_first_order_diff[lag:]  # new endog
        z4_lag = OCSBTest._gen_lags(y_first_order_diff, lag)[:z4_y.shape[0], :]
        z4_preds = ar_fit.predict(add_constant(z4_lag))  # preds
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def _fit_ocsb(x, m, lag, max_lag):
        """Fit the linear model used to compute the test statistic"""
        y_first_order_diff = diff(x, m)
        y = diff(y_first_order_diff)
        ylag = OCSBTest._gen_lags(y, lag)

        if max_lag > -1:
            # y = tail(y, -maxlag)
            y = y[max_lag:]

        # A constant term is added in the R code's lm formula. We do that in
        # the linear model's constructor
        mf = ylag[:y.shape[0]]
        ar_fit = sm.OLS(y, add_constant(mf)).fit(method='qr')

        # Create Z4
        z4_y = y_first_order_diff[lag:]  # new endog
        z4_lag = OCSBTest._gen_lags(y_first_order_diff, lag)[:z4_y.shape[0], :]
        z4_preds = ar_fit.predict(add_constant(z4_lag))  # preds
        z4 = z4_y - z4_preds  # test residuals
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y = y[max_lag:]

        # A constant term is added in the R code's lm formula. We do that in
        # the linear model's constructor
        mf = ylag[:y.shape[0]]
        ar_fit = sm.OLS(y, add_constant(mf)).fit(method='qr')

        # Create Z4
        z4_y = y_first_order_diff[lag:]  # new endog
        z4_lag = OCSBTest._gen_lags(y_first_order_diff, lag)[:z4_y.shape[0], :]
        z4_preds = ar_fit.predict(add_constant(z4_lag))  # preds
        z4 = z4_y - z4_preds  # test residuals

        # Create Z5. Looks odd because y and lag depend on each other and go
        # back and forth for two stages
        z5_y = diff(x)
        z5_lag = OCSBTest._gen_lags(z5_y, lag)
        z5_y = z5_y[lag:]
        z5_lag = z5_lag[:z5_y.shape[0], :]
        z5_preds = ar_fit.predict(add_constant(z5_lag))
        z5 = z5_y - z5_preds

        # Finally, fit a linear regression on mf with z4 & z5 features added
        data = np.hstack((
            z4[:mf.shape[0]].reshape(-1, 1),
            z5[:mf.shape[0]].reshape(-1, 1)

        return sm.OLS(y, data).fit(method='qr')
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if is_constant(x):
        return d

    # get initial diff
    pval, dodiff = testfunc(x)

    # if initially NaN, return 0
    if np.isnan(pval):
        return 0  # (d is zero, but this is more explicit to the reader)

    # Begin loop.
    while dodiff and d < max_d:
        d += 1

        # do differencing
        x = diff(x)
        if is_constant(x):
            return d

        # get new result
        pval, dodiff = testfunc(x)

        # if it's NaN now, take the last non-null one
        if np.isnan(pval):
            return d - 1

    # when d >= max_d
    return d
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More directly, whether to difference the time series.
        if not self._base_case(x):
            return np.nan, False

        # ensure vector
        x = check_endog(x, dtype=DTYPE)

        # if k is none...
        k = self.k
        if k is None:
            k = np.trunc(np.power(x.shape[0] - 1, 1 / 3.0))

        # See [2] for the R source. This is L153 - L160
        k = int(k) + 1
        y = diff(x)  # diff(as.vector(x, mode='double'))
        n = y.shape[0]
        z = self._embed(y, k).T  # Same as R embed(x, k)

        # Compute ordinary least squares
        res = self._ols(x, y, z, k)
        STAT = self._ols_std_error(res)

        # In the past we assigned to the np memory view which is slower
        tableipl = np.array([
            approx(self.tableT, self.table[:, i], xout=n, rule=2)[1]  # xt,yt
            for i in range(self.tablen)])

        # make sure to do 1 - x...
        _, interpol = approx(tableipl, self.tablep, xout=STAT, rule=2)

        # Added in v1.1.0. Not sure whether it's likely we'll hit it, but it's
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if max_D <= 0:
        raise ValueError('max_D must be a positive integer')

    # get the test - this validates m internally
    testfunc = get_callable(test, VALID_STESTS)(m, **kwargs)\
    x = check_endog(x, dtype=DTYPE, copy=False)

    if is_constant(x):
        return 0

    D = 0
    dodiff = testfunc(x)
    while dodiff == 1 and D < max_D:
        D += 1
        x = diff(x, lag=m)

        if is_constant(x):
            return D
        dodiff = testfunc(x)

    return D