How to use the plugwise.protocol.PlugwiseMessage function in plugwise

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few plugwise examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def unserialize(self, response):
        # FIXME: avoid magic numbers

        header5 = False
        header_start = response.find(PlugwiseMessage.PACKET_HEADER5)
        if header_start == 0:
            #A response from a circle seems to be preceeded by the x/83 in the header
            #Just strip this character to not further complcate the code
            response = response[1:]
            header5 = True
        header, self.function_code, self.command_counter = struct.unpack("4s4s4s", response[:12])
        crc, footer = struct.unpack("4s2s", response[-6:])
        raw_msg_len = len(response)

        #check for protocol errors
        protocol_error = ''
        if footer != self.PACKET_FOOTER:
            protocol_error = "broken footer!"
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ID = b'001D'

    def __init__(self, seqnr = None):
        PlugwiseResponse.__init__(self, seqnr)
        self.node_mac_id = String(None, length=16)
        self.status = Int(0, 2)
        self.params += [self.node_mac_id, self.status]  

class PlugwiseAckAssociationResponse(PlugwiseResponse):
    ID = b'0061'

    def __init__(self, seqnr = None):
        #sequence number is always FFFD
        PlugwiseResponse.__init__(self, 0xFFFD)       
class PlugwiseRequest(PlugwiseMessage):
    def __init__(self, mac):
        self.args = []
        self.mac = sc(mac)

class PlugwiseStatusRequest(PlugwiseRequest):
    """Get Stick Status"""
    ID = b'000A'

    def __init__(self):
        """message for that initializes the Stick"""
        # init doesn't send MAC address
        PlugwiseRequest.__init__(self, '')

class PlugwisePowerUsageRequest(PlugwiseRequest):
    ID = b'0012'
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def serialize(self):
        """return message in a serialized format that can be sent out
        on wire
        args = b''.join(a.serialize() for a in self.args)
        msg = self.ID+self.mac+sc(args)
        checksum = self.calculate_checksum(msg)
        full_msg = self.PACKET_HEADER+msg+checksum+self.PACKET_FOOTER
        logcomm("SEND %4d ---> %4s           %16s %s %4s <---" % (len(full_msg), self.ID, self.mac, sc(args), checksum))        
        return full_msg

    def calculate_checksum(self, s):
        return sc("%04X" % crc_fun(s))

#class PlugwiseBaseResponse(PlugwiseMessage):
class PlugwiseResponse(PlugwiseMessage):
    ID = b'FFFF'
    def __init__(self, seqnr = None):
        self.params = []

        self.mac = None
        self.function_code = None
        self.command_counter = None
        self.expected_command_counter = seqnr

    def unserialize(self, response):
        # FIXME: avoid magic numbers

        header5 = False
        header_start = response.find(PlugwiseMessage.PACKET_HEADER5)