How to use the function in pibooth

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pibooth examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def resize(self, screen):
        Background.resize(self, screen)
        if self._need_update and self.arrow_location != ARROW_HIDDEN:
            size = (self._rect.width * 0.3, self._rect.height * 0.3)

            vflip = True if self.arrow_location == ARROW_TOP else False

            # Right arrow
            self.right_arrow = pictures.get_pygame_image(
                "arrow.png", size, hflip=True, vflip=vflip, color=self._text_color)

            x = int(self._rect.left + self._rect.width * 0.75
                    - self.right_arrow.get_rect().width // 2)

            if self.arrow_location == ARROW_TOP:
                y = + 10
                y = int( + 2 * self._rect.height // 3)

            self.right_arrow_pos = (x + self.arrow_offset, y)

            # Left arrow
            size = (self._rect.width * 0.1, self._rect.height * 0.1)
            angle = 70 if self.arrow_location == ARROW_TOP else -70
            self.left_arrow = pictures.get_pygame_image(
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self.layout1_pos = (x1, y)

            if self.arrow_location != ARROW_HIDDEN:
                if self.arrow_location == ARROW_TOP:
                    y = 5
                    x_offset = 30
                    size = (self._rect.width * 0.1, + y + 30)
                    x_offset = 0
                    y = self.layout0_pos[1] + self.layout0.get_rect().height + 5
                    size = (self._rect.width * 0.1, self._rect.bottom - y - 5)

                vflip = True if self.arrow_location == ARROW_TOP else False
                self.left_arrow = pictures.get_pygame_image("arrow.png", size, vflip=vflip,
                self.right_arrow = pictures.get_pygame_image("arrow.png", size, hflip=True,
                                                             vflip=vflip, color=self._text_color)

                inter = (self._rect.width - 2 * self.left_arrow.get_rect().width) // 4

                x0 = int(self._rect.left + inter) - x_offset
                x1 = int(self._rect.left + 3 * inter + self.left_arrow.get_rect().width) + x_offset

                self.left_arrow_pos = (x0 - self.arrow_offset, y)
                self.right_arrow_pos = (x1 + self.arrow_offset, y)
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def resize(self, screen):
        Background.resize(self, screen)
        if self._need_update and self.arrow_location != ARROW_HIDDEN:
            size = (self._rect.width * 0.3, self._rect.height * 0.3)

            vflip = True if self.arrow_location == ARROW_TOP else False
            self.left_arrow = pictures.get_pygame_image("arrow.png", size, vflip=vflip, color=self._text_color)

            x = int(self._rect.left + self._rect.width // 4
                    - self.left_arrow.get_rect().width // 2)
            if self.arrow_location == ARROW_TOP:
                y = + 10
                y = int( + 2 * self._rect.height // 3)

            self.left_arrow_pos = (x - self.arrow_offset, y)
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def _update_print_number(self):
        """Update the number of files in the printer queue.
        if not self._print_number and not self._print_failure:
            return  # Dont show counter: no file in queue, no failure

        smaller = self.surface.get_size()[1] if self.surface.get_size(
            )[1] < self.surface.get_size()[0] else self.surface.get_size()[0]
        side = int(smaller * 0.05)  # 5% of the window

        if side > 0:
            if self._print_failure:
                image = pictures.get_pygame_image('printer_failure.png', (side, side), color=self.text_color)
                image = pictures.get_pygame_image('printer.png', (side, side), color=self.text_color)
            y = self.surface.get_rect().height - image.get_rect().height - 10
            self.surface.blit(image, (10, y))
            font = pygame.font.Font(fonts.CURRENT, side)
            label = font.render(str(self._print_number), True, self.text_color)
            self.surface.blit(label, (side + 20, y))
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def _update_print_number(self):
        """Update the number of files in the printer queue.
        if not self._print_number and not self._print_failure:
            return  # Dont show counter: no file in queue, no failure

        smaller = self.surface.get_size()[1] if self.surface.get_size(
            )[1] < self.surface.get_size()[0] else self.surface.get_size()[0]
        side = int(smaller * 0.05)  # 5% of the window

        if side > 0:
            if self._print_failure:
                image = pictures.get_pygame_image('printer_failure.png', (side, side), color=self.text_color)
                image = pictures.get_pygame_image('printer.png', (side, side), color=self.text_color)
            y = self.surface.get_rect().height - image.get_rect().height - 10
            self.surface.blit(image, (10, y))
            font = pygame.font.Font(fonts.CURRENT, side)
            label = font.render(str(self._print_number), True, self.text_color)
            self.surface.blit(label, (side + 20, y))
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def resize(self, screen):
        Background.resize(self, screen)
        if self._need_update:
            images_height = self._rect.height / 4
            size = (3 * images_height, images_height)

            self.left_people = pictures.get_pygame_image("capture_left_image.png", size=size,
            self.right_people = pictures.get_pygame_image("capture_right_image.png", size=size,

            x = int(self._rect.right - 2 * self.right_people.get_rect().width)
            y = int(self._rect.bottom - images_height)

            self.left_people_pos = (0, y)
            self.right_people_pos = (x, y)
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def resize(self, screen):
        """Resize objects to fit to the screen.
        if self._rect != screen.get_rect():
            self._rect = screen.get_rect()

            if self._background_image:
                self._background = pictures.get_pygame_image(
                    self._background_image, (self._rect.width, self._rect.height), crop=True, color=None)
                self._background_color = pictures.get_pygame_main_color(self._background)

            overlay_name = "{}.png".format(self._name)
            if osp.isfile(pictures.get_filename(overlay_name)):
                self._overlay = pictures.get_pygame_image(
                    pictures.get_filename(overlay_name), (self._rect.width, self._rect.height), color=self._text_color, bg_color=self._background_color)


            self._need_update = True
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def resize(self, screen):
        """Resize objects to fit to the screen.
        if self._rect != screen.get_rect():
            self._rect = screen.get_rect()

            if self._background_image:
                self._background = pictures.get_pygame_image(
                    self._background_image, (self._rect.width, self._rect.height), crop=True, color=None)
                self._background_color = pictures.get_pygame_main_color(self._background)

            overlay_name = "{}.png".format(self._name)
            if osp.isfile(pictures.get_filename(overlay_name)):
                self._overlay = pictures.get_pygame_image(
                    pictures.get_filename(overlay_name), (self._rect.width, self._rect.height), color=self._text_color, bg_color=self._background_color)


            self._need_update = True