How to use the function in phylib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few phylib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github cortex-lab / phy / phy / cluster / views / View on Github external

        # Vertical ticks every millisecond.
        steps = np.arange(np.round(self.wave_duration * 1000))
        # A vline every millisecond.
        x = .001 * steps
        # Scale to [-1, 1], same coordinates as the waveform points.
        x = -1 + 2 * x / self.wave_duration
        # Take overlap into account.
        x = _overlap_transform(x, offset=bunch.offset, n=bunch.n_clu, overlap=self.overlap)
        x = np.tile(x, len(channel_ids_loc))
        # Generate the box index.
        box_index = _index_of(channel_ids_loc, self.channel_ids)
        box_index = np.repeat(box_index, x.size // len(box_index))
        assert x.size == box_index.size
            x=x, y=np.zeros_like(x),
github cortex-lab / phy / phy / utils / View on Github external

    spike_clusters : array-like
        The spike-cluster assignments.
    cluster_ids : array-like
        The set of unique selected cluster ids appearing in spike_clusters, in a given order


    spike_colors : array-like
        For each spike, the RGBA color (in [0,1]) depending on the index of the cluster within

    spike_clusters_idx = _index_of(spike_clusters, cluster_ids)
    return add_alpha(colormaps.default[np.mod(spike_clusters_idx, colormaps.default.shape[0])])
github cortex-lab / phy / phy / utils / View on Github external
def _categorical_colormap(colormap, values, vmin=None, vmax=None):
    """Convert values into colors given a specified categorical colormap."""
    assert np.issubdtype(values.dtype, np.integer)
    assert colormap.shape[1] == 3
    n = colormap.shape[0]
    if vmin is None and vmax is None:
        # Find unique values and keep the order.
        _, idx = np.unique(values, return_index=True)
        lookup = values[np.sort(idx)]
        x = _index_of(values, lookup)
        x = values
    return colormap[x % n, :]
github cortex-lab / phy / phy / cluster / views / View on Github external
def _get_box_index(self, bunch):
        """Get the box_index array for a cluster."""
        # Generate the box index (channel_idx, cluster_idx) per vertex.
        n_samples, nc = bunch.template.shape
        box_index = _index_of(bunch.channel_ids, self.channel_ids)
        box_index = np.repeat(box_index, n_samples)
        box_index = np.c_[
            box_index.reshape((-1, 1)),
            bunch.cluster_idx * np.ones((n_samples * len(bunch.channel_ids), 1))]
        assert box_index.shape == (len(bunch.channel_ids) * n_samples, 2)
        assert box_index.size == bunch.template.size * 2
        return box_index
github cortex-lab / phy / phy / cluster / views / View on Github external
def _get_box_index(self):
        """Return, for every spike, its row in the raster plot. This depends on the ordering
        in self.cluster_ids."""
        cl = self.spike_clusters[self.spike_ids]
        # Sanity check.
        # assert np.all(np.in1d(cl, self.cluster_ids))
        return _index_of(cl, self.all_cluster_ids)
github int-brain-lab / ibllib / python / ibllib / ephys / View on Github external
channel_positions = self.model.channel_positions
        assert channel_positions.ndim == 2

        cluster_channels = np.load(p / 'clusters.peakChannel.npy')
        assert cluster_channels.ndim == 1
        n_clusters = cluster_channels.shape[0]

        spike_clusters = self.model.spike_clusters
        assert spike_clusters.ndim == 1
        n_spikes = spike_clusters.shape[0]
        self.cluster_ids = _unique(self.model.spike_clusters)

        clusters_depths = channel_positions[cluster_channels, 1]
        assert clusters_depths.shape == (n_clusters,)

        spike_clusters_rel = _index_of(spike_clusters, self.cluster_ids)
        assert spike_clusters_rel.max() < clusters_depths.shape[0]
        spikes_depths = clusters_depths[spike_clusters_rel]
        assert spikes_depths.shape == (n_spikes,) / 'spikes.depths.npy', spikes_depths) / 'clusters.depths.npy', clusters_depths)
github cortex-lab / phy / phy / apps / template / View on Github external
ns = len(spike_ids)
        nc = len(channel_ids)

        # Initialize the output array.
        features = np.empty((ns, n_channels_loc, n_pcs))
        features[:] = np.NAN

        if self.features_rows is not None:
            s = np.intersect1d(spike_ids, self.features_rows)
            # Relative indices of the spikes in the self.features_spike_ids
            # array, necessary to load features from all_features which only
            # contains the subset of the spikes.
            rows = _index_of(s, self.features_rows)
            # Relative indices of the non-null rows in the output features
            # array.
            rows_out = _index_of(s, spike_ids)
            rows = spike_ids
            rows_out = slice(None, None, None)
        features[rows_out, ...] = data[rows]

        if self.features_cols is not None:
            assert self.features_cols.shape[1] == n_channels_loc
            cols = self.features_cols[self.spike_templates[spike_ids]]
            features = from_sparse(features, cols, channel_ids)

        assert features.shape == (ns, nc, n_pcs)
        return features