How to use the petastorm.etl.dataset_metadata.materialize_dataset function in petastorm

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github uber / petastorm / petastorm / etl / View on Github external
if not isinstance(schema, Unischema):
            raise ValueError('The specified class %s is not an instance of a petastorm.Unischema object.',

            schema = get_schema(dataset)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Unischema class could not be located in existing dataset,'
                             ' please specify it')

    # In order to be backwards compatible, we retrieve the common metadata from the dataset before
    # overwriting the metadata to keep row group indexes and the old row group per file index
    arrow_metadata = dataset.common_metadata or None

    with materialize_dataset(spark, dataset_url, schema, use_summary_metadata=use_summary_metadata,
        if use_summary_metadata:
            # Inside the materialize dataset context we just need to write the metadata file as the schema will
            # be written by the context manager.
            # We use the java ParquetOutputCommitter to write the metadata file for the existing dataset
            # which will read all the footers of the dataset in parallel and merge them.
            hadoop_config = sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration()
            Path =
            parquet_output_committer =
            parquet_output_committer.writeMetaDataFile(hadoop_config, Path(dataset_url))


    if use_summary_metadata and arrow_metadata:
        # When calling writeMetaDataFile it will overwrite the _common_metadata file which could have schema information
        # or row group indexers. Therefore we want to retain this information and will add it to the new
github uber / petastorm / examples / mnist / View on Github external
spark = session_builder.getOrCreate()

    # Get training and test data
    if mnist_data is None:
        mnist_data = {
            'train': download_mnist_data(download_dir, train=True),
            'test': download_mnist_data(download_dir, train=False)

    # The MNIST data is small enough to do everything here in Python
    for dset, data in mnist_data.items():
        dset_output_url = '{}/{}'.format(output_url, dset)
        # Using row_group_size_mb=1 to avoid having just a single rowgroup in this example. In a real store, the value
        # should be similar to an HDFS block size.
        with materialize_dataset(spark, dset_output_url, MnistSchema, row_group_size_mb=1):
            # List of [(idx, image, digit), ...]
            # where image is shaped as a 28x28 numpy matrix
            idx_image_digit_list = map(lambda idx_image_digit: {
       np.array(list(idx_image_digit[1][0].getdata()), dtype=np.uint8).reshape(28, 28)
            }, enumerate(data))

            # Convert to pyspark.sql.Row
            sql_rows = map(lambda r: dict_to_spark_row(MnistSchema, r), idx_image_digit_list)

            # Write out the result
            spark.createDataFrame(sql_rows, MnistSchema.as_spark_schema()) \
                .coalesce(parquet_files_count) \
                .write \
                .option('compression', 'none') \
github uber / petastorm / petastorm / tools / View on Github external
schema = get_schema_from_dataset_url(source_url, hdfs_driver=hdfs_driver)

    fields = match_unischema_fields(schema, field_regex)

    if field_regex and not fields:
        field_names = list(schema.fields.keys())
        raise ValueError('Regular expressions (%s) do not match any fields (%s)', str(field_regex), str(field_names))

    if fields:
        subschema = schema.create_schema_view(fields)
        subschema = schema

    resolver = FilesystemResolver(target_url, spark.sparkContext._jsc.hadoopConfiguration(),
                                  hdfs_driver=hdfs_driver, user=spark.sparkContext.sparkUser())
    with materialize_dataset(spark, target_url, subschema, row_group_size_mb,
        data_frame = \

        if fields:
            data_frame =*[ for f in fields])

        if not_null_fields:
            not_null_condition = reduce(operator.__and__, (data_frame[f].isNotNull() for f in not_null_fields))
            data_frame = data_frame.filter(not_null_condition)

        if partitions_count:
            data_frame = data_frame.repartition(partitions_count)

        data_frame.write \
            .mode('overwrite' if overwrite_output else 'error') \
github uber / petastorm / examples / hello_world / petastorm_dataset / View on Github external
def generate_petastorm_dataset(output_url='file:///tmp/hello_world_dataset'):
    rowgroup_size_mb = 256

    spark = SparkSession.builder.config('spark.driver.memory', '2g').master('local[2]').getOrCreate()
    sc = spark.sparkContext

    # Wrap dataset materialization portion. Will take care of setting up spark environment variables as
    # well as save petastorm specific metadata
    rows_count = 10
    with materialize_dataset(spark, output_url, HelloWorldSchema, rowgroup_size_mb):

        rows_rdd = sc.parallelize(range(rows_count))\
            .map(lambda x: dict_to_spark_row(HelloWorldSchema, x))

        spark.createDataFrame(rows_rdd, HelloWorldSchema.as_spark_schema()) \
            .coalesce(10) \
            .write \
            .mode('overwrite') \