How to use the parsedatetime.parsedatetime function in parsedatetime

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few parsedatetime examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github spiffytech / spiffybot / View on Github external
'''Saves a message to deliver to someone later'''
    dbConn = sqlite.connect(dbName)
    cursor = dbConn.cursor()

    sender = event.source().split("!")[0]
    sendee = args.split()[0].lower()  # To whom should the message be delivered
    if sendee == "me" or sendee == "myself":
        sendee = sender
    channel =
    message = " ".join(args.split()[1:])
    if len(message.split(" in ")) > 1:
        message = " ".join(message.split(" in ")[:-1])

    # Parse the time to deliver the message (if any)
    deliver = args.split(" in ")[-1]
    p = pdt.Calendar(pdc.Constants())  # Use parsedatetime module to easily handle human date formatting
    deliver = p.parse(deliver)
    if deliver[1] == 0:  # Tried to parse an invalid time (i.e., we can't parse "stuff")
        deliver = None
        deliver = deliver[0]
        deliver = "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d" % (deliver[0], deliver[1], deliver[2], deliver[3], deliver[4], deliver[5])  # Format the deliver into a string for toEpoch()
        deliver = epochTools.toEpoch(deliver, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")  # deliverstamp for DB storage

    cursor.execute("insert into tell (sender, sendee, channel, message, deliver, sent) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (sender, sendee, channel, message, deliver, time.time()))
    connection.privmsg(, "Will do!")
github owenmorris / chandler / chandler / parcels / osaf / framework / attributeEditors / View on Github external
    def parseTime(cls, view, target):
        """Parses Natural Language time strings using parsedatetime library."""
        target = target.lower()
        for matchKey in cls.textMatches:
            #natural language time string found
            if ((cls.textMatches[matchKey]).lower()).startswith(target):
                cal = parsedatetime.Calendar() 
                (timeVar, invalidFlag) = cal.parse(matchKey)
                #invalidFlag = 0 implies no date/time
                #invalidFlag = 1 implies only date, no time
                if invalidFlag != 0 and invalidFlag != 1:
                    timeVar = pim.shortTimeFormat.format(view, datetime(*timeVar[:5]))
                    matchKey = cls.textMatches[matchKey]+ " - %s" %timeVar
                    yield matchKey
                cal = parsedatetime.Calendar() 
                (timeVar, invalidFlag) = cal.parse(target)
                #invalidFlag = 0 implies no date/time
                #invalidFlag = 1 implies only date, no time
                if invalidFlag != 0 and invalidFlag != 1:
                    match = pim.shortTimeFormat.format(view, datetime(*timeVar[:5]))
                    if unicode(match).lower() !=target:
                        yield match
github playandbuild / scrapy-history-middleware / history / View on Github external
datetime => datetime
        str      => datetime
        if isinstance(epoch, bool) or isinstance(epoch, datetime):
            return epoch
        elif epoch == 'True':
            return True
        elif epoch == 'False':
            return False

            return datetime.strptime(epoch, self.DATE_FORMAT)
        except ValueError:

        parser = parsedatetime.Calendar(Constants())
        time_tupple = parser.parse(epoch) # 'yesterday' => (time.struct_time, int)
        if not time_tupple[1]:
            raise NotConfigured('Could not parse epoch: %s' % epoch)
        time_struct = time_tupple[0]      #=> time.struct_time(tm_year=2012, tm_mon=4, tm_mday=7, tm_hour=22, tm_min=8, tm_sec=6, tm_wday=5, tm_yday=98, tm_isdst=-1)
        return datetime(*time_struct[:6]) #=> datetime.datetime(2012, 4, 7, 22, 8, 6)
github jansel / lendingclubchecker / View on Github external
def parsedate(s):
  import parsedatetime.parsedatetime as pdt
  p = pdt.Calendar()
  if s == '--':
    return None
github MuppetGate / Alfred-Workflows-DateCalculator / View on Github external
def natural_parser(date_time, settings):
    This is a bit clever. We've found a python lib that can translate
    # This is a list of the error codes and matching formats that will be used
    # depending on what is returned by the parser
    format_map = {
        1: get_date_format(settings),
        2: get_time_format(settings),
        3: get_full_format(settings)

    # remove the first character and send attempt to translate it
    date_time_to_parse = date_time[1:-1]
    cal = parsedatetime.Calendar()
    date_time_parsed = cal.parseDT(date_time_to_parse)

    # This parser handily sends back an error code, just in case
    error_code = date_time_parsed[1]

    if error_code == 0:
        raise ValueError
        return date_time_parsed[0], format_map[error_code]
github SIlver-- / remindmebot-reddit / View on Github external
def save_to_db(self):
        Saves the permalink comment, the time, and the message to the DB

        cal = pdt.Calendar()
            holdTime = cal.parse(self._storeTime,'UTC')))
        except ValueError, OverflowError:
            # year too long
            holdTime = cal.parse("9999-12-31")
        if holdTime[1] == 0:
            # default time
            holdTime = cal.parse("1 day",'UTC')))
            self._replyMessage = "**Defaulted to one day.**\n\n"
        # Converting time
        #9999/12/31 HH/MM/SS
        self._replyDate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', holdTime[0])
        cmd = "INSERT INTO message_date (permalink, message, new_date, origin_date, userID) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
        self._addToDB.cursor.execute(cmd, (
github karan / slashRemindMe / tweeter / View on Github external
                    format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Connect to the db
db = dataset.connect(DATABASE_URL)
table = db['reminders']

# Twitter client
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(TWITTER_KEY, TWITTER_SECRET)
api = tweepy.API(auth)

# parsedatetime object
cal = pdt.Calendar()

def now():
    """Get the current time in UTC."""
    ts = cal.parse('now',[0]
    return time.strftime(REMINDER_TIME_FORMAT, ts)

def search_db():
    '''Returns a list of all rows from db that we can remind right now.'''
    now_ts = now()
    result = db.query(('select * from reminders '
                       'where sent_tweet_id = \'\''
                       'and reminder_time::timestamp < \'%s\'::timestamp;' % now_ts))'search_db: %d results for time %s' % (
github justquick / django-human-datetime / humandt / View on Github external
def parse(s):
    Parse the string using parsedatetime and format it to the current timezone
    return TZ.localize(datetime(*tuple(pdt.Calendar(pdc.Constants()).parse(s)[0])[:7]))