How to use the parameterized.parameterized.InstanceType function in parameterized

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few parameterized examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def wrapper(test_self=None):
            test_cls = test_self and type(test_self)
            if test_self is not None:
                if issubclass(test_cls, InstanceType):
                    raise TypeError((
                        "@parameterized can't be used with old-style classes, but "
                        "%r has an old-style class. Consider using a new-style "
                        "class, or '@parameterized.expand' "
                        "(see for more "
                        "information on old-style classes)."
                    ) %(test_self, ))

            original_doc = wrapper.__doc__
            for num, args in enumerate(wrapper.parameterized_input):
                p = param.from_decorator(args)
                unbound_func, nose_tuple = self.param_as_nose_tuple(test_self, test_func, num, p)
                    wrapper.__doc__ = nose_tuple[0].__doc__
                    # Nose uses `getattr(instance, test_func.__name__)` to get
                    # a method bound to the test instance (as opposed to a