How to use the pandapower.pd2ppc._pd2ppc function in pandapower

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pandapower examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github e2nIEE / pandapower / pandapower / opf / View on Github external
def convert_to_pm_structure(net):
    net["OPF_converged"] = False
    net["converged"] = False
    ppc, ppci = _pd2ppc(net)
    ppci = build_ne_branch(net, ppci)
    net["_ppc_opf"] = ppci
    pm = ppc_to_pm(net, ppci)
    pm = add_pm_options(pm, net)
    net._pm = pm
    return net, pm, ppc, ppci
github e2nIEE / pandapower / pandapower / shortcircuit / View on Github external
def _calc_sc(net):
#    t0 = time.perf_counter()
    ppc, ppci = _pd2ppc(net)
#    t1 = time.perf_counter()
#    t2 = time.perf_counter()
    except Exception as e:
        _clean_up(net, res=False)
    _calc_rx(net, ppci)
#    t3 = time.perf_counter()
    _add_kappa_to_ppc(net, ppci)
#    t4 = time.perf_counter()
    _calc_ikss(net, ppci)
    if net["_options"]["ip"]:
        _calc_ip(net, ppci)
    if net["_options"]["ith"]:
github e2nIEE / pandapower / pandapower / estimation / View on Github external
def _init_ppc(net, v_start, delta_start, calculate_voltage_angles):
    # select elements in service and convert pandapower ppc to ppc
    net._options = {}
    _add_ppc_options(net, check_connectivity=False, init_vm_pu=v_start, init_va_degree=delta_start,
                     trafo_model="pi", mode="pf", enforce_q_lims=False,
                     calculate_voltage_angles=calculate_voltage_angles, switch_rx_ratio=2,
                     recycle=dict(_is_elements=False, ppc=False, Ybus=False))
    net["_is_elements"] = _select_is_elements_numba(net)
    ppc, ppci = _pd2ppc(net)

    # do dc power flow for phase shifting transformers
    if np.any(net.trafo.shift_degree):
        vm_backup = ppci["bus"][:, 7].copy()
        ppci["bus"][:, [2, 3]] = 0.
        ppci = _run_dc_pf(ppci)
        ppci["bus"][:, 7] = vm_backup

    return ppc, ppci
github e2nIEE / pandapower / Verification of Y View on Github external
pp.create_std_type(net, {"r0_ohm_per_km" : .1005, "x0_ohm_per_km" : 0.4900884
                         , "c0_nf_per_km":  200.5, "max_i_ka" : 0.89
                         , "r_ohm_per_km": .0251, "x_ohm_per_km" : 0.1225221
                         , "c_nf_per_km" : 210}, "example_type4")

pp.create_line(net, from_bus = busn, to_bus = busm, length_km = 1.0, std_type="example_type3")
pp.create_line(net, from_bus = busn, to_bus = busp, length_km = 1.0, std_type="example_type3")
pp.create_line(net, from_bus = busn, to_bus = busk, length_km = 1.0, std_type="example_type4")
pp.create_line(net, from_bus = busk, to_bus = busm, length_km = 1.0, std_type="example_type1")
pp.create_line(net, from_bus = busk, to_bus = busp, length_km = 1.0, std_type="example_type2")

net._options = {'calculate_voltage_angles': 'auto', 'check_connectivity': True, 'init': 'auto',
    'r_switch': 0.0,'voltage_depend_loads': False, 'mode': "pf",'copy_constraints_to_ppc': False}
_, ppci1 = _pd2ppc(net)

_, ppci2 = _pd2ppc(net)
_add_ext_grid_sc_impedance(net, ppci2)

_, ppci0 = _pd2ppc_zero(net)

ppci0['bus'][0,4] = 0
ppci0['bus'][0,5] = 0
ppci1['bus'][0,4] = 0
ppci1['bus'][0,5] = 0
ppci2['bus'][0,4] = 0
ppci2['bus'][0,5] = 0

Y0_pu,_,_ = makeYbus(ppci0["baseMVA"], ppci0["bus"], ppci0["branch"])

Y1_pu,_,_ = makeYbus(ppci1["baseMVA"], ppci1["bus"], ppci1["branch"])
github e2nIEE / pandapower / pandapower / timeseries / View on Github external
def _init_ppc_logging(self, table, variable, index, eval_function, eval_name):
        var_name = self._get_output_name(table, variable)
        ppc =["_ppc"]
        if ppc is None:
            # if no ppc is in net-> create one
            options = dict(algorithm='nr', calculate_voltage_angles="auto", init="auto",
                           max_iteration="auto", tolerance_mva=1e-8, trafo_model="t",
                           trafo_loading="current", enforce_q_lims=False, check_connectivity=True,
                           voltage_depend_loads=True, consider_line_temperature=False)
            _init_runpp_options(, **options)
            ppc, _ = _pd2ppc(
  ["_ppc"] = ppc
        index = list(range(sum(ppc['bus'][:, BUS_TYPE] != NONE)))
        self._append_output_list(table, variable, index, eval_function, eval_name, var_name, func=self._log_ppc)
        return index
github e2nIEE / pandapower / pandapower / pf / View on Github external
enforce_q_lims=enforce_q_lims, recycle=recycle,
                     voltage_depend_loads=False, delta=delta_q,\
    _add_pf_options(net, tolerance_mva=tolerance_mva, trafo_loading=trafo_loading,
                    numba=numba, ac=ac, algorithm="nr", max_iteration=max_iteration,\
    reset_results(net, balanced=False)
    # =========================================================================
    # pd2ppc conversion
    # =========================================================================
    net["_is_elements"] = None
    _, ppci1 = _pd2ppc(net, 1)

    _, ppci2 = _pd2ppc(net, 2)
    gs_eg, bs_eg = _add_ext_grid_sc_impedance(net, ppci2)

    _, ppci0 = _pd2ppc(net, 0)
    _,       bus0, gen0, branch0,      _,      _,      _, _, _,\
        v00, ref_gens = _get_pf_variables_from_ppci(ppci0)
    base_mva, bus1, gen1, branch1, sl_bus, pv_bus, pq_bus, _, _, \
        v01, ref_gens = _get_pf_variables_from_ppci(ppci1)
    _,       bus2, gen2, branch2,      _,      _,      _, _, _, \
        v02, ref_gens = _get_pf_variables_from_ppci(ppci2)

# =============================================================================
#     P Q values aggragated and summed up for each bus to make s_abc matrix
#     s_abc for wye connections ; s_abc_delta for delta connection
github e2nIEE / pandapower / pandapower / timeseries / View on Github external
        @param net:
        net =
        # get ppc and ppci
        # pp.runpp(net, init_vm_pu="flat", init_va_degree="dc")
        # pp.runpp(net, init_vm_pu="results", init_va_degree="results")
        pp.runpp(net, init="dc")
        pp.runpp(net, init="results")
        net._options["init_results"] = True
        net._options["init_vm_pu"] = "results"
        net._options["init_va_degree"] = "results"
        options = net._options
        self.ppc, self.ppci = _pd2ppc(net)
        net["_ppc"] = self.ppc

        self.baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, self.ref, self.pv, self.pq, _, _, self.V, self.ref_gens = \
        self.ppci, self.Ybus, self.Yf, self.Yt = \
            nr_pf._get_Y_bus(self.ppci, options, nr_pf.makeYbus_numba, self.baseMVA, bus, branch)
        self.Ibus = zeros(len(self.V), dtype=complex128)

        # self.Cg = _get_Cg(gen, bus)  # assumes that all gens are on!

        if "controller" in net:

        return net