How to use the ox3apiclient.OAuthException function in ox3apiclient

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github openx / OX3-Python-API-Client / test / View on Github external
def test_authorize_token(self):
        # mock the post response, and do some setup
        r = self._build_mock_response()
        r.text = 'oauth_verifier=verifier'
        r.return_value = {'key': 'key', 'secret': 'secret'}
        client = self._get_client(post_return=r)
        client._token = {'key': 'key', 'secret': 'secret'}

        # Unauthorized Case
        r.status_code = 401
        with self.assertRaises(ox3apiclient.OAuthException):

        # Authorized Case
        r.status_code = 200
        self.assertEqual(client._token['verifier'], 'verifier')


Client to connect to the OpenX Enterprise API.

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