How to use the oscrypto._ffi.struct function in oscrypto

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if signing:
            algorithm_id = Advapi32Const.CALG_RSA_SIGN
            algorithm_id = Advapi32Const.CALG_RSA_KEYX
        struct_type = 'DSSBLOBHEADER'
        algorithm_id = Advapi32Const.CALG_DSS_SIGN

    blob_header_pointer = struct(advapi32, 'BLOBHEADER')
    blob_header = unwrap(blob_header_pointer)
    blob_header.bType = blob_type
    blob_header.bVersion = Advapi32Const.CUR_BLOB_VERSION
    blob_header.reserved = 0
    blob_header.aiKeyAlg = algorithm_id

    blob_struct_pointer = struct(advapi32, struct_type)
    blob_struct = unwrap(blob_struct_pointer)
    blob_struct.publickeystruc = blob_header

    bit_size = key_info.bit_size
    len1 = bit_size // 8
    len2 = bit_size // 16

    if algo == 'rsa':
        pubkey_pointer = struct(advapi32, 'RSAPUBKEY')
        pubkey = unwrap(pubkey_pointer)
        pubkey.bitlen = bit_size
        if key_type == 'public':
            parsed_key_info = key_info['public_key'].parsed
            pubkey.magic = Advapi32Const.RSA1
            pubkey.pubexp = parsed_key_info['public_exponent'].native
            blob_data = int_to_bytes(parsed_key_info['modulus'].native, signed=False, width=len1)[::-1]
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blob_struct.cbSeedLength = q_len
                blob_struct.cbGroupSize = q_len
                blob_struct.Count = byte_array(count)

                blob = struct_bytes(blob_struct_pointer)
                blob += seed + q + p + g + public_bytes
                if key_type == 'private':
                    blob += fill_width(private_bytes, q_len)

                if key_type == 'public':
                    magic = BcryptConst.BCRYPT_DSA_PUBLIC_MAGIC
                    magic = BcryptConst.BCRYPT_DSA_PRIVATE_MAGIC

                blob_struct_pointer = struct(bcrypt, 'BCRYPT_DSA_KEY_BLOB')
                blob_struct = unwrap(blob_struct_pointer)
                blob_struct.dwMagic = magic
                blob_struct.cbKey = key_width
                blob_struct.Count = byte_array(count)
                blob_struct.Seed = byte_array(seed)
                blob_struct.q = byte_array(q)

                blob = struct_bytes(blob_struct_pointer) + p + g + public_bytes
                if key_type == 'private':
                    blob += fill_width(private_bytes, q_len)

        elif algo == 'ec':
            if key_type == 'public':
                blob_type = BcryptConst.BCRYPT_ECCPUBLIC_BLOB
                x, y = key_info['public_key'].to_coords()
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public_bytes = fill_width(public_bytes, key_width)
            p = fill_width(p, key_width)
            g = fill_width(g, key_width)
            q = fill_width(q, q_len)
            # We don't know the count or seed, so we set them to the max value
            # since setting them to 0 results in a parameter error
            count = b'\xff' * 4
            seed = b'\xff' * q_len

            if key_info.bit_size > 1024:
                if key_type == 'public':
                    magic = BcryptConst.BCRYPT_DSA_PUBLIC_MAGIC_V2
                    magic = BcryptConst.BCRYPT_DSA_PRIVATE_MAGIC_V2

                blob_struct_pointer = struct(bcrypt, 'BCRYPT_DSA_KEY_BLOB_V2')
                blob_struct = unwrap(blob_struct_pointer)
                blob_struct.dwMagic = magic
                blob_struct.cbKey = key_width
                # We don't know if SHA256 was used here, but the output is long
                # enough for the generation of q for the supported 2048/224,
                # 2048/256 and 3072/256 FIPS approved pairs
                blob_struct.hashAlgorithm = BcryptConst.DSA_HASH_ALGORITHM_SHA256
                blob_struct.standardVersion = BcryptConst.DSA_FIPS186_3
                blob_struct.cbSeedLength = q_len
                blob_struct.cbGroupSize = q_len
                blob_struct.Count = byte_array(count)

                blob = struct_bytes(blob_struct_pointer)
                blob += seed + q + p + g + public_bytes
                if key_type == 'private':
                    blob += fill_width(private_bytes, q_len)
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                blob_type = BcryptConst.BCRYPT_ECCPRIVATE_BLOB
                public_key = key_info['private_key'].parsed['public_key']
                # We aren't guaranteed to get the public key coords with the
                # key info structure, but BCrypt doesn't seem to have an issue
                # importing the private key with 0 values, which can only be
                # presumed that it is generating the x and y points from the
                # private key value and base point
                if public_key:
                    x, y = public_key.to_coords()
                    x = 0
                    y = 0
                private_bytes = int_to_bytes(key_info['private_key'].parsed['private_key'].native)

            blob_struct_pointer = struct(bcrypt, 'BCRYPT_ECCKEY_BLOB')
            blob_struct = unwrap(blob_struct_pointer)

            magic = {
                ('public', 'secp256r1'): BcryptConst.BCRYPT_ECDSA_PUBLIC_P256_MAGIC,
                ('public', 'secp384r1'): BcryptConst.BCRYPT_ECDSA_PUBLIC_P384_MAGIC,
                ('public', 'secp521r1'): BcryptConst.BCRYPT_ECDSA_PUBLIC_P521_MAGIC,
                ('private', 'secp256r1'): BcryptConst.BCRYPT_ECDSA_PRIVATE_P256_MAGIC,
                ('private', 'secp384r1'): BcryptConst.BCRYPT_ECDSA_PRIVATE_P384_MAGIC,
                ('private', 'secp521r1'): BcryptConst.BCRYPT_ECDSA_PRIVATE_P521_MAGIC,
            }[(key_type, curve_name)]

            key_width = {
                'secp256r1': 32,
                'secp384r1': 48,
                'secp521r1': 66
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padding_info = null()
    flags = 0

    if certificate_or_public_key.algorithm == 'rsa':
        if rsa_pss_padding:
            flags = BcryptConst.BCRYPT_PAD_PSS
            padding_info_struct_pointer = struct(bcrypt, 'BCRYPT_PSS_PADDING_INFO')
            padding_info_struct = unwrap(padding_info_struct_pointer)
            # This has to be assigned to a variable to prevent cffi from gc'ing it
            hash_buffer = buffer_from_unicode(hash_constant)
            padding_info_struct.pszAlgId = cast(bcrypt, 'wchar_t *', hash_buffer)
            padding_info_struct.cbSalt = len(digest)
            flags = BcryptConst.BCRYPT_PAD_PKCS1
            padding_info_struct_pointer = struct(bcrypt, 'BCRYPT_PKCS1_PADDING_INFO')
            padding_info_struct = unwrap(padding_info_struct_pointer)
            # This has to be assigned to a variable to prevent cffi from gc'ing it
            if hash_algorithm == 'raw':
                padding_info_struct.pszAlgId = null()
                hash_buffer = buffer_from_unicode(hash_constant)
                padding_info_struct.pszAlgId = cast(bcrypt, 'wchar_t *', hash_buffer)
        padding_info = cast(bcrypt, 'void *', padding_info_struct_pointer)
        # Windows doesn't use the ASN.1 Sequence for DSA/ECDSA signatures,
        # so we have to convert it here for the verification to work
            signature = DSASignature.load(signature).to_p1363()
        except (ValueError, OverflowError, TypeError):
            raise SignatureError('Signature is invalid')
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if self._context_handle_pointer is None:

        out_buffers = None
            # ApplyControlToken fails with SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION
            # when called on Windows 7
            if _win_version_info >= (6, 2):
                buffers = new(secur32, 'SecBuffer[1]')

                # This is a SCHANNEL_SHUTDOWN token (DWORD of 1)
                buffers[0].cbBuffer = 4
                buffers[0].BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_TOKEN
                buffers[0].pvBuffer = cast(secur32, 'BYTE *', buffer_from_bytes(b'\x01\x00\x00\x00'))

                sec_buffer_desc_pointer = struct(secur32, 'SecBufferDesc')
                sec_buffer_desc = unwrap(sec_buffer_desc_pointer)

                sec_buffer_desc.ulVersion = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_VERSION
                sec_buffer_desc.cBuffers = 1
                sec_buffer_desc.pBuffers = buffers

                result = secur32.ApplyControlToken(self._context_handle_pointer, sec_buffer_desc_pointer)
                handle_error(result, TLSError)

            out_sec_buffer_desc_pointer, out_buffers = self._create_buffers(2)
            out_buffers[0].BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_TOKEN
            out_buffers[1].BufferType = Secur32Const.SECBUFFER_ALERT

            output_context_flags_pointer = new(secur32, 'ULONG *')

            result = secur32.InitializeSecurityContextW(
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padding_info = null()
    flags = 0

    if private_key.algorithm == 'rsa':
        if rsa_pss_padding:
            hash_length = {
                'md5': 16,
                'sha1': 20,
                'sha256': 32,
                'sha384': 48,
                'sha512': 64

            flags = BcryptConst.BCRYPT_PAD_PSS
            padding_info_struct_pointer = struct(bcrypt, 'BCRYPT_PSS_PADDING_INFO')
            padding_info_struct = unwrap(padding_info_struct_pointer)
            # This has to be assigned to a variable to prevent cffi from gc'ing it
            hash_buffer = buffer_from_unicode(hash_constant)
            padding_info_struct.pszAlgId = cast(bcrypt, 'wchar_t *', hash_buffer)
            padding_info_struct.cbSalt = hash_length
            flags = BcryptConst.BCRYPT_PAD_PKCS1
            padding_info_struct_pointer = struct(bcrypt, 'BCRYPT_PKCS1_PADDING_INFO')
            padding_info_struct = unwrap(padding_info_struct_pointer)
            # This has to be assigned to a variable to prevent cffi from gc'ing it
            if hash_algorithm == 'raw':
                padding_info_struct.pszAlgId = null()
                hash_buffer = buffer_from_unicode(hash_constant)
                padding_info_struct.pszAlgId = cast(bcrypt, 'wchar_t *', hash_buffer)
        padding_info = cast(bcrypt, 'void *', padding_info_struct_pointer)