How to use the orchestra.contrib.webapps.options.PHPAppOption function in orchestra

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name = 'magic_quotes_runtime'
    verbose_name = _("Magic quotes runtime")
    help_text = _("Functions that return data from any sort of external source will have quotes escaped "
                  "with a backslash (On or Off) <b>DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0</b>.")
    regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$'
    deprecated = 5.3

class PHPMaginQuotesSybase(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'magic_quotes_sybase'
    verbose_name = _("Magic quotes sybase")
    help_text = _("Single-quote is escaped with a single-quote instead of a backslash (On or Off).")
    regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$'

class PHPMaxInputTime(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'max_input_time'
    verbose_name = _("Max input time")
    help_text = _("Maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to parse input data, like POST and GET "
                "(Integer between 0 and 999).")
    regex = r'^[0-9]{1,3}$'

class PHPMaxInputVars(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'max_input_vars'
    verbose_name = _("Max input vars")
    help_text = _("How many input variables may be accepted (limit is applied to $_GET, $_POST "
                "and $_COOKIE superglobal separately) (Integer between 0 and 9999).")
    regex = r'^[0-9]{1,4}$'

class PHPMemoryLimit(PHPAppOption):
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name = 'max_input_vars'
    verbose_name = _("Max input vars")
    help_text = _("How many input variables may be accepted (limit is applied to $_GET, $_POST "
                "and $_COOKIE superglobal separately) (Integer between 0 and 9999).")
    regex = r'^[0-9]{1,4}$'

class PHPMemoryLimit(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'memory_limit'
    verbose_name = _("Memory limit")
    help_text = _("This sets the maximum amount of memory in bytes that a script is allowed to allocate "
                  "(Value between 0M and 999M).")
    regex = r'^[0-9]{1,3}M$'

class PHPMySQLConnectTimeout(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'mysql.connect_timeout'
    verbose_name = _("Mysql connect timeout")
    help_text = _("Number between 0 and 999.")
    regex = r'^([0-9]){1,3}$'

class PHPOutputBuffering(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'output_buffering'
    verbose_name = _("Output buffering")
    help_text = _("Turn on output buffering (On or Off).")
    regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$'

class PHPRegisterGlobals(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'register_globals'
    verbose_name = _("Register globals")
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verbose_name = _("Session auto start")
    help_text = _("Specifies whether the session module starts a session automatically on request "
                "startup (On or Off).")
    regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$'
    group = AppOption.PHP

class PHPSafeMode(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'safe_mode'
    verbose_name = _("Safe mode")
    help_text = _("Whether to enable PHP's safe mode (On or Off) <b>DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0</b>")
    regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$'

class PHPSuhosinPostMaxVars(PHPAppOption):
    name = ''
    verbose_name = _("Suhosin POST max vars")
    help_text = _("Number between 0 and 9999.")
    regex = r'^[0-9]{1,4}$'

class PHPSuhosinGetMaxVars(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'suhosin.get.max_vars'
    verbose_name = _("Suhosin GET max vars")
    help_text = _("Number between 0 and 9999.")
    regex = r'^[0-9]{1,4}$'

class PHPSuhosinRequestMaxVars(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'suhosin.request.max_vars'
    verbose_name = _("Suhosin request max vars")
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class PHPSuhosinPostMaxVars(PHPAppOption):
    name = ''
    verbose_name = _("Suhosin POST max vars")
    help_text = _("Number between 0 and 9999.")
    regex = r'^[0-9]{1,4}$'

class PHPSuhosinGetMaxVars(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'suhosin.get.max_vars'
    verbose_name = _("Suhosin GET max vars")
    help_text = _("Number between 0 and 9999.")
    regex = r'^[0-9]{1,4}$'

class PHPSuhosinRequestMaxVars(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'suhosin.request.max_vars'
    verbose_name = _("Suhosin request max vars")
    help_text = _("Number between 0 and 9999.")
    regex = r'^[0-9]{1,4}$'

class PHPSuhosinSessionEncrypt(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'suhosin.session.encrypt'
    verbose_name = _("Suhosin session encrypt")
    help_text = _("On or Off")
    regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$'

class PHPSuhosinSimulation(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'suhosin.simulation'
    verbose_name = _("Suhosin simulation")
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class PHPIncludePath(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'include_path'
    verbose_name = _("Include path")
    regex = r'^[^ ]+$'

class PHPMagicQuotesGPC(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'magic_quotes_gpc'
    verbose_name = _("Magic quotes GPC")
    help_text = _("Sets the magic_quotes state for GPC (Get/Post/Cookie) operations (On or Off) "
                  "<b>DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0</b>.")
    regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$'
    deprecated = 5.3

class PHPMagicQuotesRuntime(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'magic_quotes_runtime'
    verbose_name = _("Magic quotes runtime")
    help_text = _("Functions that return data from any sort of external source will have quotes escaped "
                  "with a backslash (On or Off) <b>DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0</b>.")
    regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$'
    deprecated = 5.3

class PHPMaginQuotesSybase(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'magic_quotes_sybase'
    verbose_name = _("Magic quotes sybase")
    help_text = _("Single-quote is escaped with a single-quote instead of a backslash (On or Off).")
    regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$'

class PHPMaxInputTime(PHPAppOption):
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class PHPAllowURLFopen(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'allow_url_fopen'
    verbose_name = _("Allow URL fopen")
    help_text = _("Enables the URL-aware fopen wrappers that enable accessing URL object like files (On or Off).")
    regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$'

class PHPAutoAppendFile(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'auto_append_file'
    verbose_name = _("Auto append file")
    help_text = _("Specifies the name of a file that is automatically parsed after the main file.")
    regex = r'^[\w\.,-/]+$'

class PHPAutoPrependFile(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'auto_prepend_file'
    verbose_name = _("Auto prepend file")
    help_text = _("Specifies the name of a file that is automatically parsed before the main file.")
    regex = r'^[\w\.,-/]+$'

class PHPDateTimeZone(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'date.timezone'
    verbose_name = _("date.timezone")
    help_text = _("Sets the default timezone used by all date/time functions (Timezone string 'Europe/London').")
    regex = r'^\w+/\w+$'

class PHPDefaultSocketTimeout(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'default_socket_timeout'
    verbose_name = _("Default socket timeout")
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help_text = _("Sets the magic_quotes state for GPC (Get/Post/Cookie) operations (On or Off) "
                  "<b>DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0</b>.")
    regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$'
    deprecated = 5.3

class PHPMagicQuotesRuntime(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'magic_quotes_runtime'
    verbose_name = _("Magic quotes runtime")
    help_text = _("Functions that return data from any sort of external source will have quotes escaped "
                  "with a backslash (On or Off) <b>DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0</b>.")
    regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$'
    deprecated = 5.3

class PHPMaginQuotesSybase(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'magic_quotes_sybase'
    verbose_name = _("Magic quotes sybase")
    help_text = _("Single-quote is escaped with a single-quote instead of a backslash (On or Off).")
    regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$'

class PHPMaxInputTime(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'max_input_time'
    verbose_name = _("Max input time")
    help_text = _("Maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to parse input data, like POST and GET "
                "(Integer between 0 and 999).")
    regex = r'^[0-9]{1,3}$'

class PHPMaxInputVars(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'max_input_vars'
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class PHPSuhosinRequestMaxVars(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'suhosin.request.max_vars'
    verbose_name = _("Suhosin request max vars")
    help_text = _("Number between 0 and 9999.")
    regex = r'^[0-9]{1,4}$'

class PHPSuhosinSessionEncrypt(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'suhosin.session.encrypt'
    verbose_name = _("Suhosin session encrypt")
    help_text = _("On or Off")
    regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$'

class PHPSuhosinSimulation(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'suhosin.simulation'
    verbose_name = _("Suhosin simulation")
    help_text = _("On or Off")
    regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$'

class PHPSuhosinExecutorIncludeWhitelist(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'suhosin.executor.include.whitelist'
    verbose_name = _("Suhosin executor include whitelist")
    regex = r'.*$'

class PHPUploadMaxFileSize(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'upload_max_filesize'
    verbose_name = _("Upload max filesize")
    help_text = _("Value between 0M and 999M.")
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class PHPDefaultSocketTimeout(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'default_socket_timeout'
    verbose_name = _("Default socket timeout")
    help_text = _("Number between 0 and 999.")
    regex = r'^[0-9]{1,3}$'

class PHPDisplayErrors(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'display_errors'
    verbose_name = _("Display errors")
    help_text = _("Determines whether errors should be printed to the screen as part of the output or "
                  "if they should be hidden from the user (On or Off).")
    regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$'

class PHPExtension(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'extension'
    verbose_name = _("Extension")
    regex = r'^[^ ]+$'

class PHPIncludePath(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'include_path'
    verbose_name = _("Include path")
    regex = r'^[^ ]+$'

class PHPMagicQuotesGPC(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'magic_quotes_gpc'
    verbose_name = _("Magic quotes GPC")
    help_text = _("Sets the magic_quotes state for GPC (Get/Post/Cookie) operations (On or Off) "
                  "<b>DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0</b>.")
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class PHPSuhosinExecutorIncludeWhitelist(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'suhosin.executor.include.whitelist'
    verbose_name = _("Suhosin executor include whitelist")
    regex = r'.*$'

class PHPUploadMaxFileSize(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'upload_max_filesize'
    verbose_name = _("Upload max filesize")
    help_text = _("Value between 0M and 999M.")
    regex = r'^[0-9]{1,3}M$'

class PHPUploadTmpDir(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'upload_tmp_dir'
    verbose_name = _("Upload tmp dir")
    help_text = _("The temporary directory used for storing files when doing file upload. "
                  "Must be writable by whatever user PHP is running as. "
                  "If not specified PHP will use the system's default.<br>"
                  "If the directory specified here is not writable, PHP falls back to the "
                  "system default temporary directory. If open_basedir is on, then the system "
                  "default directory must be allowed for an upload to succeed.")
    regex = r'.*$'

class PHPZendExtension(PHPAppOption):
    name = 'zend_extension'
    verbose_name = _("Zend extension")
    regex = r'^[^ ]+$'