How to use the ophyd.Component function in ophyd

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ophyd examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bluesky / ophyd / tests / View on Github external
def test_attribute_signal():
    init_value = 33

    class SubDevice(Device):
        def prop(self):
            return init_value

        def prop(self, value):

    class MyDevice(Device):
        sub1 = Component(SubDevice, '1')
        attrsig = Component(AttributeSignal, 'prop')
        sub_attrsig = Component(AttributeSignal, 'sub1.prop')

        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            self._value = init_value

        def prop(self):
            return self._value

        def prop(self, value):
            self._value = value

    dev = MyDevice('', name='mydev')
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if self.prefix.endswith('_raises_'):
                    raise Exception('stop failed for some reason')

        class SubDevice(Device):
            cpt1 = Component(FakeSignal, '1')
            cpt2 = Component(FakeSignal, '2')
            cpt3 = Component(FakeSignal, '3')
            subsub = Component(SubSubDevice, '')

            def stop(self, *, success=False):
                self.stop_called = True
                self.success = success

        class MyDevice(Device):
            sub1 = Component(SubDevice, '1')
            sub2 = Component(SubDevice, '_raises_')
            sub3 = Component(SubDevice, '_raises_')
            cpt3 = Component(FakeSignal, '3')

        dev = MyDevice('', name='mydev')
        with self.assertRaises(ExceptionBundle) as cm:

        ex = cm.exception
        self.assertEquals(len(ex.exceptions), 2)
github bluesky / ophyd / tests / View on Github external
fm = self.fake_motor
        epics.caput(fm['setpoint'], 0.05)
        epics.caput(fm['actuate'], 1)
        epics.caput(fm['setpoint'], 0)
        epics.caput(fm['actuate'], 1)

        class MyPositioner(PVPositioner):
            '''Setpoint, readback, no put completion. No done pv.'''
            setpoint = C(EpicsSignal, fm['setpoint'])
            readback = C(EpicsSignalRO, fm['readback'])
            actuate = C(EpicsSignal, fm['actuate'])
            stop_signal = C(EpicsSignal, fm['stop'])
            done = C(EpicsSignal, fm['moving'])

            actuate_value = 1
            stop_value = 1
            done_value = 1

        pos = MyPositioner('', name='pv_pos_fake_mtr')
        print('fake mtr', pos.describe())

        pos.subscribe(callback, event_type=pos.SUB_DONE)
        pos.subscribe(callback, event_type=pos.SUB_READBACK)'---- test #1 ----')'--> move to 1')
        pos.move(1, timeout=5)
github pcdshub / typhon / tests / View on Github external
'tags': {'confirm', 'protected'},
                  'value': 1,

    command_proc = Cpt(EpicsSignal, 'command-without-enum')
    set_metadata(command_proc, {'variety': 'command-proc'})

    command_enum = Cpt(EpicsSignal, 'command-without-enum')
                 {'variety': 'command-enum',
                  'enum_dict': {0: 'No', 1: 'Yes', 3: 'Metadata-defined'},

    command_setpoint_tracks_readback = Cpt(EpicsSignal,
                 {'variety': 'command-setpoint-tracks-readback'})

    tweakable = Cpt(EpicsSignal, 'tweakable')
        {'variety': 'scalar-tweakable',
         'delta.value': 0.5,
         'delta.range': [-1, 1],
         'range.source': 'value',
         'range.value': [-1, 1],

    array_timeseries = Cpt(EpicsSignal, 'array-timeseries')
github bluesky / ophyd / ophyd / areadetector / View on Github external
class TimeSeriesPlugin_V25(PluginBase_V22, TimeSeriesPlugin, version=(2, 5), version_of=TimeSeriesPlugin):
    ts_acquire = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "TSAcquire")
    ts_acquire_mode = Cpt(
        SignalWithRBV, "TSAcquireMode", string=True, doc="0='Fixed length' 1='Circ. buffer'"
    ts_acquiring = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "TSAcquiring", string=True, doc="0='Done' 1='Acquiring'")
    ts_averaging_time = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "TSAveragingTime")
    ts_current_point = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "TSCurrentPoint")
    ts_elapsed_time = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "TSElapsedTime")
    ts_num_average = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "TSNumAverage")
    ts_num_points = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "TSNumPoints")
    ts_read = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "TSRead", string=True, doc="0='Done' 1='Read'")
    ts_time_axis = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "TSTimeAxis")
    ts_time_per_point = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "TSTimePerPoint")
    ts_time_per_point_link = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "TSTimePerPointLink")
    ts_timestamp = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "TSTimestamp")

class TimeSeriesPlugin_V26(PluginBase_V26, TimeSeriesPlugin_V25, version=(2, 6), version_of=TimeSeriesPlugin):

class TimeSeriesPlugin_V31(PluginBase_V31, TimeSeriesPlugin_V26, version=(3, 1), version_of=TimeSeriesPlugin):

class TimeSeriesPlugin_V33(PluginBase_V33, TimeSeriesPlugin_V31, version=(3, 3), version_of=TimeSeriesPlugin):
github bluesky / ophyd / ophyd / areadetector / View on Github external
class CodecPlugin(Device, version_type='ADCore'):
    "Serves as a base class for other versions"

class CodecPlugin_V34(PluginBase_V34, CodecPlugin, version=(3, 4), version_of=CodecPlugin):
    blosc_cl_evel = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "BloscCLevel")
    blosc_compressor = Cpt(
        SignalWithRBV, "BloscCompressor", string=True, doc="0=BloscLZ 1=LZ4 2=LZ4HC 3=SNAPPY 4=ZLIB 5=ZSTD"
    blosc_num_threads = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "BloscNumThreads")
    blosc_shuffle = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "BloscShuffle", string=True, doc="0=None 1=Bit 2=Byte")
    codec_error = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "CodecError")
    codec_status = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "CodecStatus", string=True, doc="0=Success 1=Warning 2=Error")
    comp_factor = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, "CompFactor_RBV")
    compressor = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "Compressor", string=True, doc="0=None 1=JPEG 2=Blosc")
    jpeg_quality = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "JPEGQuality")
    mode = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "Mode", string=True, doc="0=Compress 1=Decompress")

class AttributePlugin(Device, version_type='ADCore'):
    "Serves as a base class for other versions"

class AttributePlugin_V20(PluginBase_V20, AttributePlugin, version=(2, 0), version_of=AttributePlugin):
    array_data = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, 'ArrayData_RBV')
    attribute_name = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, 'AttrName')
    reset = Cpt(EpicsSignal, 'Reset', string=True, doc="0='Done Reset' 1='Reset'")
    reset_array_counter = Cpt(EpicsSignal, 'ResetArrayCounter')
github bluesky / ophyd / ophyd / areadetector / View on Github external
# --- NDCircularBuff ---

class CircularBuffPlugin(Device, version_type='ADCore'):
    "Serves as a base class for other versions"

class CircularBuffPlugin_V22(PluginBase_V22, CircularBuffPlugin, version=(2, 2), version_of=CircularBuffPlugin):
    actual_trigger_count = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, "ActualTriggerCount_RBV")
    capture = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "Capture")
    current_qty = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, "CurrentQty_RBV")
    post_count = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "PostCount")
    post_trigger_qty = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, "PostTriggerQty_RBV")
    pre_count = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "PreCount")
    preset_trigger_count = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "PresetTriggerCount")
    status_message = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "StatusMessage", string=True)
    trigger_ = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "Trigger")
    trigger_a = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "TriggerA", string=True)
    trigger_a_val = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "TriggerAVal")
    trigger_b = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "TriggerB", string=True)
    trigger_b_val = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "TriggerBVal")
    trigger_calc = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "TriggerCalc")
    trigger_calc_val = Cpt(EpicsSignal, "TriggerCalcVal")

    array_size_xyz = DDC_EpicsSignalRO(
        ("array_size_x", "ArraySizeX_RBV"),
        ("array_size_y", "ArraySizeY_RBV"),
        ("array_size_z", "ArraySizeZ_RBV"),
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SignalWithRBV, "DataType", string=True,
        doc="0=Int8 1=UInt8 2=Int16 3=UInt16 4=Int32 5=UInt32 6=Float32 7=Float64",
    array_size_xyz = DDC_EpicsSignalRO(
        ("array_size_x", "ArraySizeX_RBV"),
        ("array_size_y", "ArraySizeY_RBV"),
        ("array_size_z", "ArraySizeZ_RBV"),

class PluginBase_V26(PluginBase_V22, version=(2, 6), version_of=PluginBase):
    queue_size = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, 'QueueSize')
    dimensions = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "Dimensions")
    driver_version = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, "DriverVersion_RBV", string=True)
    execution_time = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, "ExecutionTime_RBV", string=True)
    ndimensions = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "NDimensions", string=True)
    array_size_all = DDC_SignalWithRBV(
        ("array_size0", "ArraySize0"),
        ("array_size1", "ArraySize1"),
        ("array_size2", "ArraySize2"),
        ("array_size3", "ArraySize3"),
        ("array_size4", "ArraySize4"),
        ("array_size5", "ArraySize5"),
        ("array_size6", "ArraySize6"),
        ("array_size7", "ArraySize7"),
        ("array_size8", "ArraySize8"),
        ("array_size9", "ArraySize9"),
    dim_sa = DDC_SignalWithRBV(
        ("dim0_sa", "Dim0SA"),
        ("dim1_sa", "Dim1SA"),
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class HDF5Plugin_V21(FilePlugin_V21, HDF5Plugin_V20, version=(2, 1), version_of=HDF5Plugin):
    xml_error_msg = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, "XMLErrorMsg_RBV")
    xml_file_name = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "XMLFileName")
    xml_valid = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, "XMLValid_RBV", string=True, doc="0='No' 1='Yes'")

class HDF5Plugin_V22(FilePlugin_V22, HDF5Plugin_V21, version=(2, 2), version_of=HDF5Plugin):
    nd_attribute_chunk = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "NDAttributeChunk")

class HDF5Plugin_V25(HDF5Plugin_V22, version=(2, 5), version_of=HDF5Plugin):
    dim_att_datasets = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "DimAttDatasets", string=True,
                           doc="0='No' 1='Yes'")
    fill_value = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "FillValue")
    position_mode = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "PositionMode", string=True,
                        doc="0='Off' 1='On'")
    swmr_active = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, "SWMRActive_RBV", string=True,
                      doc="0='Off' 1='Active'")
    swmr_cb_counter = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, "SWMRCbCounter_RBV")
    swmr_mode = Cpt(SignalWithRBV, "SWMRMode", string=True,
                    doc="0='Off' 1='On'")
    swmr_supported = Cpt(EpicsSignalRO, "SWMRSupported_RBV", string=True,
                         doc="0='Not Supported' 1='Supported'")
    extra_dim_chunk = DDC_SignalWithRBV(
        ("chunk_3", "ExtraDimChunk3"),
        ("chunk_4", "ExtraDimChunk4"),
        ("chunk_5", "ExtraDimChunk5"),
        ("chunk_6", "ExtraDimChunk6"),
        ("chunk_7", "ExtraDimChunk7"),
        ("chunk_8", "ExtraDimChunk8"),
github caproto / caproto / caproto / server / View on Github external
def ophyd_device_to_caproto_ioc(dev, *, depth=0):
    import ophyd

    if isinstance(dev, ophyd.DynamicDeviceComponent):
        # DynamicDeviceComponent: attr: (sig_cls, prefix, kwargs)
        # NOTE: cannot inspect types without an instance of the dynamic Device
        # class
        attr_components = {
            attr: ophyd.Component(sig_cls, prefix, **kwargs)
            for attr, (sig_cls, prefix, kwargs) in dev.defn.items()
        dev_name = f'{dev.attr}_group'
        cls, dev = dev, None
        if inspect.isclass(dev):
            # we can introspect Device directly, but we cannot connect to PVs
            # and tell about their data type
            cls, dev = dev, None
            # if connected, we can reach out to PVs and determine data types
            cls = dev.__class__
        attr_components = cls._sig_attrs
        dev_name = f'{cls.__name__}_group'

    dev_name = underscore_to_camel_case(dev_name)