How to use the openpathsampling.netcdfplus.dictify.ObjectJSON function in openpathsampling

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        c_dict : dict
            the dictionary that contains the information

            the reconstructed callable function or class

        c = None

        if c_dict is not None:
            if '_marshal' in c_dict:
                if ObjectJSON.allow_marshal:
                    code = marshal.loads(base64.b64decode(c_dict['_marshal']))
                    c = types.FunctionType(code, globals(), code.co_name)

            elif '_module' in c_dict:
                module = c_dict['_module']
                packages = module.split('.')
                if packages[0] in ObjectJSON.safe_modules:
                    imp = importlib.import_module(module)
                    c = getattr(imp, c_dict['_name'])

        return c
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            the reconstructed callable function or class

        c = None

        if c_dict is not None:
            if '_marshal' in c_dict:
                if ObjectJSON.allow_marshal:
                    code = marshal.loads(base64.b64decode(c_dict['_marshal']))
                    c = types.FunctionType(code, globals(), code.co_name)

            elif '_module' in c_dict:
                module = c_dict['_module']
                packages = module.split('.')
                if packages[0] in ObjectJSON.safe_modules:
                    imp = importlib.import_module(module)
                    c = getattr(imp, c_dict['_name'])

        return c
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                           map(lambda x: ' ' * 20 + x + '=' + x, global_vars)
                       ) + ')' + '\n'
                err += '\n    and change your function definition like this'
                err += '\n\n        def ' + \
                       c.func_name + '(snapshot, ...,  ' + \
                       '\n' + ',\n'.join(
                           map(lambda x: ' ' * 16 + x, global_vars)
                       ) + '):'

            unsafe_modules = [
                module for module in import_vars
                if module not in ObjectJSON.safe_modules

            if ObjectJSON.prevent_unsafe_modules and len(unsafe_modules) > 0:
                if len(err) > 0:
                    err += '\n\n'

                err += 'The function you try to save requires the following' \
                       ' modules to be installed: ' + str(unsafe_modules) + \
                       ' which are not marked as safe! '
                err += 'You can change the list of safe modules using '
                err += '\n\n        ObjectJSON.safe_modules.extend(['
                err += '\n' + ',\n'.join(
                       map(lambda x: ' ' * 12 + x, unsafe_modules)
                err += '\n        ])'
                err += '\n\n'
                err += 'include the import statement in your function like'
                err += '\n\n' + '\n'.join(
                    [' ' * 8 + 'import ' + v for v in unsafe_modules])
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# is_class = isinstance(c, (type, types.ClassType))

        # try saving known external classes of functions, e.g. `msmbuilder`
        if root_module in ObjectJSON.safe_modules:
            # only store the function/class and the module
            return {
                '_module': c.__module__,
                '_name': c.__name__

        # if the easy way did not work, try saving it using bytecode
        if ObjectJSON.allow_marshal and callable(c):
            # use marshal
            global_vars = ObjectJSON._find_var(c, opcode.opmap['LOAD_GLOBAL'])
            import_vars = ObjectJSON._find_var(c, opcode.opmap['IMPORT_NAME'])

            all_builtins = dir(builtins)

            global_vars = list(set(
                [var for var in global_vars if var not in all_builtins]))
            import_vars = list(set(import_vars))

            err = ''

            if len(global_vars) > 0:
                err += 'The function you try to save relies on globally set ' \
                       'variables and these cannot be saved since storage ' \
                       'has no access to the global scope which includes ' \
                       'imports! \n\n'
                err += 'We require that the following globals: ' + \
                       str(global_vars) + ' either\n'
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return json_str

    def from_json(self, json_string):
        simplified = ujson.loads(json_string)

    def unit_to_json(self, unit):
        simple = self.unit_to_dict(unit)
        return self.to_json(simple)

    def unit_from_json(self, json_string):
        return self.unit_from_dict(self.from_json(json_string))

class StorableObjectJSON(ObjectJSON):
    def __init__(self, storage, unit_system=None):
        super(StorableObjectJSON, self).__init__(unit_system)
        self.excluded_keys = ['idx', 'json', 'identifier'] = storage

    def simplify(self, obj, base_type=''):
        if obj is
            return {'_storage': 'self'}
        if obj.__class__.__module__ != builtin_module:
            if obj.__class__ in
                store =[obj.__class__]
                if not store.nestable or obj.base_cls_name != base_type:
                    # this also returns the base class name used for storage
                    # store objects only if they are not creatable. If so they
                    # will only be created in their top instance and we use
                    # the simplify from the super class ObjectJSON
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if '_obj_uuid' in obj and '_store' in obj:
                store =[obj['_store']]
                result = store.load(int(UUID(obj['_obj_uuid'])))

                return result

            if '_hex_uuid' in obj and '_store' in obj:
                store =[obj['_store']]
                result = store.load(int(obj['_hex_uuid'].strip('L'), 16))

                return result

        return super(UUIDObjectJSON, self).build(obj)

class CachedUUIDObjectJSON(ObjectJSON):
    def __init__(self, unit_system=None):
        super(CachedUUIDObjectJSON, self).__init__(unit_system)
        self.excluded_keys = ['json']
        self.uuid_cache = WeakValueCache()

    def simplify(self, obj, base_type=''):
        if obj.__class__.__module__ != builtin_module:
            if hasattr(obj, 'to_dict') and hasattr(obj, '__uuid__'):
                # the object knows how to dismantle itself into a json string
                if obj.__uuid__ not in self.uuid_cache:
                    self.uuid_cache[obj.__uuid__] = obj

                    return {
                        '_cls': obj.__class__.__name__,
                        '_obj_uuid': str(UUID(int=obj.__uuid__)),
                        '_dict': self.simplify(obj.to_dict(), base_type)}
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err += '\n\n        ObjectJSON.safe_modules.extend(['
                err += '\n' + ',\n'.join(
                       map(lambda x: ' ' * 12 + x, unsafe_modules)
                err += '\n        ])'
                err += '\n\n'
                err += 'include the import statement in your function like'
                err += '\n\n' + '\n'.join(
                    [' ' * 8 + 'import ' + v for v in unsafe_modules])

            if len(err) > 0:
                raise RuntimeError('Cannot store function! \n\n' +
                                   word_wrap(err, 60))

            return {
                '_marshal': ObjectJSON._to_marshal(c),
                '_global_vars': global_vars,
                '_module_vars': import_vars

        raise RuntimeError('Locally defined classes are not storable yet')