Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
of its children that are local to the current MPI process.
all_locs = set()
for s in [self._system] + list(self._system.local_subsystems(recurse=True)):
if isinstance(s, SimpleSystem):
obj = self.get(
if has_interface(obj, IAssembly):
all_locs.update(['.'.join([, n])
for n in obj.get_all_local_vars()])
elif has_interface(obj, IComponent):
lvars = ['.'.join([, n])
for n in obj.list_inputs() +
for i, v in enumerate(lvars):
if v in s.distrib_idxs:
lvars[i] = (v,) # wrap in tuple to indicate its a distrib var
elif isinstance(s, ParamSystem):
return all_locs
default_value = None
iszopeiface = issubclass(klass, zope.interface.Interface)
except TypeError:
iszopeiface = False
if not isclass(klass):
default_value = klass
klass = klass.__class__
metadata.setdefault('copy', 'deep')
self._allow_none = allow_none
self.klass = klass
if has_interface(klass, IContainer) or \
(isclass(klass) and IContainer.implementedBy(klass)):
self._is_container = True
self._is_container = False
if iszopeiface:
self._instance = None
self.factory = factory
self.args = args = kw
self._instance = traits.api.Instance(klass=klass, allow_none=allow_none,
factory=factory, args=args, kw=kw,
if default_value:
self._instance.default_value = default_value
def __init__(self, default_value=NoDefaultSpecified, **metadata):
if 'vartypename' not in metadata:
metadata['vartypename'] = self.__class__.__name__
is_vt = False
# force default value to a value that will always be different
# than any value assigned to the variable so that the callback
# will always fire the first time the variable is set.
if metadata['vartypename'] != 'Slot' and metadata.get('required') == True:
if default_value is not NoDefaultSpecified:
is_vt = has_interface(default_value, IVariableTree)
if not is_vt:
# set a marker in the metadata that we can check for later
# since we don't know the variable name yet and can't generate
# a good error message from here.
metadata['_illegal_default_'] = True
if not is_vt:
default_value = _missing
super(Variable, self).__init__(default_value=default_value, **metadata)
print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
import traceback
tb = traceback.format_exc()
print tb
for output_name, aliases in successors:
# From Bret: it does make sense to skip subdrivers like you said, except for the
# case where a driver has actual outputs of its own. So you may have to keep
# subdriver successors if the edge between the subdriver and the successor
# is an actual data connection.
# look at the edge metadata to see if there's maybe a 'conn' in there for real connections.
if has_interface(comp, IDriver):
if not is_connection(driver._reduced_graph,, output_name):
if '.in' in output_name: # look for something that is not a pseudo input
for n in aliases:
if not ".in" in n:
output_name = n
#output_name = prefix + output_name
if output_name not in outputs and self._check_path(prefix + output_name, includes, excludes) :
#outputs.append(prefix + output_name)
for cname in driver._ordering:
shared_int_nodes = ograph.internal_nodes(full, shared=True)
#ograph.add_node(tuple(nodes), comp='opaque')
collapse_nodes(ograph, tuple(nodes), int_nodes)
super(OpaqueSystem, self).__init__(scope, ograph, tuple(nodes))
graph = pgraph.subgraph(shared_int_nodes)
dests = set()
nodeset = set()
internal_comps = set()
subdrivers = []
for n in nodes:
obj = getattr(scope, n, None)
if obj is not None:
if has_interface(obj, IDriver):
internal_comps.update([ for c in obj.iteration_set()])
for node in self._in_nodes:
for d in node[1]:
cname, _, vname = d.partition('.')
if vname and cname in internal_comps and node not in nodeset:
dests.add((d, node))
# sort so that base vars will be before subvars
dests = sorted(dests)
graph.collapse_subdrivers([], subdrivers)
def _get_new_name(parent):
while not has_interface(parent, IAssembly):
parent = parent.parent
return parent.new_pseudo_name()
def _check_input_collisions(self, graph):
dests = set([v for u, v in graph.list_connections() if
'drv_conn_ext' not in graph[u][v] and
'drv_conn' not in graph[u][v]])
allbases = set([base_var(graph, v) for v in dests])
unconnected_bases = allbases - dests
connected_bases = allbases - unconnected_bases
collisions = []
for drv in chain([self._top_driver],
if has_interface(drv, IHasParameters):
for target in drv.list_param_targets():
tbase = base_var(graph, target)
if target == tbase: # target is a base var
if target in allbases:
collisions.append("%s in %s"
% (target, drv.get_pathname()))
else: # target is a sub var
if target in dests or tbase in connected_bases:
collisions.append("%s in %s"
% (target, drv.get_pathname()))
if collisions:
self.raise_exception("The following parameters collide with"
" connected inputs: %s" % ','.join(collisions),
def _pre_execute(self):
"""Prepares for execution by calling various initialization methods
if necessary.
Overrides of this function must call this version.
if self._call_cpath_updated:
if self._new_config:
if self.parent is None and has_interface(self, IAssembly):
def _create_simple_sys(scope, graph, name):
"""Given a Component or Variable node, create the
appropriate type of simple System.
comp = getattr(scope, name, None)
if has_interface(comp, ISolver):
sub = SolverSystem(graph, comp)
elif has_interface(comp, IDriver):
from openmdao.main.driver import Driver
if comp.__class__ == Driver:
sub = TransparentDriverSystem(graph, comp)
sub = FiniteDiffDriverSystem(graph, comp)
elif has_interface(comp, IAssembly):
sub = AssemblySystem(scope, graph, name)
elif has_interface(comp, IPseudoComp) and comp._pseudo_type=='constraint' \
and comp._subtype == 'equality':
sub = EqConstraintSystem(scope, graph, name)
elif has_interface(comp, IComponent):
sub = SimpleSystem(scope, graph, name)
elif graph.node[name].get('comp') == 'param':
sub = ParamSystem(scope, graph, name)
elif graph.node[name].get('comp') == 'invar':
sub = InVarSystem(scope, graph, name)
elif graph.node[name].get('comp') == 'outvar':
sub = OutVarSystem(scope, graph, name)
elif graph.node[name].get('comp') == 'dumbvar':
sub = VarSystem(scope, graph, name)
raise RuntimeError("don't know how to create a System for '%s'" % name)
def get_all_local_vars(self):
"""Return the set of all variables in this Assembly and any
of its children that are local to the current MPI process.
all_locs = set()
for s in [self._system] + list(self._system.local_subsystems(recurse=True)):
if isinstance(s, SimpleSystem):
obj = self.get(
if has_interface(obj, IAssembly):
all_locs.update(['.'.join([, n])
for n in obj.get_all_local_vars()])
elif has_interface(obj, IComponent):
lvars = ['.'.join([, n])
for n in obj.list_inputs() +
for i, v in enumerate(lvars):
if v in s.distrib_idxs:
lvars[i] = (v,) # wrap in tuple to indicate its a distrib var
elif isinstance(s, ParamSystem):
return all_locs