Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
print(" -> " + ogr.GetDriver(iDriver).GetName())
return False
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#/* Try opening the output datasource as an existing, writable */
#/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
poODS = None
poDriver = None
if bUpdate:
poODS = ogr.Open(pszDestDataSource, True)
if poODS is None:
if bOverwrite or bAppend:
poODS = ogr.Open(pszDestDataSource, False)
if poODS is None:
# /* ok the datasource doesn't exist at all */
bUpdate = False
poODS = None
if bUpdate:
print("FAILURE:\n" +
"Unable to open existing output datasource `%s'." % pszDestDataSource)
return False
elif len(papszDSCO) > 0:
print("WARNING: Datasource creation options ignored since an existing datasource\n" + \
" being updated.")
gt = sourceImage.GetGeoTransform() # captures origin and pixel size
print('Origin:', (gt[0], gt[3]))
print('Pixel size:', (gt[1], gt[5]))
left = gdal.ApplyGeoTransform(gt,0,0)[0]
top = gdal.ApplyGeoTransform(gt,0,0)[1]
right = gdal.ApplyGeoTransform(gt,sourceImage.RasterXSize,sourceImage.RasterYSize)[0]
bottom = gdal.ApplyGeoTransform(gt,sourceImage.RasterXSize,sourceImage.RasterYSize)[1]
model = {}
model['corners'] = [left, top, right, bottom]
model['project_model'] = gt
model['scale'] = scale
ds = ogr.Open(args.input_osm)
layer = ds.GetLayerByIndex(3)
nameList = []
building_list = []
for feature in layer:
if feature.GetField("building") != None: # only buildings
flag = True
name = feature.GetField("name")
geom = feature.GetGeometryRef()
g = geom.GetGeometryRef(0)
for shape_idx in range(g.GetGeometryCount()):
polygon = g.GetGeometryRef(shape_idx)
for i in range(0, polygon.GetPointCount()):
pt = polygon.GetPoint(i)
def __init__(self, name, writable = 0, lockfile = 0,
dsn = None, layer = None, attribute_cols = '', **args):
DataSource.__init__(self, name, **args)
if int(writable) and lockfile:
self.lock = Lock(lockfile)
self.lock = None
self.ds = ogr.Open( dsn, int(writable) )
if layer:
self.layer = self.ds.GetLayerByName(layer)
self.layer = self.ds.GetLayer(0)
self.defn = self.layer.GetLayerDefn()
self.fields = [self.defn.GetFieldDefn(i)
for i in range(self.defn.GetFieldCount())]
if attribute_cols:
self.attribute_cols = [x.lower() for x in attribute_cols.split(',')]
self.attribute_cols = None
if cellsize == None:
print 'cell-size (-c) is not specified'
''' delete existing files '''
if os.path.isdir('mask'):
if not inputfile == None:
fileext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputfile))[1]
if fileext == '.shp':
'''ds openen als shape-file'''
file_att = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputfile))[0]
ds = ogr.Open(inputfile)
'''read extent'''
lyr = ds.GetLayerByName(file_att)
extent = lyr.GetExtent()
extent_in = [extent[0],extent[2],extent[1],extent[3]]
spatialref = lyr.GetSpatialRef()
if not spatialref == None:
srs = osr.SpatialReference()
proj = spatialref.GetUTMZone()
Projection = True
zone = str(abs(proj))
if str(proj)[0] == '-':
hemisphere = 'S'
else: hemisphere = 'N'
geodatum = 'UTM' + zone + hemisphere
if proj == 0:
def newMetadata(f):
wdpaid = f.replace('.shp','')
out = NewProtectedArea()
out.source = "IUCN and UNEP"
out.type = "Protected Area"
out.location = "/ftp/pa/shp/%s.shp" % wdpaid
out.format = "Esri Shapefile"
out.geoFormat = "vector"
out.geoType = "multipolygon"
out.newVariable('wdpaid', wdpaid)
ds = ogr.Open ( f )
lyr = ds.GetLayerByName( wdpaid )
feat_def = lyr.GetLayerDefn()
name, country, category, designation, govn_type, marine = None, None, None, None, None, None
for feat in lyr:
if name is None:
name = feat.GetField('NAME_ENG')
if country is None:
country = feat.GetField('COUNTRY')
if category is None:
category = feat.GetField('IUCNCAT')
if designation is None:
designation = feat.GetField('DESIG_ENG')
if govn_type is None:
govn_type = feat.GetField('GOVN_TYPE')
if marine is None:
v = Processing.getObject(point)
cr1 =
cr2 =
if cr1!=cr2:
raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Make sure Point and Raster layer have the same projection")
# Use GDAL to open the raster
raster = gdal.Open(str(inputFilename))
nodata = lcs.f_returnNoDataValue(str(inputFilename)) # Get Nodata-value
geotransform = raster.GetGeoTransform() # Get geotransform
rproj = raster.GetProjection()
classes, array = lcs.f_landcover(str(inputFilename)) # Get array from band 1
raster = None # close gdal
# Vector loading
ds = ogr.Open(point)
lyr = ds.GetLayer()
res = []
for feat in lyr:
geom = feat.GetGeometryRef()
mx,my= geom.GetX(), geom.GetY() #coord in map units
pp = self.mapToPixel(geotransform, mx,my)
x = int(pp[0])
y = int(pp[1])
if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= array.shape[1] or y >= array.shape[0]:
raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Point could not be queried or outside raster")
res.append((feat.GetFID(),array[y, x]))
Uses OGR's ESRI Shapefile driver to read records from the file.
path : str
File path to the dBase/xBase file.
df : pandas.DataFrame
import ogr
# Open the file and collect information on fields.
dbf = ogr.Open(path)
table = dbf.GetLayer()
header = table.GetLayerDefn()
ncolumns = header.GetFieldCount()
column_names = [header.GetFieldDefn(i).GetName() for i in range(ncolumns)]
column_types = [header.GetFieldDefn(i).GetType() for i in range(ncolumns)]
def read(row, i):
"""Return i-th field of a record."""
# For performance, use the appropriate field type function.
fld_type = column_types[i]
if fld_type == ogr.OFTInteger:
return row.GetFieldAsInteger(i)
elif fld_type == ogr.OFTReal:
return row.GetFieldAsDouble(i)
elif fld_type == ogr.OFTStringList:
return row.GetFieldAsStringList(i)
elif layer_name is None:
layer_name = arg
i = i + 1
if outfile is None:
# Open the datasource to operate on.
in_ds = ogr.Open( infile, update = 0 )
if layer_name is not None:
in_layer = in_ds.GetLayerByName( layer_name )
in_layer = in_ds.GetLayer( 0 )
in_defn = in_layer.GetLayerDefn()
# Create output file with similar information.
shp_driver = ogr.GetDriverByName( 'ESRI Shapefile' )
shp_driver.DeleteDataSource( outfile )
shp_ds = shp_driver.CreateDataSource( outfile )
'other_relations' - 4: "relation" features that do not belong to the above 2 layers
Note that this function can require fairly high amount of physical memory to read large files e.g. > 200MB
path_to_osm_pbf = cd("test_read_GeoFabrik\\rutland-latest.osm.pbf")
chunks_no = 50
parsed = True
fmt_other_tags = True
fmt_single_geom = True
fmt_multi_geom = True
parse_osm_pbf(path_to_osm_pbf, chunks_no, parsed, fmt_other_tags, fmt_single_geom, fmt_multi_geom)
raw_osm_pbf = ogr.Open(path_to_osm_pbf)
# Grab available layers in file: points, lines, multilinestrings, multipolygons, & other_relations
layer_names, all_layer_data = [], []
# Parse the data feature by feature
layer_count = raw_osm_pbf.GetLayerCount()
# Loop through all available layers
for i in range(layer_count):
# Get the data and name of the i-th layer
layer = raw_osm_pbf.GetLayerByIndex(i)
layer_name = layer.GetName()
if chunks_no:
features = [feature for _, feature in enumerate(layer)]
# chunks_no = file_size_in_mb / file_size_limit; chunk_size = len(features) / chunks_no
def __init__(self, source_file):
self._ds = ogr.Open(source_file)
self._targetGeomColSRID = -1
self._geomType = ''
self._dbSession = STDMDb.instance().session
self._mapped_cls = None
self._mapped_doc_cls = None
self._current_profile = current_profile()
self._source_doc_manager = None