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def increment1(value):
return value + 1
def resdec(f):
if not numbaexists:
return f
return jit(f)
return resdec
@numba.jit(UniTuple(f8[:, :], 3)(f8[:, :], f8[:], f8[:]), nopython=True, nogil=True)
def positions_vector(position, orientation, radius_ts):
"""Center and shoulder positions"""
x = np.cos(orientation)
y = np.sin(orientation)
t = np.stack((y, -x), axis=1)
offset = t * radius_ts
position_ls = position - offset
position_rs = position + offset
return position, position_ls, position_rs
@jit(u4(u4[:, :]), nopython=True, cache=True)
def true_num_ops(exponent_matrix):
without counting additions (just MUL & POW) and but WITH considering the coefficients (1 MUL per monomial)
num_ops = 0
for monomial_nr in range(exponent_matrix.shape[0]):
for dim in range(exponent_matrix.shape[1]):
exp = exponent_matrix[monomial_nr, dim]
if exp > 0:
# per scalar factor 1 MUL operation is required
num_ops += 1
if exp >= 2:
# for scalar factors with exponent >= 2 additionally 1 POW operation is required
num_ops += 1
return num_ops
@jit(float64(float64, float64),nopython=True)
def gb(X,Y):
return Godunov.NumFlux(Burg,X,Y)
def i_will_win(state, last_move, player):
""" Return true if I will win next step if the opponent don't have 4-in-a-row.
Winning Conditions:
1. 5 in a row.
2. 4 in a row with both end open. (free 4)
3. 4 in a row with one missing stone x 2 (hard 4 x 2)
r, c = last_move
# try all 4 directions, the other 4 is equivalent
directions = [(1,1), (1,0), (0,1), (1,-1)]
n_hard_4 = 0 # number of hard 4s found
for dr, dc in directions:
line_length = 1 # last_move
# try to extend in the positive direction (max 4 times)
ext_r = r
ext_c = c
def func2(dx, dy, boundary_x, boundary_y, r, alfa, nearest, w, k, height, width, sizeX, sizeY, p, stringSize):
mapp = np.zeros((sizeX*sizeY*p), np.float32)
for i in xrange(sizeY):
for j in xrange(sizeX):
for ii in xrange(k):
for jj in xrange(k):
if((i * k + ii > 0) and (i * k + ii < height - 1) and (j * k + jj > 0) and (j * k + jj < width - 1)):
mapp[i*stringSize + j*p + alfa[k*i+ii,j*k+jj,0]] += r[k*i+ii,j*k+jj] * w[ii,0] * w[jj,0]
mapp[i*stringSize + j*p + alfa[k*i+ii,j*k+jj,1] + NUM_SECTOR] += r[k*i+ii,j*k+jj] * w[ii,0] * w[jj,0]
if((i + nearest[ii] >= 0) and (i + nearest[ii] <= sizeY - 1)):
mapp[(i+nearest[ii])*stringSize + j*p + alfa[k*i+ii,j*k+jj,0]] += r[k*i+ii,j*k+jj] * w[ii,1] * w[jj,0]
mapp[(i+nearest[ii])*stringSize + j*p + alfa[k*i+ii,j*k+jj,1] + NUM_SECTOR] += r[k*i+ii,j*k+jj] * w[ii,1] * w[jj,0]
if((j + nearest[jj] >= 0) and (j + nearest[jj] <= sizeX - 1)):
mapp[i*stringSize + (j+nearest[jj])*p + alfa[k*i+ii,j*k+jj,0]] += r[k*i+ii,j*k+jj] * w[ii,0] * w[jj,1]
mapp[i*stringSize + (j+nearest[jj])*p + alfa[k*i+ii,j*k+jj,1] + NUM_SECTOR] += r[k*i+ii,j*k+jj] * w[ii,0] * w[jj,1]
if((i + nearest[ii] >= 0) and (i + nearest[ii] <= sizeY - 1) and (j + nearest[jj] >= 0) and (j + nearest[jj] <= sizeX - 1)):
def fused_compute_statistics(overlaps,
gt_num = 0
dt_num = 0
def pressure_solve(p, div, b, notb, dx):
p[notb] = 0
bound = 0.0 + b[0:-2,1:-1] + b[2:,1:-1] + b[1:-1,0:-2] + b[1:-1,2:]
for i in range(50):
p[1:-1,1:-1] = 1 / 4 * (p[1:-1,1:-1] * bound
+ p[0:-2,1:-1] * notb[0:-2,1:-1]
+ p[2:,1:-1] * notb[2:,1:-1]
+ p[1:-1,0:-2] * notb[1:-1,0:-2]
+ p[1:-1,2:] * notb[1:-1,2:]
- dx[0] * dx[1] * div[1:-1,1:-1])
return p
def calculate(x, y): # Self explanatory
complex_value = complex(x, y)
z = 0
for i in range(128): # TODO: Change from hardcoded value
z = z**2 + complex_value
if z.real >= 2 or z.real <= -2:
return i + 1
return -1