How to use the nitpick.constants.PROJECT_NAME function in nitpick

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few nitpick examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github andreoliwa / nitpick / tests / View on Github external
def __init__(self, pytest_request: FixtureRequest, **kwargs) -> None:
        """Create the root dir and make it the current dir (needed by NitpickChecker)."""
        subdir = "/".join(pytest_request.module.__name__.split(".")[1:])
        caller_function_name =
        self.root_dir = TEMP_ROOT_PATH / subdir / caller_function_name  # type: Path

        # To make debugging of mock projects easy, each test should not reuse another test directory.
        self.cache_dir = self.root_dir / CACHE_DIR_NAME / PROJECT_NAME
        self.files_to_lint = []  # type: List[Path]

        if kwargs.get("setup_py", True):
            self.save_file("", "x = 1")
github andreoliwa / nitpick / src / nitpick / View on Github external
return []
        LOGGER.debug("Nitpicking file: %s", self.filename)

        yield from itertools.chain(app.config.merge_styles(), self.check_files(True), self.check_files(False))

        has_errors = False
        for err in app.style_errors:
            has_errors = True
            yield NitpickApp.as_flake8_warning(err)
        if has_errors:
            return []

        # Get all root keys from the style TOML.
        for path, config_dict in app.config.style_dict.items():
            # All except "nitpick" are file names.
            if path == PROJECT_NAME:

            # For each file name, find the plugin that can handle the file.
            tags = identify.tags_from_filename(path)
            for base_file in app.plugin_manager.hook.handle_config_file(  # pylint: disable=no-member
                config=config_dict, file_name=path, tags=tags
                yield from base_file.check_exists()

        return []
github andreoliwa / nitpick / src / nitpick / View on Github external
def clear_cache_dir(self) -> Path:
        """Clear the cache directory (on the project root or on the current directory)."""
        cache_root = self.root_dir / CACHE_DIR_NAME  # type: Path
        cache_dir = cache_root / PROJECT_NAME
        rmtree(str(cache_dir), ignore_errors=True)
        return cache_dir
github andreoliwa / nitpick / src / nitpick / plugins / View on Github external
The hook specifications and the plugin classes are still experimental and considered as an internal API.
    They might change at any time; use at your own risk.
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Set, Type

import pluggy

from nitpick.constants import PROJECT_NAME
from nitpick.typedefs import JsonDict

    from nitpick.plugins.base import NitpickPlugin

hookspec = pluggy.HookspecMarker(PROJECT_NAME)
hookimpl = pluggy.HookimplMarker(PROJECT_NAME)

def plugin_class() -> Type["NitpickPlugin"]:
    """You should return your plugin class here."""

def handle_config_file(  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    config: JsonDict, file_name: str, tags: Set[str]
) -> Optional["NitpickPlugin"]:
    """You should return a valid :py:class:`nitpick.plugins.base.NitpickPlugin` instance or ``None``.
github andreoliwa / nitpick / src / nitpick / plugins / View on Github external
The hook specifications and the plugin classes are still experimental and considered as an internal API.
    They might change at any time; use at your own risk.
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Set, Type

import pluggy

from nitpick.constants import PROJECT_NAME
from nitpick.typedefs import JsonDict

    from nitpick.plugins.base import NitpickPlugin

hookspec = pluggy.HookspecMarker(PROJECT_NAME)
hookimpl = pluggy.HookimplMarker(PROJECT_NAME)

def plugin_class() -> Type["NitpickPlugin"]:
    """You should return your plugin class here."""

def handle_config_file(  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    config: JsonDict, file_name: str, tags: Set[str]
) -> Optional["NitpickPlugin"]:
    """You should return a valid :py:class:`nitpick.plugins.base.NitpickPlugin` instance or ``None``.
github andreoliwa / nitpick / src / nitpick / View on Github external
def load_plugins() -> PluginManager:
        """Load all defined plugins."""
        plugin_manager = pluggy.PluginManager(PROJECT_NAME)
        return plugin_manager
github andreoliwa / nitpick / src / nitpick / View on Github external
configured_styles = self.tool_nitpick_dict.get("style", "")  # type: StrOrList
        style = Style()

        self.style_dict = style.merge_toml_dict()
        if not NitpickApp.current().style_errors:
            # Don't show duplicated errors: if there are style errors already, don't validate the merged style.
            style.validate_style(MERGED_STYLE_TOML, self.style_dict)

        from nitpick.flake8 import NitpickExtension  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

        minimum_version = search_dict(NITPICK_MINIMUM_VERSION_JMEX, self.style_dict, None)
        if minimum_version and version_to_tuple(NitpickExtension.version) < version_to_tuple(minimum_version):
            yield self.flake8_error(
                "The style file you're using requires {}>={}".format(PROJECT_NAME, minimum_version)
                + " (you have {}). Please upgrade".format(NitpickExtension.version),

        self.nitpick_section = self.style_dict.get("nitpick", {})
        self.nitpick_files_section = self.nitpick_section.get("files", {})
github andreoliwa / nitpick / src / nitpick / View on Github external
def validate_style(self, style_file_name: str, original_data: JsonDict):
        """Validate a style file (TOML) against a Marshmallow schema."""
        style_errors = self._dynamic_schema_class().validate(original_data)

        if style_errors:
            has_nitpick_jsonfile_section = style_errors.get(PROJECT_NAME, {}).pop("JSONFile", None)
            if has_nitpick_jsonfile_section:
                    "The [nitpick.JSONFile] section is not needed anymore; just declare your JSON files directly",
                if not style_errors[PROJECT_NAME]:

        if style_errors:
                style_file_name, "Invalid config:", flatten_marshmallow_errors(style_errors)
github andreoliwa / nitpick / src / nitpick / View on Github external
from nitpick import __version__
from import NitpickApp
from nitpick.constants import PROJECT_NAME
from nitpick.mixin import NitpickMixin
from nitpick.typedefs import YieldFlake8Error

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class NitpickExtension(NitpickMixin):
    """Main class for the flake8 extension."""

    # Plugin config
    name = PROJECT_NAME
    version = __version__

    # NitpickMixin
    error_base_number = 100

    # Plugin arguments passed by Flake8
    tree = attr.ib(default=None)
    filename = attr.ib(default="(none)")

    def run(self) -> YieldFlake8Error:
        """Run the check plugin."""
        has_errors = False
        app = NitpickApp.current()
        for err in app.init_errors:
            has_errors = True
            yield NitpickApp.as_flake8_warning(err)
github andreoliwa / nitpick / src / nitpick / View on Github external
def validate_style(self, style_file_name: str, original_data: JsonDict):
        """Validate a style file (TOML) against a Marshmallow schema."""
        style_errors = self._dynamic_schema_class().validate(original_data)

        if style_errors:
            has_nitpick_jsonfile_section = style_errors.get(PROJECT_NAME, {}).pop("JSONFile", None)
            if has_nitpick_jsonfile_section:
                    "The [nitpick.JSONFile] section is not needed anymore; just declare your JSON files directly",
                if not style_errors[PROJECT_NAME]:

        if style_errors:
                style_file_name, "Invalid config:", flatten_marshmallow_errors(style_errors)