How to use the ndlib.ndtype.READONLY_FALSE function in ndlib

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github neurodata / ndstore / webservices / View on Github external
(token, channel_list, value_list) = re.match("(\w+)/([\w+,]+)/setPropagate/([\d+,]+)/$", webargs).groups()
  except Exception as e:
    logger.error("Illegal setPropagate request. Wrong format {}. {}".format(webargs, e))
    raise NDWSError("Illegal setPropagate request. Wrong format {}. {}".format(webargs, e))
  # pattern for using contexts to close databases. get the project
  proj = NDProject.fromTokenName(token)
  for channel_name in channel_list.split(','):
    ch = proj.getChannelObj(channel_name)
    value = value_list[0]
    # If the value is to be set under propagation and the project is not under propagation
    if int(value) == UNDER_PROPAGATION and ch.propagate == NOT_PROPAGATED:
      # and is not read only
      if ch.readonly == READONLY_FALSE:
        ch.propagate = UNDER_PROPAGATION
        from sd.tasks import propagate
        # then call propagate
        propagate(token, channel_name)
        #propagate.delay(token, channel_name)
        logger.error("Cannot Propagate this project. It is set to Read Only.")
        raise NDWSError("Cannot Propagate this project. It is set to Read Only.")
    # if the project is Propagated already you can set it to under propagation
    elif int(value) == UNDER_PROPAGATION and ch.propagate == PROPAGATED:
      logger.error("Cannot propagate a project which is propagated. Set to Not Propagated first.")
      raise NDWSError("Cannot propagate a project which is propagated. Set to Not Propagated first.")
    # If the value to be set is not propagated
    elif int(value) == NOT_PROPAGATED:
      # and the project is under propagation then throw an error
      if ch.propagate == UNDER_PROPAGATION:
github neurodata / ndstore / webservices / View on Github external
except Exception, e:
    logger.error("Missing requred fields.")
    return HttpResponseBadRequest("Missing requred fields.")
  tk = Token.objects.get(token_name=token_name)
  ur = User.objects.get(id=tk.user_id)
  pr = Project.objects.get(project_name=tk.project_id)

    # Iterating over channel list to store channels
    for channel_name in channels:
      # Checking if the channel already exists or not
      if Channel.objects.get(channel_name = channel_name, project = pr.project_name):
        ch = Channel.objects.get(channel_name = channel_name, project = pr.project_name)
        # Checking if channel is readonly or not
        if ch.readonly == READONLY_FALSE:
          # delete channel table using the ndproj interface
          pd = NDProjectsDB().getProjDB(pr)
    return HttpResponse("Success. Channels deleted.")
  except Exception, e:
    logger.error("Error saving models. The channels were not deleted.")
    return HttpResponseBadRequest("Error saving models. The channels were not deleted.")
github neurodata / ndstore / ndproj / View on Github external
def h5ChannelInfo (proj, h5f):
  """Populate the HDF5 file with chanel information"""

  chgrp = h5f.create_group('CHANNELS')

  for ch in proj.projectChannels():

    changrp = chgrp.create_group(ch.channel_name)
    changrp.create_dataset('NAME', (1,), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str), data=ch.channel_name)
    changrp.create_dataset("TYPE", (1,), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str), data=ch.channel_type)
    changrp.create_dataset("DATATYPE", (1,), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str), data=ch.channel_datatype)
    changrp.create_dataset("RESOLUTION", (1,), dtype=np.uint8, data=ch.resolution)
    changrp.create_dataset("READONLY", (1,), dtype=bool, data=(False if ch.readonly == READONLY_FALSE else True))
    changrp.create_dataset("EXCEPTIONS", (1,), dtype=bool, data=(False if ch.exceptions == EXCEPTION_FALSE else True))
    changrp.create_dataset("PROPAGATE", (1,), dtype=np.uint8, data=ch.propagate)
    changrp.create_dataset("DEFAULT", (1,), dtype=bool, data=ch.default)
    changrp.create_dataset("WINDOWRANGE", data=ch.window_range)
    changrp.create_dataset("TIMERANGE", data=ch.time_range)