How to use the nbdev.export2html.notebook2html function in nbdev

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few nbdev examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github fastai / fast_template / _action_files / View on Github external
# Modify the naming process such that destination files get named properly for Jekyll _posts
def _nb2htmlfname(nb_path, dest=None): 
    fname = rename_for_jekyll(nb_path)
    if dest is None: dest = Config().doc_path
    return Path(dest)/fname

for original, new in warnings:
    print(f'{original} has been renamed to {new} to be complaint with Jekyll naming conventions.\n')

# TODO: Open a GitHub Issue When there are any warnings
## apply monkey patch
export2html._nb2htmlfname = _nb2htmlfname

export2html.notebook2html(fname='_notebooks/*.ipynb', dest='_posts/')


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